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Hanna Mignano

Interpreting Practicum Fall 2021


Professional Development

1 hr.

Street Leverage: Deaf Disempowerment and Today's Interpreter

This lecture by Trudy Suggs was a very informative analysis of interpreting and how

interpreters can situationally (whether conscious or not) influence the outcome of the interpreted

situation in a way that may hinder the deaf consumer. This is a very important angle of interpreting

that must be addressed whenever possible, especially to novice interpreters and anyone new to the deaf

world. From a technical standpoint, I admittedly struggled to keep up with Trudy's signing speed. But it

was a much needed challenge. Her role shifting was very pronounced , especially while telling the story

about the receptionist dismissing her requests (receptionist typing on computer ). I also noticed her use

of indexing and pronominalization with her non dominant hand, and that she would occasionally drop

certain signs in favor of simply mouthing them i.e. “HOW MANY”, sign “MANY” and mouth “how”.

On the topic of the lecture, Trudy made some excellent points about accidental disempowerment of

deaf consumers , whether it be situational and/or economic. Both of which can be detrimental to the

lives of a deaf consumer and interpreters should strive to be conscious of how they might negatively

effect a situation. It is important to ensure communication access, not disempowerment. She also

explained the concept of 'deaf economics'; to empower each other by working together and supporting

each other. Also to refuse to control situations , and to defer to deaf people and deaf businesses ; in

short, to be an ally.

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