1 Crystallography and Mineralogi Part 1

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Crystallography and

GEP 1302


 Mata Kuliah : Kristalografi & Mineralogi
 Kode Mata Kuliah : GEP 1302
 Jumlah Sks :3
 Status : Mata Kuliah Wajib
Overview CV:
 Field Work Study at PT. ANEKA TAMBANG UBPB Kijang Tanjung Pinang
Kepulauan Riau, Bauxite Reserve Estimation at Wacopek and nearest area (Juli-
Oktober, 2000)
 Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant at Geological Laboratory Of
Institute Sains And Technology “AKPRIND” for Christalography and Mineralogy
(August 2005 to July 2007), Basic of Geology Science (August 2006 to July 2004),
Geodetic Lab at 2003
 Geologist : to be Geologist pre survey at PT. DSUC service site Job
Sendangsari, Ngijo, (Wonogiri District); October 2007; mapping, identify and qualify
mineral classification
 Geologist : to be Exploration Geologist CV. Bumi Tala Sejahtera; with job site at
Pelaihari, South Borneo; 2007
 Exploration Geologist at PT. Telaga Indah Mining, Galena Ore. Job site at
Panyumpa, Rantaupulut (Central Kalimantan)
 Due Dilligent/Assesor : to be Exploration Geologist CV. Geomap; with job site at
Pacitan, East Java Province; August 21th until November 23th 2007 with Dinas
ESDM Kabupaten Pacitan (Metallic Mineral Resource Inventories at Pacitan District,
East Java Province)
 Field Work Study at PT. ANEKA TAMBANG UBPB Kijang Tanjung Pinang
Kepulauan Riau, Bauxite Reserve Estimation at Wacopek and nearest area (Juli-
Oktober, 2000)
 Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant at Geological Laboratory Of Institute
Sains And Technology “AKPRIND” for Christalography and Mineralogy (August 2005
to July 2007), Basic of Geology Science (August 2006 to July 2004), Geodetic Lab at
 Geologist : to be Geologist pre survey at PT. DSUC service site Job Sendangsari,
Ngijo, (Wonogiri District); October 2007; mapping, identify and qualify mineral
 Geologist : to be Exploration Geologist CV. Bumi Tala Sejahtera; with job site at
Pelaihari, South Borneo; 2007
 Exploration Geologist at PT. Telaga Indah Mining, Galena Ore. Job site at
Panyumpa, Rantaupulut (Central Kalimantan)
 Due Dilligent/Assesor : to be Exploration Geologist CV. Geomap; with job site at
Pacitan, East Java Province; August 21th until November 23th 2007 with Dinas
ESDM Kabupaten Pacitan (Metallic Mineral Resource Inventories at Pacitan District,
East Java Province)
 Project Coordinator for Estimation of Iron sand resource using geomagnetic and
sounding method at Bireun District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province at
PT.Ganesha Indojaya (November, 2011)
 M.Eng (geological engineering, UGM, tahun 2015)
Kontrak Perkuliahan
 Kuliah dilaksanakan dalam 1 kali pertemuan tiap minggu selama
lebih kurang 100 menit tiap pertemuan
 Jumlah pertemuan minimal 14 kali sesuai kalender akademik, tetapi
dapat berubah menyesuaikan kegiatan institut
 Apabila perkuliahan jatuh pada hari libur (hari besar dan libur
nasional) maka akan diganti hari lain. Jadwal pengganti akan
dilaksanakan 1 minggu menjelang akhir semester
 Mahasiswa wajib hadir minimal 75% dari jumlah tatap muka kuliah
 Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen
 Nilai Akhir terdiri dari (1) presensi (kehadiran), (2) tugas, (3) ujian
tengah semester dan (4) ujian akhir semester
 Tidak ada ujian susulan untuk ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir
semester. Jadwal ujian ditetapkan oleh Biro Administrasi Akademik
 Perkuliahan dengan G.Meet, Zoom, Platform LMS, Presensi dengan
Lms dan presensi mandiri.
Penilaian Kuliah berdasarkan
9 Level Penilaian
Batasan Nilai Nilai Predikat
80-100 A Sangat baik
75-79,99 A- Baik
70-74,99 B+ Baik
65-69,99 B Baik
60-64,99 B- Cukup
55-59,99 C+ Cukup
50-54,99 C Cukup
40-49.9 D Kurang
1-39.9/Tidak ujian E Gagal
Rencana pembelajaran
1. Introduction to Crystallography dan kontrak kuliah
2. Keteraturan dan Struktur Kristal
3. Indeks Miler, notasi arah dan bidangkristal
4. Sistem Kristal
5. Notasi Herman Mauguin dan Scoenflish
6. Pendahuluan Mineralogy
7. Sifat Fisik Mineral (Physical Properties of Mineral)
9. Mineral Silikat
10. Native element dan Sulfida
11. Mineral Lempung (Clay mineral)
12. Mineral Oksida dan Hidroksida
13. Mineral Karbonat
14. Mineral Fosfat
15. Mineral Tungstates, Molybdates,Borates
Kristalografi adalah ilmu yang mengkaji kristal
yang meliputi pertumbuhan, bangun, sifat fisik
dan klasifikasi berdasarkan bentuknya.

Dibagi menjadi 3 bagian: geometri, fisik, dan

suatu benda padat yang terkemas secara teratur dan polanya (atom
atau molekul) berulang (melebar) secara tiga dimensi
1 321 RL, 2005, Rocks and Gems, the definitive guide to rocks,
minerals, gems and fossils, DK Publishing, New YorkUSA, 360p.
2 Chang R., 1998, Chemistry, sixth edisions, WCB McGraw Hill, New
York USA, 993p
3 Jensen ML & Bateman AM, 1981, Economic Mineral Deposits, John
Willey and SonsInc., New York USA, 589p.
4 Klein C. & Hulburt CS., 1993, Manual of Mineralogy, Jhon Willey and
Sons Inc., New York USA, 681p.
5 Klein C., 1989, Minerals and Rocks : Exercises in Crystallography,
Mineralogy and Hand-Specimen Petrology, John Willey and Sons
Inc., New YorkUSA, 402p.
6 Philips WJ & Philips N, 1980, An Introduction to Mineralogy for
Geologists, John Willey and Sons Inc., New York USA, 352p.
7 Rose A.W., Hawkes H.E & Webb J.S., 1979, Geochemistry in Mineral
Exploration, Academic Press, London, UK.

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