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NCM 112 RLE Virtual Duty

SURGICAL Rotation Week 1

Name: Howard S. Langeras Block: 3-NC Date: 10/25/21

Clinical Instructor: Ma’am Jesusa Gabule Area of Duty: Surgical Field

Learning Feedback Diary (Day 1)

Context – For the first day we had an orientation on 8:00 am in the morning for our first

surgical rotation, as we conducted the orientation we were instructed and briefed with

our individual and group requirements that will be conducted all throughout our rotation.

The main part of our first day of duty is the getting-know-to-know-you part and

orientation regarding the surgical ward duty as a whole. Ma’am Gabule then instructs us

with the rules and regulations for the rotation and briefed us with the do’s and don’t and

the typical stuff that is to be maintained and observed while conducting virtual classes.

As we finished the class with a smile on our faces, the group then conducted a meeting

as our leader disseminates out parts for the group work.

Experience – The individual and group requirements for each week is discussed and

was given to us for early planning and avoid limitation in time and cramming. Overall,

the flow of the meeting went well and I can say that it went better from expected. We

were comfortable and was bringing up the best of ourselves as we embrace on this new


Reflection - It is still sad and disappointing that we cannot go to the actual hospital

setting to conduct our surgical ward duty rotation but we have no choice but to adopt

and adjust with the new normal setting and policies. After our google meet session with

Ma’am Gabule, we were able to prepare ourselves and assigned specific tasks to
specific persons for the completion of our group requirements to submitted and

processed during our next goggle meet session.

Action - We come up with a timeline of activity with different dates and what we need to

pass or submit on that week given. For the first week we need to submit and make

general requirements such as GO, SO, DPA, and CERAE. Along with that is to do our

following assigned tasks It is challenging because of some gap in making it due to

limited communication within the group.

Evaluation – Overall, the first day of duty is well organized and good. We were able to

attain our goals and make the needed general requirements for this surgical ward

rotation. I finished the required tasks needed both individually and by group. So far, it is

not exhausting as the actual hospital duty but I still want to experience the actual

hospital duty in our supposed assigned hospital.

Learning Feedback Diary (Day 2)

Context – For the second day we had our meeting/role play as we continue on doing a

mock actual duty in the hospital setting. At 9:00 am in the morning we had our meeting

as each of us took turns asking our questions for the checklist in assessing the overall

condition of the patient. With that we already finished our group works and we already

passed our output before the meeting was conducted.

Experience - For the second day of duty it was embarrassing because I was not able to

have enough time to conduct my questions because we have a class after our meeting,

instead I go through my checklist as quick as I can so we can catch up with the next

class. Overall, the experience was great and we had so much fun and laughs as we

continue on with our virtual meeting.

Reflection - Following our Google Meet session with Ma'am Gabule, we were able to

prepare ourselves as we have assigned specific tasks to certain people in order to

complete our group's requirements, which we will submit and process during the Google

Meet session. Although we are still disappointed that we are unable to complete our

surgical ward duty rotation in a hospital setting, we have no choice but to accept and

conform to the new normal setting and norms.

Action – We continue on with our class with ease and we had a great experience and

the meeting was conducted successfully with no setbacks whatsoever. The individual

and group requirements for each week is discussed and was given to us was performed

well and was submitted on time.

Evaluation - We were successful in achieving our objectives and meeting the overall

standards for this surgical ward rotation. I completed all of the required assignments,

both alone and in groups. Although it hasn't been as strenuous as actual hospital duty,

I'm curious to see how things are in our purportedly assigned hospital. Overall, the week

was well-organized and productive. For this surgical ward rotation, we were successful

in reaching our goals and fulfilling the overall requirements.

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