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Hanna Mignano

Interpreting Practicum Fall 2021


Professional Development

1 hr. 30 min.

CATIE Self-Care for Interpreters

Similar to the previous lecture I participated in by Sorenson Synergy, this webinar was put on

by CATIE and discussed the importance of self-care as interpreters. Dr. Ayo Gooden covered a wide

array of strategies to diagnose certain stressors and issues that may be preventing someone from

achieving their highest potential. She suggested regular self-analysis and making better choices, to

name a few. We also discussed how upbringing and environment all play their part in our early lives to

making us who we are today, and especially how we view ourselves and our place in society. She

talked about different kinds of stress—real or imagined, and ways in which we can vent out emotions

into positive outlets. Certain life occurences, especially since COVID, can bring about negative

consequences and effect our mental health such as loss of job or health. The importance of being able

to assess one's strengths to create your own opportunities is vital to this process. Dr. Gooden also went

over the importance of eating healthy, exercising regularly , and how certain physical symptoms pop up

when we neglect these areas of our lives (headaches, weight gain, digestive issues, etc.) I also

appreciated that she used African spirituality as a model of self-improvement . Regardless of the extent

to which we adhere to that specific religion, I could still relate to the process and respect the help it

provides to so many people. This lecture was a great reminder for me not to neglect myself for the

sake of others', in the long run it is not beneficial to me or anyone in my life. It has been a long road to

come to these realizations and the process of getting my Associates at Delgado has been a humbling

reminder of the importance of taking care of myself.

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