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Define Personal Safety Protocol, Dehydration, Overexertion, Hypo and Hyperthermia

● Personal Safety Protocol is an individual’s ability to go about their everyday life free from threat or fear of psychological,
emotional or physical harm from others or general recognition and avoidance of possible harmful situations or persons in
your surroundings.

● Dehydration happens when there’s more fluid going out our body than entering it, signs of dehydration cause headaches,
lethargy and constipation, sometimes lack of focus for me. Our body is mostly made out of water so without it we cannot
function properly. Symptoms of dehydration in adults include thirst, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness and confusion. In
children, dehydration can also manifest as crying without tears, no wet diapers in three hours or longer, a sunken look to
their abdomen or facial features, listlessness and irritability.

● Overexertion occurs when you push your body beyond its limits and often results with pain or other injuries. Even walking
can lead to a workplace injury if you do it for so long.

● Hypothermia is commonly caused by extreme cold areas where our body temperature is not balanced anymore resulting
in confusion and sometimes losing consciousness.

● Hyperthermia is the opposite of hypothermia. If in hypothermia we are talking about the dropping of our body temperature
in hyperthermia is caused by extreme heat where our body temperature gets overwhelmed by the outside factors like
during summer where common diseases occur like dehydration and heat stroke.

Enumerate Personal Safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo and hyperthermia during MVPA
● To avoid this kind of uncertainty for dehydration we should always drink plenty of water . In the food pyramid,
people my age should drink 8 glasses of water a day to prevent this kind of situation, and also always take a
break if needed to. In overexertion, stretching or warming up is a must to avoid any body injuries during the
activity, avoiding bending, reaching and twisting when lifting and you should ask a friend when lifting because
there are some things that we can’t deal with on our own or just depending on the strength we have.
Hypothermia and Hyperthermia, you should dress up according to the temperature that day to avoid hypo and
hyperthermia, maintaining correct heating and ventilation in your home especially at day and night because this
is when it mostly occurs especially to those elderlies and babies who are easily affected by sudden temperature
change. Checking the weather before going out is a must and lastly eating enough and healthy foods daily
would help your body to recover and make your body grow even more stronger.

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