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Design Thinking Process

Discovery/ Interpretation/ Ideation Experimentation/ Evolution/

Empathy Define Prototype Test

Find deep & Reframe needs Generate Volume & Visualize possible Communicate
meaningful needs & insights into Variety of Ideas solutions by trying with users to gain
through observing actionable problem them out feedback & refine
& engaging statements solutions

■ What needs to ■ Analyze what has ■ Brainstorm ■ Create a prototype of ■ Use feedback and
change & how much? been learned about individually & a service, solution, or observations to
What can change? the problem, where it collaboratively product evolve a solution
■ Who’s involved? How takes place & who is ■ Diverge ■ Converge
do they think & Why? involved ■ Choose constraints & ■ Use different user
What do they want & ■ Use role play & then remove them to groups’ points of view
Need? models enrich ideas to “test drive”
■ Create “(User) needs
a way to (Verb)
because...” statements

Problem finding Problem Solving Solution Testing

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Design Thinking Mindsets
Embrace Ambiguity Empathy Human-Centred
Be okay with not knowing the outcome. Put yourself in the shoes of your user. Your We are most concerned about the human
Trust that you’ll get where you need to go. user can be students, parents, or other user and experience. We think about
educators. people.

Iterate Learn from Failure Mindful of Process

Accept that No solution will be the Failure is an important part of learning. Knowing where you are in the design
answer. Iterating based on user feedback We must fail to learn how to iterate next. process helps you know where you need
keeps us responsive, nimble, and focused. to go next.

Optimism Radical Collaboration Thought to Form

Expect that there will be a good outcome. We are always better together than we Take ideas out of the realm of the brain
When we focus on what could be, rather are apart. Seek out people, both expected and put them in the realm of the hands.
than what stops us, we find more and and unexpected, to collaborate with. Making ideas real reveals much more
better solutions. than theory ever can.

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