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Thermal Engineering Thesis




Mengistie, Awoke
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Awoke Mengistie

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

June, 2018

Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

School Of research and graduate Studies

Thesis Approval Sheet


Name: Awoke Mengistie Date: June 20, 2018 Signature: _______________

The following graduate faculty members certify that students has successfully presented the
necessary written final thesis and oral presentation for partial fulfillment of the thesis
requirements for the degree of master of science in production Engineering and Management.

___________________ _______________ _____________

Faculty Dean Signature Date

___________________ _______________ _____________

Chair holder Signature Date


I, the under signed, declare that the paper comprises my own work. I have referred all materials
used in this work. I understand that non disobedience to the principle of academic honesty and
integrity misrepresentation of any idea (data) source will constitute sufficient ground for
disciplinary action by the university and can also evoke penal action from the sources which
have not been properly cited or acknowledged.



Awoke Mengistie


Date June, 04, 2018


I would like to express my appreciation to all those people who have contributed to make this
work. I am grateful to Havinnal (Ph.D.), my thesis advisor for all your guidance, encouragement,
support and time for me to finish this thesis. I would like to thank Bahir dar institute of
technology, faculty of Mechanical and industrial engineering, for the provision of a good status
facility and countless supports during my study. I would like to give acknowledge to Amhara
pipe Factory for allowing me to manufacture the products and the support of lab equipment.

Especial thanks, to Jibiril Ahimed (MSC), Quality Manager of Amhara pipe factory,
Alebachewu Belay Production Manager of the Factory, Abebawu Mulat a teacher of Bahir Dar
University under Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Mulugeta Merisha work process of
KIAZEN and ISO Manager of the Factory and for those kind technical help during my
laboratory work. I would like also to extend my thanks to APF Quality member of Amhara
Plastic Pipe Factory, for his willingness to facilitate accessories for conducting of my sample


This study is carried to study the types of defects in Plastic Extrusion and Optimization
Process Parameters of in UPVC Pipe Manufacturing at Amhara Pipe Factory. The research
started by finding the root causes for the occurrence of defects by ‘causes and effect analysis’,
frequency of defects by using pareto analysis to improve the quality of product by the
optimization of plastic pipe manufacturing process by selecting the most important parameter.
The findings of product resistance are also validated by using Hydrostatic pressure
Machine experimentally, Taguchi experimental design Method and full factorial analysis. The
orthogonal array, main effect of signal-to-noise ratio and the analysis of variance are employed
to study the performance characteristics on extrusion process. In this analysis, three factors
namely ‘feed speed’, ‘core temperature’ and ‘mixing temperature’ were selected by using
PARETO analysis. According to this analysis, burn surface, crack and uneven wall thickness are
the priory types of defects.
This study is specifically designed for the optimization in the current process. The
experiment was analyzed using commercial Minitab17software, interpretation has been made,
and optimized factor settings were chosen. So, from the experimental results, core temperature of
165co, feed speed of 16rpm and 110co mixing temperature are the optimal values at which
products have high resistance pressure (35.1Mpa)more than the standard pressure (33.8 MPa).
The result in both analyses of taguchi experimental design and full factorial analysis has the
same response values and also this experiment result is best as compared to the current factory
setting parameters at which the products resistance pressure is 24.1MPa. The scrap rate after
optimization was reduced from 20%-11.36%.
Keywords: Design of Experiments, optimization, Hydrostatic pressure machine, Signal-to- Noise
Ratio, Taguchi Method, full factorial Analysis.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the problem ......................................................................................... 4

1.3 Objective .................................................................................................................. 7

1.3.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................... 7

1.3.2 Specific objective ................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 9

2 LITRERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Design of Experiments(DOE) .................................................................................. 9

2.2 Extrusion Process ................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Raw Materials and Additives ................................................................................. 11

2.3.1 Raw Materials ................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.2 Aditives ............................................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Production Process of UPVC Pipe......................................................................... 19

2.4.1 Mixing............................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Hopper .............................................................................................................................. 20
2.4.3 Extruder ............................................................................................................................ 20
2.4.4 Vacuum Shaping Water Tank for Pipes............................................................................ 21
2.4.5 Water Bath ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.4.6 Haul-off Unit or Puller Machine ....................................................................................... 22
2.4.7 Current Situation and Future Developments..................................................................... 23
2.5 Additional Application of PVC ............................................................................. 25

2.5.1 Electric Cables .................................................................................................................. 25

2.5.2 Flooring............................................................................................................................. 26
2.5.3 Wire Rope ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.5.4 Vinyl Gloves in Medicine ................................................................................................. 26
2.5.5 Clothing ............................................................................................................................ 26

2.6 Thermal Properties of PVC .................................................................................... 27

2.7 Effect of Temperature on Pressure Rating ............................................................. 27

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 28

3 MATHERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................... 28
3.1 Materials ................................................................................................................ 28

3.1.1 Raw Materials ................................................................................................................... 28

3.1.2 Apparatus .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Methods.................................................................................................................. 32

3.2.1 Select the Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Industry ................................................................ 32

3.2.2 Experimental Design......................................................................................................... 32
3.2.3 Identify Quality Problem Product ..................................................................................... 32
3.2.4 Collection of Data ............................................................................................................. 33
3.2.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.6 Identification of Main Function and its side Effects ......................................................... 37
3.2.7 Selecting parameter and their Level ................................................................................. 37
3.2.8 Constructing Taguchi Design, OA .................................................................................... 40
3.2.9 Experiment by Hydrostatic Pressure Machine .................................................................. 41
3.2.10 Full Factorial Analysis ...................................................................................................... 44
3.2.11 Currently the Selecting Setting Process Parameter of a Factory....................................... 45
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 47
4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 47
4.1 Main Effect Plot for Signal-to- Noise Ratio (S/N), and Mean and Analysis of
Variance (ANNOVA) ............................................................................................ 47

4.1.1 Main Effect Plot for S/N Ratio Anaysis ........................................................................... 47

4.1.1 Main Effect Plot for Mean Anaysis .................................................................................. 48
4.1.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ....................................................................................... 49
4.2 Comparison of Full Factorial Analysis with Taguchi Parameter Design .............. 50

4.3 To Compare the Predict the Process Parameters‟, which is Optimized with the
Factory Working Standard ..................................................................................... 51

4.4 Confirmation Experiment ...................................................................................... 51

4.5 Scrap Rate After Optimization Results .................................................................. 52

CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 54

5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................ 54
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 54

5.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................... 55

6 REFERENCE.................................................................................................................... 56
7 APPENDICIES ................................................................................................................. 60

List of Tables

Table 3-1: Types of Raw Materials and its Function .................................................................................. 28

Table 3-2: Types of Instruments and its Function ...................................................................................... 29
Table 3-3: Data collection for the past 2- year of 2016 and 2017 observation for OD 160mm, PN 10
(Quality Contol Daily Report, 2016 and 2017)........................................................................................... 34
Table 3-4: Types of Defect in Percentage ................................................................................................... 36
Table 3-5: Standard of Process Setting Parameter for each control factors (Manual, 2012) ...................... 39
Table 3-6: Process Parameter and their levels for Improving Product ....................................................... 40
Table 3-7: Orthogonal Array (OA) L9 for Taguchi Experimental Design ................................................. 40
Table 3-8: OA with Control Factors ........................................................................................................... 42
Table 3-9: Measured Values of Hydrostatic Pressure Test (MPa) .............................................................. 42
Table 3-10: Full Factorial Analysis Orthogonal Array (OA) L27 .............................................................. 44
Table 3-11: Factory Setting Parameter and its Result of Resistance Pressure ............................................ 46
Table 4-1: Main Effect Plot for S/N Analysis Result ................................................................................. 48
Table 4-2: Response Table for Means ........................................................................................................ 49
Table 4-3: Sum of all Squares of all Deviations ......................................................................................... 50
Table 4-4: Optimum Values of Factors and their Levels ............................................................................ 50
Table 4-5: Confirmation Experiment .......................................................................................................... 52

List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Plan and Actual Scrap Report (Report, 2014-2017/18) ............................................................. 5
Figure 2-1: Flow Diagram for PVC Pipe Production.................................................................................. 19
Figure 2-2: Part of Mixer Machine in the Extrusion Process (Factory A. A., Juanary, 2018) .................... 20
Figure 2-3: Part of Extruder in the Extrusion Process (part, Feburary, 2018) ........................................... 21
Figure 2-4: Vacuum Tank of the line (Coolant for conditioning the product, 2018) .................................. 22
Figure 2-5: Water Bath of the line (Spray of the Machine, 2018) .............................................................. 22
Figure 2-6: Hall off or Puller Machine (Pulling Machine, 2018) ............................................................... 23
Figure 3-1: Hydrostatic Pressure Machine.................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3-2: Cause and Effect Diagram ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3-3: Types of Defect Product (Amhara Pipe Factory, 2018) ........................................................... 34
Figure 3-4: PARETO analysis of Frequency of Defect .............................................................................. 35
Figure 3-5: Factors that affect Process Operation ....................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-6: Setting of Core Temperature .................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-7: Sample with End Cap for Conducting the Experiment ............................................................ 43
Figure 4-1: Main Effects Plot for S/N Ratios ............................................................................................. 47
Figure 4-2: Main Effect plot for Mean Analysis......................................................................................... 48
Figure 4-3: Optimum Parameters Confirmation Results Photographs........................................................ 52

List of Abbreviations

APF Amhara Pipe Factory

OD Outside Diameter

PN Nominal Pressure

OA Orthogonal Array

DOE Design of Experiments

PE Polyethylene

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

TiO2 Titanium Dioxide

UPVC Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride

VCM Vinyl Chloride Monomer

UV Ultra Violate

Rpm Revolution per Minute

PLC Private Limited Company

AWWCE Amhara Water Works Construction Enterprise

HPM Hydrostatic Pressure Machine

LOI Limited Oxygen Index

1.1 Background
Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) is a plastic product which has matchless versatility. It effectively
replaces wood, paper and metal in several applications. As such plastic pipes have been
progressively replacing conventional pipes like Glass industries, Cast Iron, Asbestos Cement or
Stone-ware for a number of important and uses. Among the various types of plastic pipes which
are commonly used for such applications UPVC pipes are the most widely used all over the
world on account of their most favorable balance of properties UPVC pipes are light in weight,
rates for use under pressure, easy to install, low on maintenance cost, and have low frictional
losses. Rigid PVC pipes have wide variety of uses in fields like city/town/rural water supply
scheme, spray irrigation, deep tube well schemes and land drainage schemes. PVC slotted and
corrugated pipes are ideal systems for drainages of water from land where water logging is
inevitable. Totally Effective extrusion process requires that the machine and tool operating in
well conditions. This requires control over the process parameters such as temperature, pressure,
machine speed, and the relative speeds of the auxiliary (Carley, 2007)
Amhra pipe factory is one of industry that produces un-plasticized poly vinyl chloride (UPVC)
pipe product. This Pipe Factory was established as Share Company with the Amhara National
Regional State of Amhara water works construction enterprise (AWWCE) and foreign investors
called Golden Trade Company by the investment capital of Birr 95 Million with a share of 70
and 30 percent respectively on 2002 E.C with an intention to meet the demand of different pipes
of PVC and HDPE as well as the production of Geomembrane lining for the agricultural and
construction sector of the region in particular and the nation in general. The factory is located in
Bahir Dar City the capital of Amhara Region and the first pipe factory in the region. Golden
Trade is an Egypt based company, has an office in Addis Abeba plus the company promote its
self as a Technology Transfer Company specializing in the development and establishment of
joint venture companies to manufacture geosynthetics, with an emphasize on Pipes,
Geomembrane and related products. It does so by looking for market opportunities in countries
around the world. Once set up, it then invests as a joint venture minority partner with
governments and private companies to establish a manufacturing operation to produce the

needed product plus the company will contribute 30% in the form of machinery, installation and
training of staff. So far the company has five such investments, which four are in Ethiopia and
there are two factories in Orormia region; the Oromia pipe factory and the Oromia still pipe mill.
The factory has started production since 2003 E.C and has been under steady growth in terms of
manufacturing capacity since its establishment. This growth is a direct result of continuous effort
being exerted by the company board and factories management and employees.
The factory workers are improving themselves in terms of getting the skill of manufacturing
Capability as well as maintenance of factory machines. Although different efforts were made to
improve the manufacturing capability still there are different challenges that the factory could
not addressed. Among which the managerial skill and experience to manage such huge factory in
terms of supply of raw material; spare part and power availability are still remaining constraint
for our efficiency. Its staffs continue to provide the foundation on which the company can move
forward and it believe that investment on its staff in the form of training and career progression
is paramount to its continuous success, improving quality means among other things, making
less faulty products with the same amount of effort or cost which usually gives a lower unit cost
(Jens J. Dahlgaard, 2007). The factory is also the largest among the very few factories that
produce plastic products in the country plus has prepared budget plan in every year since its
establishment by considering the different National and Regional strategic plans and
development goals especially in irrigation and water supply for different areas as well as its
performance in the past three years. The factory has produced and supplied different ranges of
pipes and Geomembrane sheet with encouraging performance. Thus the factory will pave to the
way in enhancing its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses in the coming years.
The factory will concentrate on the coming year budget to alleviate the limitations and
weaknesses observed on the past budget years and improve its strong points to meet the
requirement of the region agricultural and water sectors by filling the gaps and applying the
technology at hand and work side by side for a common goal. In this regard the factory will work
with intent to satisfy its customers and increase its impact by applying different methodologies
and tools on the working environment and work together with stake holders and different
agencies and organizations (Factory, 2016).

In plastic manufacturing industries produce reasonable amount of waste during production the
scrap plastics are generated from the manufacturing of plastic products and packaging and from
manufactured materials .plastic manufactures are responsible for the generation of these scraps
and wastes and some performance problems are occurring, accordingly the amount of waste
generated by plastic industrial plants becomes an increasingly costly problems for manufacturers
loss of customer confidence on the products and the only solution of those problems are to
analyze and minimize the waste as its source and improve the performance of the products, as a
result this future thesis work is going to focuses strictly to minimize the generation of waste &
improve the performance of the products ,especially by focusing on the Amhara pipe factory this
is because when you visit the factory on an operation the products are laid on the ground and
when you look those products there are a lot of defects on the products internal and external
surface ,and the machine which is crushing the defected product was not rest the whole day this
indicate that there are allot of defected products ,so that the factory rework cost is high this
finally hinder the company to lose its market share and costumers are changing their choices into
other competitor‟s. Any technique that can reduce labor costs, minimize material wastage and
attain the requested quality is undoubtedly an important factor for consideration.
Since its establishment, APF is able to manufacture and supply different size and pressure range
quality UPVC pipes for various drinking water supply and irrigation projects throughout the
Amhara region and other regions as well. APF have strong commitment to supply quality
products to our valued customers, and we will keep on striving to introduce new technologies
and products to exceed customer expectations (Factory a. P., 2016, p. 2).

1.2 Statement of the problem
Effective extrusion process requires that the machine and tool operating in well conditions, this
requires control over the process parameters such as temperature, machine speed, and the relative
speeds of the auxiliary (Mr. Sandip S. Gadeka, May 2015)

The study on quality characteristics focused variation on thickness of pipe. One method of
reducing UPVC pipes thickness variation problem is by applying and using Taguchi method.
“Nominal-The-Better” approach is selected for both S/N ratio & loss function analysis. For the
presence of thickness variation extruder temperatures were mentioned (Kerealme., 2016).

Surface roughness is a measure of the smoothness of a products surface and it is a factor that has
a high influence on the manufacturing cost and resistance that is affects the life of any product
and hence it is desirable to obtain higher grades of surface finish product at minimum cost to
control speed and feed were consider properly (Srinivas Athreya, November 2012).

The Melt pressure depends on the viscosity of the polymer, the die design and the output rate.
Higher melt pressure gives a lower output rate at a given screw speed resulting in a higher melt
temperature at extruder, but improves mixing and melt stability. Thus the melt pressure level
indirectly influences the melt quality (Tadmor, 2006).

In the case of plastic pipe extruders pumping action is created by the rotation of the screw where
the motor load increases with increasing melting pressure. The screw is principal component of
an extruder. Its rotation speed determines extruder output and material shear rate inside the
extruder. Hence, speed of feed is depend on screw speed that means if the screw speed is
increase, the feed that supply to the process is more. So, to determine the screw speed is
necessary for the output product (Morice, 2011).

Amhara pipe factory is one of industry that produces un-plasticized poly vinyl chloride (UPVC)
pipe product. The raw materials to produce UPVC products are poly vinyl chloride resin,
calcium carbonate, carbon black, titanium oxide; stabilizers. In this regard, production of
qualified product is one of the best critical objectives of the factory. In many cases, the failures
occur during the processing and these failures causes some defects that can be found in extruder
and mixer parts. Therefore, the factory cost of production for rework on UPVC product are the
main problem of the operation. The APF annual reports from 2014- 2017 as shown in figure 1.1
below 20% of scraps are recorded and the planned defect was less than 8% (report, 2014-
2017/18). This is the reason why to study at this factory to identify types of defects, finding the
root causes for the occurrence of defects, frequency of defects types and to improved quality of
product for the optimization of plastic pipe manufacturing process by selecting the most selected





plan Actual plan Actual plan Actual plan Actual
2014 2015 2016 2017( 9 months)

Figure 1-1: Plan and Actual Scrap Report (Report, 2014-2017/18)

On research areas, most of the PVC researcher as shown above author carried out only one or
two factor to take for optimization of UPVC or other related product. But, this study was done by
taking three factors to optimize the process of extrusion. Generally, for the presence of defect
there was some factor are present like, extruder part of core temperature and feed speed. So,
researchers were studied by taking above parameter to optimize the process as mentioned above.
Here at Amhara pipe factory by adding additional factor that is not mentioned by any author
mixing temperature of the raw materials at mixer machine also other process factor for the
presence of defects at Amhara pipe factory. Here also, any one did not validated resistance by
using hydrostatic pressure tester machine experimentally. So, the purpose of this work is to study

on process parameter and optimize the quality of products and finally we validated the product
by aided of hydrostatic pressure tester machine.

1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General Objective

 The general objective of this study is in order to understand the improving of Process
Parameters for Optimization of Plastic Extrusion in UPVC Pipe Manufacturing in order
to improve quality of product.

1.3.2 Specific objective

 To study the frequency of defect product on the unplasticised poly vinyl chiloride pipe.
 To investigate pressure resistance of unplastisiced polyvinyl chiloride pipe on the
selecting setting paramer.
 To compare the result of selecting setting parametre, which is optimize with the factory
 To select the Optimization of process parameters on the taguachi expermental design and
full factorial analysis to compare the out put results of resistance of unplasticized poly
vinyl chiloride pipe products.

1.4 Scope of the Study
This study of optimization was done by using instrument of Hydrostatic pressure machine
expermentally and to optimize through Taguchi, minitab 17 soft ware. For the research work
Amhara pipe manufacturing, Company was selected. This paper is specifically design for the
optimization in the current process. by taking the selected parameter this paper contributes to
improve the quality of a product, to decrease the scrap of product, to minimizing cost of the
factory, to minimizing the rework, to minimizing man power of the factory that is not only used
for Amhara pipe factory. even other factory also should be applied this type of setting parameter
to get best customer satifaction output.



2.1 Design of Experiments(DOE)

Design of Experiments (DOE) is a planned approach for determining cause and effect
relationships. To design an experiment means to choose the optimal experiment design to be
used simultaneously for varying all the analyzed factors. By designing an experiment one gets
more precise data and more complete information on a studied phenomenon with a minimal
number of experiments and the lowest possible material Costs (R. Lazic, 2005).
The ultimate goal of the design experiment is to reveal (and be able to predict) at which point is
the mixture the strongest (or suitable) based on a treatment of process settings. Whereas process
variables are factors in a mixture experiment that do not form any portion of the mixture, but
whose levels, when changed, affect the blending properties of the ingredients. Process variables
can vary independently from the mixture variables. To model the response of the combined
experiment, a combination is made of the model in the process variables and the mixture model
(Cornell, 1990).
Effective extrusion process requires that the machine and tool operating in well conditions, this
requires control over the process parameters such as temperature, machine speed, and the relative
speeds of the auxiliary (Mr. Sandip S. Gadeka, May 2015)

The study on quality characteristics focused variation on thickness of pipe. One method of
reducing UPVC pipes thickness variation problem is by applying and using Taguchi method.
“Nominal-The-Better” approach is selected for both S/N ratio & loss function analysis. For the
presence of thickness variation extruder temperatures were mentioned (Kerealme., 2016).

Surface roughness is a measure of the smoothness of a products surface and it is a factor that has
a high influence on the manufacturing cost and resistance that is affects the life of any product
and hence it is desirable to obtain higher grades of surface finish product at minimum cost to
control speed and feed were consider properly (Srinivas Athreya, November 2012).

The Melt pressure depends on the viscosity of the polymer, the die design and the output rate.
Higher melt pressure gives a lower output rate at a given screw speed resulting in a higher melt

temperature at extruder, but improves mixing and melt stability. Thus the melt pressure level
indirectly influences the melt quality (Tadmor, 2006).

In the case of plastic pipe extruders pumping action is created by the rotation of the screw where
the motor load increases with increasing melting pressure. The screw is principal component of
an extruder. Its rotation speed determines extruder output and material shear rate inside the
extruder. Hence, speed of feed is depend on screw speed that means if the screw speed is
increase, the feed that supply to the process is more. So, to determine the screw speed is
necessary for the output product (Morice, 2011).

2.2 Extrusion Process

Many different methods are employed to convert plastics from their raw state into finished
product. Production process include injection molding, extrusion, blow molding. Extrusion plays
an important part on the plastics industry. It is a process in which the material is melted by
external heat and forward by a screw to the die, which gives the shape of the required product.
Generally, in the extruder, three different zones are considered, solids conveying, melting, and
melt pressurization. A typical extrusion line consists of the material feed hopper, basic extruder
(drive, gearbox and screw), the extrusion die, the calibration/cooling units, the haul-off, the saw
(or other cutting device) and, eventually treatment devices for final finishing and handling (Ram,
1997) and (Harlod F. Giles, 2005). This extrusion process is a continuous process by which
many products are manufactured. Polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) are extens.

(Adeel Ikram et al., 2013) reports the effect and optimization of eight control factors on
material removal rate (MRR), surface roughness and kerf in Wire Electrical Discharge
Machining (WEDM) process for tool steel D2. The experimentation is performed under different
cutting conditions of wire feed velocity, dielectric pressure, pulse on-time, pulse off-time, open
voltage, wire tension and servo voltage by varying the material thickness. Taguchi‟s L18
orthogonal array is employed for experimental design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
signal-to- noise (S/N) ratio are used as statistical analyses to identify the significant control
factors and to achieve optimum levels respectively. In order to achieve this, statistical analysis of
the experimental results will have to be processed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA)
(Davis Rahul, 2012).

2.3 Raw Materials and Additives
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe compound is produced by adding a variety of ingredients to PVC
resin. By adjusting the type and quantity of these ingredients, all of the different water,
sewer, irrigation, plumbing, and electrical products can be produced. raw material; PVC resin
and additives and their uses:

2.3.1 Raw Materials PVC Resin

Plastics are materials made up of organic (carbon-containing) molecules that can be formed into
a variety of products. The molecules that compose plastics are long carbon chains that give
plastics many of their useful properties. Poly (vinyl chloride), (PVC) is one of the largest volume
commodity plastics produced in the world and is expected to continue with a good high growth
rate (Yee, 2001). In general, materials that are made up of long, chainlike molecules are called

Where: n is the degree of polymerization, i.e., the number of repeat units in the molecular chain.
This monomer polymerizes by the addition (free radical) polymerization method (Salih, 2011)

The word plastic is derived from the words plastics (Latin for capable of molding) and plastikos
(Greek to mold, or fit for molding). Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel,
transparent as glass, light as wood, and elastic as rubber. Plastics are also lightweight,
waterproof, chemical resistant, and produced in almost any color. More than 50 families of
plastics have been produced, and new types are currently under development. Plastics, synthetic
resins made of large organic chains, or polymers, are extremely durable and lightweight.

Petroleum is refined to produce single organic molecules, called monomers that are then
combined to form resinous polymers. These polymers are molded or extruded to make plastic.
Most plastics commonly derived from petrochemical.

There are two types of plastics: thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. These terms refer to
the different ways these types of plastics respond to heat. Thermoplastics are the plastics that do
not undergo chemical change they can be repeatedly melted and solidified by heating and
cooling. And can be molded again and again. Examples include polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. Thermosets can melt and take shape once; after they have
solidified, they stay solid. In the thermosetting process, a chemical reaction occurs that is
irreversible. Example; phenol- formaldehyde. PVC is a thermoplastic which means it becomes
soften on heating and hardens on cooling. It is there for it is easy to recycle the material. Amhara
pipe factory reuse the scrap that produce from the production lines. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a
product based on the earth„s natural resources: salt and gas or oil. Salt water electrolysis yields
chlorine (in addition to caustic soda and hydrogen). Ethylene can bederived from naphtha when
oil is refined or from natural gas. Chlorine and ethylene can be combined to form the monomer
vinyl chloride. PVC results from the polymerization of vinyl chloride.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a synthetic polymer material that mentioned above(or resin), which
is built up by the repetitive addition of the monomer vinyl chloride (VCM) with the formula
CH2=CHCl. PVC has thus the same structure as polyethylene except for the presence of
chlorine. The chlorine in PVC represents 57% of the weight of the pure polymer resin. 35% of
chlorine from the chloralkali electrolysis eventually ends up in PVC, which thus constitutes the
largest single use. PVC produces HCl upon combustion almost quantitatively related to its
chlorine content. Extensive studies in Europe indicate that the chlorine found in emitted dioxins
is not derived from HCl in the flue gases. Instead, most dioxins arise in the condensed solid
phase by the reaction of inorganic chlorides with graphitic structures in char-containing ash
particles. Copper acts as a catalyst for these reactions. Studies of household waste burning
indicate consistent increases in dioxin generation with increasing PVC concentrations (Costner,
2005 and 2007) . According to the EPA dioxin inventory, landfill fires are likely to represent an
even larger source of dioxin to the environment. A survey of international studies consistently
identifies high dioxin concentrations in areas affected by open waste burning and a study that

looked at the homologue pattern found the sample with the highest dioxin concentration was
"typical for the pyrolysis of PVC". Other EU studies indicate that PVC likely "accounts for the
overwhelming majority of chlorine that is available for dioxin formation during landfill fires."

The next largest sources of dioxin in the EPA inventory are medical and municipal waste
incinerators. Various studies have been conducted that reach contradictory results. For instance a
study of commercial-scale incinerators showed no relationship between the PVC content of the
waste and dioxin emissions. Other studies have shown a clear correlation between dioxin
formation and chloride content and indicate that PVC is a significant contributor to the formation
of both dioxin and PCB in incinerators (Katami, Yasuhara, Okuda, Shibamoto, & al., 2002)

In February 2007, the Technical and Scientific Advisory Committee of the US Green Building
Council (USGBC) released its report on a PVC avoidance related materials credit for the LEED
Green Building Rating system. The report concludes that "no single material shows up as the
best across all the human health and environmental impact categories, nor as the worst" but that
the "risk of dioxin emissions puts PVC consistently among the worst materials for human health
impacts." (document, 2014).

In Europe the overwhelming importance of combustion conditions on dioxin formation has been
established by numerous researchers. The single most important factor in forming dioxin-like
compounds is the temperature of the combustion gases. Oxygen concentration also plays a major
role on dioxin formation, but not the chlorine content.

The design of modern incinerators minimizes PCDD/F formation by optimizing the stability of
the thermal process. To comply with the EU emission limit of 0.1 ng I-TEQ/m3 modern
incinerators operate in conditions minimizing dioxin formation and are equipped with pollution
control devices which catch the low amounts produced. Recent information is showing for
example that dioxin levels in populations near incinerators in Lisbon and Madeira have not risen
since the plants began operating in 1999 and 2002 respectively.

Several studies have also shown that removing PVC from waste would not significantly reduce
the quantity of dioxins emitted. The European Union Commission published in July 2000 a
Green Paper on the Environmental Issues of PVC. (Commision, 26, july, 2000)". The
Commission states (page 27) that it has been suggested that the reduction of the chlorine content

in the waste can contribute to the reduction of dioxin formation, even though the actual
mechanism is not fully understood. The influence on the reduction is also expected to be a
second or third order relationship. It is most likely that the main incineration parameters, such as
the temperature and the oxygen concentration, have a major influence on the dioxin formation".
The Green Paper states further that at the current levels of chlorine in municipal waste, there
does not seem to be a direct quantitative relationship between chlorine content and dioxin

2.3.2 Aditives
Additives area raw materials to add as a a pigment, colorant, prevent heat degradation, and for
cost minimization purposes. Those are essential components in PVC formulations. Additives are
chemicals used in plastics and other products with or without reactions. Inorganic as well as
organic substances termed „PVC additives‟ can be used to suppress the undesirable effects which
coincide with plate-out phenomena (Chen, 1995). In PVC products, inappropriate processing
results in poor quality of the end product. Additives are required in minimum quantities during
the processing of PVC and its end-product applications .They do not change the PVC particles,
but could change the volume of the external voids between them. This is attributable to the
efficiency of each additive, and its structure and polarity. However, Update on Troubleshooting
the PVC Extrusion Process the additives lead to denser packing of the PVC powder. It make
PVC useful and versatile Without additives PVC would not be a particularly useful substance,
but its compatibility with a wide range of additives to soften it, color it, make it more process
able or longer lasting, results in a broad range of potential applications from car underbody seals
and flexible roof membranes to pipes and window profiles.

PVC products can be rigid or flexible, opaque or transparent, color and insulating or conducting.
There is not just one PVC but a whole family of products tailor-made to suit the needs of each
application. Unlike most other thermoplastics, the majority of PVC applications have a lifetime
of between 10 and 100 years. This requires proven durability and stabilizers play an important
part in achieving such performance. All polymers require stabilizers of one sort or another; PVC
is no different in this respect. Before PVC can be made into products; it has to be combined with
a range of special additives. The essential additives for all PVC materials are stabilizers and
lubricants; in the case of flexible PVC, plasticizers are also incorporated. Other additives which

may be used include fillers, processing aids, impact modifiers and pigments. Additives will
influence or determine the mechanical properties, light and thermal stability, color, clarity and
electrical properties of the product. Once the additives have been selected, they are mixed with
the polymer in a process called compounding. One method uses an intensive high-speed mixer
that intimately blends all the ingredients. Calcium Carbonate

It is the most commonly used filler. Commercially available to give a cost effective way of
increasing impact strength, improves the base properties of polyvinyl chloride by adding
stiffness to the polymer matrix, improves processing by making polymer flow more
homogenous, decreasing surface energy and provides opacity and surface gloss, which improves
surface finish, control particle size (brightness), give high strength, and widely used in plastic
color. The most common fillers used in PVC compounding are carbonates, clay, silicate and talc
(Gacher, 1993). Calcium carbonate used to reduce cost and provided little effect in strength
improvement. The aspect ratio of calcium carbonate particles approach more of spherical shape
and are considered as an extender filler rather than reinforcing filler (Meister, 2000). Fillers are
inert inorganic powders whose major role is to reduce costs. Additions of fillers, especially in
high dosages, adversely affect most desirable properties, and therefore are rightly viewed as
cheapening agents. But some properties like Electrical strength and stiffness can improve.
Reinforcing fillers like Glass Fibre, Carbon Fibre will not be discussed here. They are much
more expensive than PVC resin and not widely used in PVC formulations. Non Reinforcing
Fillers are a wide ranging group. For PVC the most important is Calcium Carbonate. There are
two types of Calcium Carbonate which are widely used.but here the type that used for UPVC
pipe is precipitated calcium carbonate, not under ground calcium carbonate that is used for paper
and other appilication.

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, limestone is dissolved and impurities filtered out. After further
chemical purification to remove Iron and Magnesium, the solution is carbonated with CO2. Very
pure Calcium Carbonate is precipitated and this is filtered and dried.. There are several grades
depending on purity and particle size. Prices vary according to grade. Precipitated Calcium
Carbonate (PCC) is the most widely used filler in PVC. PCC, by the way, is the main ingredient
in toothpaste which accounts for much more tonnage that PVC Fillers. There are therefore many

manufacturers in India. Both Ground and Precipitated CaCO3 absorb expensive Plasticisers,
taking away some portion meant for flexibilising PVC. Thus more DOP has to be added to
compensate, thus partly offsetting cost advantage. This can be significant especially as doses go
up. Viscosity also increases. To reduce the Oil (DOP) absorption Precipitated Calcium Carbonate
is coated with Stearic Acid / Calcium Stearate. DOP absorption is reduced considerably and
processing and gloss improves. These are premium fillers and are termed Activated PCC.
Recently, better quality GCC are being offered by several manufacturers and are replacing the
costlier PCC in lower end PVC applications like Agri Pipes, SWR etc. Other mineral fillers are
Talc, Dolomite, Wolastonite and Asbestos. Asbestos was widely used in Vinyl Floor tiling but its
carcinogenic nature has prevented its use nowadays. While Calcium Carbonate seems to be the
most attractive cost reducing agent, care has to be taken in optimizing its addition level and
grade selection for best results. Lead Stabilizer

Lead-based stabilizers are primarily used, extensively for UPVC applications. Lead stabilizers
have been very cost-effective heat stabilizers. For similar reasons, plus good insulation
resistance, the stabilizer protects PVC pipe compound and compound polymer chains from
thermally degrading during the extrusion process. To reduce PVC degradation, thermal
stabilizers are added to the polymer prior to processing (Daan S. Van E s, 2008). Stabilizers also
exhibit some external lubrication characteristics that promote a certain amount of slippage of the
compound melt through the extruder and die metal surfaces. Stabilisers are added to the PVC
polymer in order to prevent degradation by heat and light. Different types of stabilisers are used
and their content in the final product varies according to the technical requirements of the
intended application.

Lead stabilisers are currently the most widely used, in particular lead sulphate and lead
phosphite. About 112,000 tonnes (Donnelly, 1999) of lead stabilisers were used in Europe in
1998, containing about 51.000 t of lead metal and representing 70% (ECVM in conjunction with
ELSA and ORTEP, 1997)of the overall stabiliser consumption. With an overall consumption of
lead of about 1.6 million tonnes in Europe in 1995, lead stabilisers thus account for about 3% of
the total consumption. Lead stabilisers are used mainly in pipes, profiles and cables.

Organotin compounds represent, with a consumption of 15,000 tonnes (Donnelly, Risk
Assessment of PVC Stabilisers during Production and the Product Life Cycle., 1999) about 9.3%
of the European consumption of stabilisers. Various types of organotins, in particular mixtures of
mono- and di-organotin compounds, are used as stabilisers, mostly in rigid packaging film,
bottles, roofing, and clear rigid construction sheeting.According to Council Directive
67/548/EEC on the classification and labelling of dangerous substances as amended, most lead
compounds including those used in PVC are classified as toxic to reproduction, harmful,
dangerous for the environment (ecotoxic) and presenting a danger of cumulative effects. Lead is
persistent and certain lead compounds accumulate in certain organisms.

Most cadmium compounds are classified according to Council Directive 67/548/EEC as harmful
and dangerous for the environment (ecotoxic). Other cadmium compounds are classified as being
harmful, toxic or very toxic. Some compounds are also classified as carcinogens (category 2).
Cadmium is persistent and certain cadmium compounds accumulate in certain organisms.
Lead had previously been frequently added to PVC to improve workability and stability. Lead
has been shown to leach into drinking water from PVC pipes (makers, 2013).In Europe (EU 28)
the use of lead-based stabilizers was gradually replaced by the end of 2015, under the Vinyl Plus
voluntary commitment, ESPA members completed the replacement of Pb- based stabilizers.
Lubricants prevent hot PVC from sticking to metal surfaces while processing. They are a must
with suspension resin compounds but have a much lesser role in Plastisol. Stearic Acid, Waxes
including High Molecular waxes and many complex esters are commonly used. Dosages are low,
0.1-0.3 PHR. Lubricants and their correct selection play a vital role in processing. Too little and
the melt is sticky, hangs up inside processing surface and starts degrading. Too much, and the
melt slips on the extruder screw, reducing production rate. Over lubrication inhibits gelation and
prevents full physical properties to develop. Metallic Soaps like Lead Stearate, Calcium Stearate
etc. have stabilizing as well as lubricating action. Nearly all of the Mixed Metal and Tin
Stabilizers are non-lubricating. Lubricants can be Internal (Lubricating the movement of melt
molecules, improving process ability) and External (Lubrication melt flow over metal processing
surfaces). The Lubrication system has to have a balance of both.

17 Titanium Dioxide
It is known as titanium(IV) oxide or titania, is the naturally occurring oxide of titanium,
chemical formula TiO2. When used as a pigment, it is called titanium white, Pigment White 6
(PW6), or CI 77891. Generally it is sourced from ilmenite, rutile and anatase. It has a wide range
of applications, from paint to sunscreen to food coloring. When used as a food coloring, it has E
number E171. World production in 2014 exceeded 9 million metric tons (USGS, 2014).

Used to give bright„ whiteness and opacity, Slow the breakdown of the PVC surface and used to
desire color retention. Pure TiO2 can and does act as a photo/redox-catalyst for the degradation
of organic materials, which leads to chalking if not controlled (Edward J. Wick son, 1993).The
most important application areas are paints and varnishes as well as paper and plastics, which
account for about 80% of the world's titanium dioxide consumption. Other pigment applications
such as printing inks, fibers, rubber, cosmetic products and food account for another 8%. The
rest is used in other applications, for instance the production of technical pure titanium, glass and
glass ceramics, electrical ceramics, catalysts, electric conductors and chemical intermediates.It is
also in most red-coloured candy. Titanium dioxide is the most widely used white pigment
because of its brightness and very high refractive index, in which it is surpassed only by a few
other materials. Approximately 4.6 million tons of pigmentary TiO2 are used annually
worldwide, and this number is expected to increase as utilization continues to rise (winkler,
2013). Carbon Black

Mainly used for coloring and also it is used for high purity, good fluidity, high tinning strength,
stable color.

2.4 Production Process of UPVC Pipe

Raw Materials Inspection

Mixer Extrusion Die Head


Inspection Inspection

Haul Off Cooling Bath Vacuum Tank

Crashing Inspection

Inspection Inspection

Final product
Rotary Cutter Belling


Collect all non-qualified product Storage

Loading qualified product

Figure 2-1: Flow Diagram for PVC Pipe Production

2.4.1 Mixing
Polymer and additives are weighted by using beam balance and processes through the high
speed mixing to blend the raw materials into a uniformly distributed dry blend mixture. A hot
mixer having around 70-120co of temperature mix the materials with high speed, after reaching
the required temperature the mixer is automatically discharged into a cooling chamber which
reduces the temperature to around 50co with this temperature range the material cool at high

speed, then the cooled mixer transfer the material to intermediate storage where the temperature
and density are achieved.

Figure 2-2: Part of Mixer Machine in the Extrusion Process (Factory A. A., Juanary, 2018)

2.4.2 Hopper
All the extruders have an opening in the barrel wall at the driven end, through which the plastic
granules enter the extruder. The hopper, a simple sheet-metal enclosure, is mounted above that
opening and holds about an hour's capacity material. Hopper is provided with heating
system, if the material has to be preheated before entering he extruder.

2.4.3 Extruder
Extruder is the heart of the process. Comprise of Hopper, Barrel/Screw and Dies and it has a
temperature controlled, zoned barrel in which rotate precision ꞌꞌscrewsꞌꞌ (Harold F. Gilles, 2005) .

Core temperature
Mixer Machine Part
Feed speed

Figure 2-3: Part of Extruder in the Extrusion Process (part, Feburary, 2018)

A material along the screws passes through a number of zones which convert the dry blend into
the required melt state, by heat, pressure and shear. During its passage along the screws, the PVC
that passes will compress, homogenies and vent the melt stream. The final zone increases the
pressure to extrude the melt through the die head, which is shaped according to the size of the
pipe required and flow characteristics of the melt stream. Chrome plating is recommended on the
screw to prevent chemical attack in the event polymer degradation occurs .

2.4.4 Vacuum Shaping Water Tank for Pipes

Cooling stereotypes, stereotypes water tank is provided with vacuum for shaping and cooling of
the vacuum system and water circulating system, stainless steel tank, circulating water spray
Cooling vacuum shaping water tank is provided with a mobile device, and left and right height
regulating manual device.

Figure 2-4: Vacuum Tank of the line (Coolant for conditioning the product, 2018)

2.4.5 Water Bath

It is a part processing system that used to cool the pipe by spraying water when the pipe that
comes from the vacuum tank that is not cooled. The purpose of cooling the pipe by water is
nothing but it protect from the bending its shape. Spray cooling tank is exchanged for a tank area
that houses a set of spray nozzles that will cause water to be sprayed all around the surface of the
extruded product.

Figure 2-5: Water Bath of the line (Spray of the Machine, 2018)

2.4.6 Haul-off Unit or Puller Machine

The pipe is pulled through the sizing and cooling operations by the puller or haul-off at a
constant speed. Speed control is very important when this equipment is used because the speed at
which the pipe is pulled will affect the wall thickness of the finished product. In the case of
rubber ring jointed pipe the haul-off is slowed down at appropriate intervals to thicken the pipe
in the area of the socket. In general the puller must provide the necessary force to pull the pipe

through the entire cooling operation. It also maintains the proper wall thickness control by
providing a constant pulling rate. The rate, at which the pipe is pulled, in combination with the
extruder screw speed, determines the wall thickness of the finished pipe. Increasing the puller
speed at a constant screw speed reduces the wall thickness, while reducing the puller speed at the
same screw speed increases the wall thickness. With speed control of the extruded product as the
primary goal of the chine puller or much work has been done in applying highly accurate motor
drives and mechanical drive systems that control the speed of the belt or roller. The mechanical
stability of the structure of the machine also receives a lot of attention so as to avoid mechanical
vibration, and to provide a reliable, firm platform for pulling the product downstream.

Figure 2-6: Hall off or Puller Machine (Pulling Machine, 2018)

2.4.7 Current Situation and Future Developments Current Situation

The total quantity of PVC waste is a function of PVC consumption. However, due to lifespans,
which can reach up to 50 years and more for some applications such as pipes and profiles, there
is a “time-lag” between PVC consumption and PVC presence in the waste stream. PVC products
reached significant market share in the 1960‟s. Considering lifespans of about 30 years and
more, a significant increase of PVC waste quantities is expected to start around 2010. Due to the
fact that PVC is used in a wide range of applications, data on PVC waste arisings in the EU are
uncertain. The most recent and detailed data available on PVC waste quantities are estimations
carried out by industry and are based on calculations using production quantities per year and
average lifespan of products.

It is estimated that in 1999 the total annual PVC waste quantity was about 4.1 million tonnes in
the Community, which can be divided into 3.6 million tonnes of post- consumer PVC waste and

0.5 million tonnes of pre-consumer PVC waste. Pre- consumer wastes are generated during the
production of intermediate and final PVC products as well as during the handling and installation
of PVC products. The present composition of PVC waste is two thirds flexible PVC and one
third rigid PVC.

About one million tonnes of PVC is present in the construction and demolition waste stream.
One million tonnes of PVC can be found in the municipal solid waste stream, which comprises
wastes collected from households as well as similar wastes collected from commercial and
industrial operations. About 700,000 tonnes of PVC packaging waste are generated and about
700,000 tonnes of PVC are found in end of life vehicles and electrical and electronic equipment.

At present the main waste management route in the Community for all types of post- consumer
waste is landfilling. This is therefore also the case for post-consumer PVC waste. About 2.6 to
2.9 million tonnes of PVC waste are currently landfilled every year. Mechanical recycling is
applied to only a small fraction of the post-consumer waste (about 100,000 tonnes).
Approximately 600,000 tonnes of PVC are incinerated per year in the Community. Future Developments: baseline scenario

This scenario47 describes the situation with regard to the quantities of PVC waste and the main
waste management routes expected in the years 2000, 2010 and 2020, with the assumption that
no PVC-specific measures will be taken except for those legal, administrative and voluntary
measures in force or in preparation at Community and at national levels. It is assumed under this
scenario that existing and future Directives on landfilling, incineration, packaging, end of life
vehicles and electric and electronic waste will be implemented.

The key element in the management of post-consumer PVC waste is the expected increase in
PVC waste quantities. Predictions of future PVC waste arisings are subject to uncertainties but it
is expected that the volume of PVC waste will increase significantly by 30% in 2010 and by 80%
in 2020, in particular due to the important increase of waste quantities from long lifespan
products. Post-consumer wastes will increase from about 3.6 million tonnes at present to about
4.7 million tonnes in 2010 and 6.2 million tonnes in 2020. PVC pre-consumer wastes will
increase from 0.5 to 0.9 million tonnes.

Compared to the current situation, it is expected that the composition of PVC post- consumer
waste arisings by product group will change. The share of PVC building waste and waste from
household and commercial products will increase, whereas the contribution of packaging is
expected to decrease significantly. The proportion of flexible PVC waste will also decrease.

In the context of the baseline PVC waste scenario, changes in waste management legislation and
practices are expected to have the following effects:

• The landfill Directive will bring some important changes to waste management mainly due to
the expected increasing landfill costs. Some Member States, in particular Germany, Austria, the
Netherlands and Denmark have announced national policies for banning the landfilling of
untreated organic wastes, including plastics, with the exception of PVC waste for Denmark.

• Recycling is expected to increase significantly over the next decades, in particular for those
waste streams for which recycling targets will be set. Energy recovery is also expected to
increase for waste, which cannot be recycled.

How this will affect the treatment of PVC waste will be discussed in more detail in the following
sections on the main waste management options.

2.5 Additional Application of PVC

2.5.1 Electric Cables

PVC is commonly used as the insulation on electrical cables such as tack; PVC used for this
purpose needs to be plasticized. Flexible PVC coated wire and cable for electrical use has
traditionally been stabilized with lead, but these are being replaced with calcium-based systems.

In a fire, PVC-coated wires can form hydrogen chloride fumes; the chlorine serves to
scavenge free radicals and is the source of the material's fire retardance. While hydrogen chloride
fumes can also pose a health hazard in their own right, it dissolves in moisture and breaks down
onto surfaces, particularly in areas where the air is cool enough to breathe, and is not available
for inhalation (Galloway F.M., 2000). Frequently in applications where smoke is a major hazard
(notably in tunnels and communal areas), PVC-free cable insulation is preferred, such as low
smoke zero halogen (LSZH) insulation.

2.5.2 Flooring

Flexible PVC flooring is inexpensive and used in a variety of buildings, including homes,
hospitals, offices, and schools. Complex and 3Ddesigns are possible, which are then protected by
a clear wear layer. A middle vinyl foam layer also gives a comfortable and safe feel. The smooth,
tough surface of the upper wear layer prevents the buildup of dirt, which prevents microbes from
breeding in areas that need to be kept sterile, such as hospitals and clinics.

2.5.3 Wire Rope

PVC may be extruded under pressure to encase wire rope and aircraft cable used for general
purpose applications. PVC coated wire rope is easier to handle, resists corrosion and abrasion,
and may be color-coded for increased visibility. It is found in a variety of industries and
environments both indoor and out (, 25/08/2017).

2.5.4 Vinyl Gloves in Medicine

Plasticized PVC is a common material for medical gloves. Due to vinyl gloves having less
flexibility and elasticity, several guidelines recommend either latex or nitrile gloves for clinical
care and procedures that require manual dexterity and/or that involve patient contact for more
than a brief period (manufacturer, 17/November/2015). Vinyl gloves show poor resistance to
many chemicals, including glutaraldehyde-based products and alcohols used in formulation of
disinfectants for swabbing down work surfaces or in hand rubs ((manufacturer),
17/november/2015). The additives in PVC are also known to cause skin reactions such as
allergic contact dermatitis. These are for example the antioxidant bisphenol A, the
biocide benzisothiazolinone, propylene glycol/adipate polyester and ethylhexylmaleate.

2.5.5 Clothing

PVC fabric is water-resistant, used for its weather-resistant qualities in coats, skiing equipment,
shoes, jackets, aprons, and sports bags. PVC fabric has a niche role in specialty clothing, to
either create artificial leather material or at times simply for its effect. PVC clothing is common
in Goth, Punk, clothing fetish and alternative fashions. PVC is less expensive
than rubber, leather, and latex which it is used to simulate.

2.6 Thermal Properties of PVC
The heat stability of raw PVC is very poor, so the addition of a heat stabilizer during the process
is necessary in order to ensure the product's properties. Traditional product PVC has a maximum
operating temperature around 140°F (60°C) when heat distortion begins to occur. What Are the
Differences between Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) and PVC", PVC Pipe Supplies
(Suppliers, 2012). Melting temperatures range from 212°F to 500°F (100°C to 260°C) depending
upon manufacture additives to the PVC. The linear expansion coefficient of rigid PVC is small
and has good flame retardancy, the limiting oxygen index (LOI) being up to 45 or more. The
LOI is the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage that will support
combustion of a polymer and noting that air has 20% content of oxygen. As a thermoplastic,
PVC has an inherent insulation that aids in reducing condensation formation and resisting
internal temperature changes for hot and cold liquids.

PVC can be usefully modified by chlorination, which increases its chlorine content to
67%. CPVC, as it is called, is produced by chlorination of aqueous solution of suspension PVC
particles followed by exposure to UV light which initiates the free-radical chlorination (M. W.
Allsopp, 2012). An extensive market for CPVC is in pipe for use in office building, apartment
and condominium fire protection. CPVC also has a higher heat resistance so is primarily used for
hot water pipe and fittings, but it is more expensive and it is found only in niche applications,
such as some water heaters and specialized clothing.

2.7 Effect of Temperature on Pressure Rating

Mechanical properties of PVC are temperature dependent. Nominal working pressures are
determined at 20°C. For lower operating temperatures, the 20°C ratings are used, even
though properties such as tensile strength are greater. As the temperature decreases, it is
advisable to take additional care to avoid impact damage as the impact strength decreases with
temperature. Sub-zero operating temperatures are specialist applications (see PVC pipes in low
temperature applications) (department, 2010). For temperatures greater than 20°C, the maximum
working pressures of PVC pipes should be reduced.



3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Raw Materials

The following raw materials used for preparing the conducted sample were taken from those
output products and the data was taken from the product resistance that conducted in the

Table 3-1: Types of Raw Materials and its Function

S.N Raw Materials Cost of Raw Materials Function

1 PVC resin 28.63 Main raw material

2 Calcium carbonate 43.28 As a filler

3 Stabilizer 7.64 Prevent heat

4 Lubricant(TiO2 ) 96.195 As a pigment

5 Carbon black 40.058 Colorant

3.1.2 Apparatus
The apparatus that used for doing the experiments labratorically and to prapare the sample at
process of production.

Table 3-2: Types of Instruments and its Function

Instuments Function
Hydrostatic pressure machine Testing the pressure

Tensile strength machine Testing the strength

Furigirators Conditioning the sample

Cutter Preparing the sample

Extruder For core temperature

Balance Wieghting the sample Hydrostatic Pressure Tester Machine

Test pressure is normally based upon the working pressure of the piping system. Working
pressure is the long term pressure at which the system is expected to operate. This is nearly
always different, and less than the pressure class or pressure rating of the pipe.

Calculation of the test pressure formula P= ( )

(ISO, 2013)


δ-is the hoop stress in MPa to be induced by the applied pressure.

DN is the measured mean outside diameter in millimeter of the test pieces.

emin is the measured minimum wall thickness, in millimeter of the free length of the test piece.

Note: - 1 bar = 105Pa = 0.1 MPa.

The following steps are typically followed in a hydrostatic pressure test on a water main:

Complete installation of the pipe line.

Determine the test pressure: - Determine what appurtenances that meet the test pressure will be
installed prior to the test and those that won't. Complete their installation. From a pipe supply
stand point, the less "other devices" installed the more straight-forward the pipe pressure test is.
These add mechanical flanges, MJ, or threaded connections that will be susceptible points for a
leak to occur that have nothing to do with the Fusible PVC pipe.

There are multiple different options for removing all of the air prior to a pressure test. Each one
of the options outlined below will work as long as it is done properly. The most important item is
to remove the maximum amount of air possible out of the line no matter how it is accomplished.

Install a ductile iron mechanical flange with an offset threaded connection taps to fill and vent at
the highest point of the line, add pressure to the line, and venting air from the line.

Install PVC tap saddles at the ends of the pipe orientated at the highest point of the line; add
pressure to the line, and venting air from the line.

Install end caps to the pipe with threaded connection taps for water for filling the line, adding
pressure to the line, and venting air from the line. The end caps are usually tapped in the center.
If venting is done from this location, it is highly likely that air will be trapped above the tap
location. As a result, UGSI recommends installing screwed pipe fittings on the inside of the tap
that allow an elbow and a pipe nipple pointing up toward the top of the end cap. This should
come within 1/4" of the inside diameter of the PVC pipe being tested. Because the vent piping is
on the inside of the end cap, it sees little to no pressure and therefore does not need to be
watertight. Depending on the line configuration, the air vent can be reduced in size. If the line
also will be flushed to remove air, then the vent line needs to be sized to handle the flow required
for flushing. The end cap may also be tapped off-center and placed so that this off-center tap is at
the top of the pipe cross-section, allowing a vent to be placed there that will remove the air that
would normally be trapped at this location with a center-only type ductile iron cap arrangement.

If there are many changes in vertical direction, normally air vents are designed into the system.
Where possible, these should be installed prior to a pressure test to facilitate venting of the line.

Temporary taps and corporation valves or air relief valves can also serve to vent air pockets
encountered during a pressure test situation, or they may be placed on the top of the pipe
immediately before the end cap, to vent the trapped air above a center-only tapped DI end cap.

Hydrostatic pressure
machine used for
conducting the
resistance of the
sample that was taken
from the process.

Figure 3-1: Hydrostatic Pressure Machine.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Select the Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Industry

For this work Amhara pipe Company was selected this company is situated in Keble fourteen, in
Bahir Dar district of Amhara region in Ethiopia and it far from the town 3 Km, near to
Medianialem church and the reason of selection this factory is one of huge company in the
region to produce UPVC plastic no one to produce this product near to Bahir Dar and at this
factory there is more scrap output.

3.2.2 Experimental Design

Generally, for conducting the experiments the setting of the process parameters has been done as
per the given values in Table: 3.5 by using the factorial design of experiments, to making
analysis of process parameter and optimize the quality of products and finally we validated the
product by aided of hydrostatic pressure test and universal tensile strength in laboratory.
Therefore, this research is expected to answer “what are Process Parameters used for
Optimization and proper setting of the machine of UPVC Plastic Extrusion in Amhara Pipe

3.2.3 Identify Quality Problem Product

Defects in the plastic pipe are making process the common failure or defect which are occurring
in plastic extrusion process are due to three main causes:

 Part and Mould Design,

 Material Selection, and
 Processing

As mentioned before at Amhara pipe factory there was more scrap (defects), to identify the causes for the
presence of those defect the causes and effect diagram is needed. So, depend the following figure 3.3 the
possible causes are inapropirate setting parameter problem at extruder machine, and mixer machine. The
other causes will solve by taking training, make calibration, to give responsibility for employees, prepare
manual and making shed for storing the product.

Measurement Power Man Environment Add Item

Add Sub Item


Machines Methods Materials

Figure 3-2: Cause and Effect Diagram

3.2.4 Collection of Data

In this company, the failures occur during the processing are concerned, and these failures cause
some defects that can found in extruded process. The following are the defects found in the
extrusion process (Quality Contol Daily Report, 2016 and 2017) .

 Uneven Wall thickness

 Centering Problem(off-centre)
 Diameter Variation
 Crack

 Discontinuity in Drilling
 Rough Surface Finishing
 Surface Burn

In the extrusion process the defect are occuring at extruder and mixer machine. Those defect
become during the production due to poor understanding of the processing method, use of
inadequate or machines, lack of trained staff Machine Break Down, and inappropriate working
environments and inapropirate setting of machine.

Table 3-3: Data collection for the past 2- year of 2016 and 2017 observation for OD 160mm, PN 10 (Quality Contol
Daily Report, 2016 and 2017)

S.No Type of Quality Defects Frequency of Defect

1 Uneven Wall thickness 321
2 Centering Problem(Off- Center) 78
3 Diameter Variation 120
4 Crack 432
5 Discontinuity in Drilling 09
6 Rough Surface Finishing 211
7 Burn Surface 567
8 Total 1738

Burn surface problem pipe (Picture-A) crack problem pipe (picture-B) burn surface (startup defect) (picture-C)

Figure 3-3: Types of Defect Product (Amhara Pipe Factory, 2018)

3.2.5 Data Analysis
From the above observation, it is conclude that the burn surface and crack is most important
parameter, which affect the process and concentrating on those. That means temprature of
processing is the main critical problem of the factory. This is the resean to chose the mixing
temprature of mixer machine and core temprature of extruder. Next to this uneven wall thickness
defect product is come from the abnorimal feed suply of raw materials this is also necessary to
study on speed of feed suply.

Figure 3-4: PARETO analysis of Frequency of Defect

Types of Defects Defects (%)
1. Burn surface 33
2. Crack 24
3. Un-even Wall thickness 19
4. Rough surface finishing 12
5. Diameter variation 7
6. Centering Problem(Off- Center) 4

7. Discontinuity in Drilling 1

Total 100
Table 3-4: Types of Defect in Percentage

Among UPVC pipe defects about 33% of defects are contributed by burn. Burnt, cracking
problem and others are contributing type of defects on UPVC pipe product type OD 160mm,
𝑃𝑁10. Thickness variations, inner diameter variation, screeching are also other contributors of
the company‟s pipe defects. Cause and effect diagram constructed using Minitab software as
shown in Figure 3.3 that helps to find out the main and possible root causes having effect on
UPVC pipe thickness variation, crack and burn surface problem.

The main causes for thickness variation, crack and burn surface problem are identified and put
down to measurement, labor, method, machine setting performance, and material. The figure 3.3
shows the cause and sub-causes that have an effect on UPVC Pipe thickness variation, crack and
burn surface problem at Amhara pipe factory.

As shown in the diagram the main cause of burn, crack and thickness variation problem for
UPVC pipe was different machine performance due to frequent change in process parameters by
operators to bring the product in to a desired specified dimension through experience. The
company runs its production in three shifts. During each shift operators are changed so as
possible existence of change in process parameters. Therefore, the effects of these process
parameters would be investigated and an optimal setting would be proposed to minimize
thickness variation, crack and burn surface problem and loss associated with desired
performance characteristics would be determine by applying Taguchi DoE Approach.

3.2.6 Identification of Main Function and its side Effects
Main function was the rate defect during operation on the extrusion machine and
side effects was resistance prolem in finish product. Before proceeding on to further steps, it is
necessary to list down all the factors that are going to affect or influence the opration process and
from those factors one has to identify the control and noise factors. The “Factors” that affect
process operation on a extrusion machine are listed in the table 3.6.Signal noise ratio calculated
by the performance characteristics of nomial-best formula.

S/N=( ( ∑ ))

Figure 3-5: Factors that affect Process Operation

Control Factors Noise Factors

Core Temperature Burn, Crack-variations of Temprature
Feed Speed Thickness Variation
Mixer Temperature Burn, crack-variations of Temprature
Vaccum Rough Surface Finishing
Die Bolts Diameter Variation

After listing the control and the noise factors, decisions on the factors that significantly affect the
performance will have to be ascertained and only those factors must be taken in to consideration
in constructing the matrix for experimentation. All other factors are considered as noise factors.

3.2.7 Selecting parameter and their Level

Acorrding to above data analysis, the parameter are clearly known. Important process parameters
in extrusion process- Effective extrusion process requires that the machine and tool operating in
well conditions. This requires control over the process parameters such as temperature, pressure,
machine speed, and the relative speeds of the auxiliary. As these manufacturing processes
involve steady state conditions, any action that can stabilize any parameter or condition is
beneficial to the process. Mainly the plastic pipe extrusion process is depend on the following
parameters, as shown above at the problem statements, the author investigate relation in the
journal for about the defects types with the parameter except mixer, based on this:

The thickness variation types of defects are happen from the variation of feed speed setting on
the machine of extruder, the second types of defects both burn and crack problems are happen
from the problem of temprature effect. So, in the process of extrusion temprature parameter
present on extruder and mixing temprature. Therefore, at both machine section core and mixing
temprature are others parameters that to optimize the process. In this study temprature is critical
problem of a factory for the presence of defects.

 Feed Speed

Figure 3-6: Setting of Core Temperature

 Core Temperature (Temprature Controller, 2018)

figure 3.6: Mixing Unit Control Board (Mixer Machine Temprature Controller, 2018)

Table 3-5: Standard of Process Setting Parameter for each control factors (Manual, 2012)

Level Unit


N.o. Parameter(Factors) Section Minimum

1 temperature(A) Extruder 150 180 oc

2 feed speed(B Extruder Depend on the OD and PN

3 temperature(C) Mixer 70 110 Oc

To sellect the setting parameter the material data sheet of the company or the supply of the raw
materials and the international oprational standared of UPVC pipe production are necessary. This
material data sheet and book shows hat core temprature 150-180 co, mixer temprature 70-110 co ,
and feed speed maily depend on the outer diameter and thickness of the product (Material Data
sheet of Raw Materials, 2015). depend on that standared, this setection of setting parameter was
by taking the minumim setting, average and maximum setting. The following table describes the
sellecting setting or controll parameter of core temprature, feed speed and mixing temprature of
mixer machine.

Table 3-6: Process Parameter and their levels for Improving Product

Level Unit

No. Parameter( Control Factors) Section 1 2 3

1 Core Temperature(A) Extruder 150 165 180 oc

2 Feed Speed(B) Extruder 12 14 16

3 Mixer Temperature(C) Mixer 70 90 110 Oc

3.2.8 Constructing Taguchi Design, OA

To select an appropriate orthogonal array for conducting the experiments, the degrees of freedom
are to be computed. The same is given below: The most suitable orthogonal array for
experimentation is L9 array as shown in Table: 3.6 based on the degrees of freedom without
considering the interaction factors, Therefore, a total nine experiments are to be carried out.

Table 3-7: Orthogonal Array (OA) L9 for Taguchi Experimental Design

Control Factors
Experiment No. A B C
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 2
5 2 2 2
6 2 3 1
7 3 1 3
8 3 2 1
9 3 3 2

3.2.9 Experiment by Hydrostatic Pressure Machine
Design of experiment is a popular product and process improvement tool for Engineers and
scientific professionals that allow easily learning and applying the technique product design
optimization and production problem investigation. It provides a method for simultaneously
investigating the effect of multiple input factors (process parameters) on the desired output, or
response variable. DoE is useful for obtaining information about processes so that critical
product and process characteristics can be identified, monitored, and kept on target. The design
of experiment is selected to identify the best set of parameter combination among the effective
factors by cutting down a number of experiment trials in to smaller number of experiments using
orthogonal array.

As Dr. Taguchi devote his life on searching of quality improvement strategy, he pointed out
that by applying design of experiment techniques one could improve the performance of a
particular product and process design in such a way that helps by improving consistency of
performance & save cost, and building Robustness, or insensitivity of process parameters
towards uncontrollable or noise factors (Taguchi G, 1987)

Here in this study data were collected for UPVC pipe products of the company and by using
Minitab software, process factors mostly affecting the response output i.e., thickness variation in
this case would be determined. Minitab provides a lot of statistical function for easily analyzing
data and ease to use statistical tools. One of its applications involves using DoE (Taguchi

In accordance with the above OA, experiments were conducted with their factors and their levels
as mentioned in table 3.3. The experimental layout with the selected values of the factors is
shown in Table 3.4. Each of the above 9 experiments were conducted three times (27
experiments in all) to account for the variations that may occur due to the noise factors. The
product strength was measured using the Hydrostatic pressure tester machine. The table 3.6
shows the measured values of hydrostatic pressure test obtained from different experiments.

Table 3-8: OA with Control Factors

Experiment No. Control Factors

Core Temprature(co) Feed Speed(rpm) Mix Temparature (co)
1- 150 12 70
2- 150 14 90
3- 150 16 110
4- 165 12 70
5- 165 14 90
6- 165 16 110
7- 180 12 70
8- 180 14 90
9- 180 16 110
Table 3-9: Measured Values of Hydrostatic Pressure Test (MPa)

Experiment No. Measured Value of Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean
1 23.63 24 223.5 23.71
2 27.95 28 28 28

3 34.45 33 33 33.48
4 24 25 24.5 24.5
5 28.32 27.95 28 28.09
6 35.5 34.7 35 35
7 23.2 23.5 23 23.23
8 27.66 27.7 28 27.78
9 34 32 33 33

Experimental work starting from end-cap upto full set of Hydrostati machine to check result of
resistance( see on appendex E).

End-caps with seal

1 meter sample

UPVC sample

Fitting sample with end-cap

The fitting sample is connected with

hydrostatic machine

Figure 3-7: Sample with End Cap for Conducting the Experiment

3.2.10 Full Factorial Analysis
A full factorial analysis consists of conducting experiments taking into account all the possible
combinations of the factors and their levels. Therefore, the following experiments are concerned
the three factors i.e.; feed speed, mix temperature, and core temperature were considered at 3
different levels as shown in Table 4.9. These were compared with the results of the fractional
factorial that was conducted using Taguchi method.

Table 3-10: Full Factorial Analysis Orthogonal Array (OA) L27

Experiment No. Parameters Hydrostatic

Core Feed Mixer Pressure
Temperature Speed(RPM) Temperature( co) Test, Result
(co )
1 150 16 110 33.48
2 150 16 90 30.89
3 150 14 110 29.12
4 150 14 90 28.0
5 150 12 110 26.23
6 150 12 90 25.5
7 150 16 70 25
8 150 14 70 24.34
9 150 12 70 23.71
10 165 16 110 35.1
11 165 16 90 32.76
12 165 14 110 30
13 165 14 90 28.1
14 165 12 110 26.75
15 165 12 90 25.87
16 165 16 70 25.06
17 165 14 70 24.48
18 165 12 70 24.5

19 180 16 110 33
20 180 16 90 30.21
21 180 14 110 28.6
22 180 14 90 27.78
23 180 12 110 26
24 180 12 90 25.2
25 180 16 70 24..65
26 180 14 70 24.11
27 180 12 70 23.23

3.2.11 Currently the Selecting Setting Process Parameter of a Factory

As compare the selecting setting process parameter with the optimal confirmation experiment
have a great difference. So, these designs of experiment have great benefit for Amhara Pipe
factory and other related plastic company. The factory of Amhara pipe factory currently uses this
setting parameter for produce a selected product of OD 160, PN 10. To take the following trial
sample at production line from menkorer construction customer order of 270 and quantity 32
piece and the output of the product mean resistance was 24.5 MPa. (setting parameter of order
no. 270 and its response value, 03/09/2018). As shown the following table that was with pressure
test results.

Table 3-11: Factory Setting Parameter and its Result of Resistance Pressure

Experim Parameters Mean Hydrostatic Pressure Test (rpm)

ent No.
Core Temperature Feed Speed(rpm) Mixer
(c ) Temperature( co)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

1 165 14 70 24.5 24.0 25.0 24.5



4.1 Main Effect Plot for Signal-to- Noise Ratio (S/N), and Mean and
Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA)

4.1.1 Main Effect Plot for S/N Ratio Anaysis

Parameters that affect the output can be divided in two parts: controllable (or design) factors and
uncontrollable (or noise) factors. The controllable factors can be adjusted by the designer but the
value of uncontrollable factors cannot be changed because they are the sources for variation that
affect the production process because of operational environment. The best setting of control
factors as they influence the output is determined by performing experiments. Nominal –is the
best is used for pressure resistance of un-plasticized poly vinyl chloride pipe.

Figure 4-1: Main Effects Plot for S/N Ratios

Table 4-1: Main Effect Plot for S/N Analysis Result

Level Core Temperature(A) Feed Speed(B) Mixer Temperature©

1 43.66 37.44 37.44
2 38.83 48.71 48.71
3 37.72 34.06 34.06
Delta 5.94 14.65 14.65
Rank 3 1.5 1.5

The response table 4.1, and main effects plots for the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios (figure 4.1)
are used to see which factors have the greatest effect on S/N ratio, which in this case is Nominal-
is-best is used. In this case, the factor with the biggest impact on the S/N ratio is both feed speed
and mixer temperature equally. (Delta = 14.65, Rank = 1.5). And the factor with the least effect
on S/N ratio is core temperature (Delta = 5.94, Rank = 3), in order to reduce the impact of noise
on response (i.e., reducing burn surface and the thickness variation of pipe).

4.1.1 Main Effect Plot for Mean Anaysis

Nominal is best (10×Log10 (Ybar^2/s^2))

Figure 4-2: Main Effect plot for Mean Analysis

Table 4-2: Response Table for Means

Level Core Temperature Feed speed Mix Temperature

1 28.39 23.81 23.81
2 29.23 27.95 27.95
3 28.01 33.86 33.86
Delta 1.22 10.05 10.05
Rank 3 1.5 1.5

Here in the response table 4.2, and main effects plots for mean both show that the factor with the
greatest effect on the mean are both mixer temprature and feed speed (Delta = 10.05, Rank =
1.5). And the factor with the least effect on the mean is core tempature, (Delta = 1.22, Rank =
3).Since main effect plots for means is helpful for adjusting the mean on target value, those
parameter levels with near or close to the desired target resistance of pipe.

4.1.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance is used to evaluate the response magnitude in % of each parameter in the
orthogonal experiment. It is used to identify and quantify the sources of different trial results
from different trial runs (i.e. different setting parameters). The basic property of ANOVA is that
the total sums of the squares (total variation) is equal to the sum of the SS (sums of the squares
of the deviations) of all the condition parameters and the error components, i.e., adding the
variations of each factors.

Table 4-3: Sum of all Squares of all Deviations

Parameter DOF SS SS%

Core Temprature 2 2.11 13.51

Feed Speed 2 6.75 43.24

Mixing Tempraturre 2 6.75 43.24

Noise,Error 2 0.834 5.342

Total 8 15.61 100

It can be seen from this table 4.3, that for the process operation, the contribution of feed speed
and mixing temperature are (43.24%) is more significant than core temperature which is
(13.51%). It is clear that the effect of noise factor (5.342%) on process operation is very low as
compared to the control factors. So, especially the third parameter which was not study by any
author or researchers mixing temperature more significant by 43.24% in the current process of
Amhara pipe factory.

4.2 Comparison of Full Factorial Analysis with Taguchi Parameter

It is evident from the results of the full factorial analysis shown in Table 3.7, the best
Hydrostatic pressure test result obtained were at core temprature 165 c0 ,feed speed 30 rpm and
110 co mixing temprature. From Taguchi parameter design the optimum parameter levels
obtained were also the same (see Table 3.6). Thus, it can be noted that Taguchi parameter design
will also give accurate results with lesser number of experiments to be performed.

Table 4-4: Optimum Values of Factors and their Levels

Parameter Optimum Value Unit

Core Temperature 165 co
Feed Speed 16 Rpm
Mixer Temperature 110 co

4.3 To Compare the Predict the Process Parameters’, which is
Optimized with the Factory Working Standard
As compare the selecting optimal setting process parameter which is 35.1 MPa (table 3.7) and
the factory currently the product hydrostatic pressure test result is 24.5 Mpa (table 3.8). So, the
optimal confirmation experiments have a great difference; due to skill gap the operator‟s do not
understand the chemical properties raw materials and according to the machine become
depression or quality of machine become less according to shelf life is so long the setting
parameter have some effect on the output product and also operational environment have effect.
so, currently the machine setting parameter for to get desired product the above setting parameter
is optimal depend on the duration of machine currently. These designs of experiment have great
benefit for Amhara Pipe factory and other related plastic company to improve the quality of
resistance product.

4.4 Confirmation Experiment

The following table 4.5 shows confirmation experiments conducted using core temprature (165
co ), feed speed (30 rpm) and mix temprature (110 co ) mm. Total three sets of experiments were
conducted and their hydrostatic pressure values were checked. It can be seen that the results are

Figure 4-3: Optimum Parameters Confirmation Results Photographs

Table 4-5: Confirmation Experiment

Experiment No. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Results (Mpa)

1 35.5
2 34.8
3 35
Mean 35.1

Generally, using the above setting parameter at Amhara pipe factory to get the following benefits
acording to this study: improve the quality of a product, to decrease the scrap of product, to
minimizing cost of the factory, to minimizing the rework and to minimizing man power of the

4.5 Scrap Rate After Optimization Results

As shown above table 3.10: factory setting parameter and its result of resistance pressure and on
the table of 4.4: Optimum values of factors and their levels result the scrap rate after
optimization as shown below calculation:

No. Types of Current Optimal Values of Current values of Deviation
product scrap rate Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure
Test (HPT) Test(HPT)
1 UPVC 20% 35.1 MPa 24.5MPa 10.6 MPa

Scrap rate after optimization (%) = (Deviation of HPT/current values of HPT)* current scrap rate

= (10.6/24.5)*20%


= 8.64% optimized

Hence, 20.0%-8.64%=11.36%

So, based on theresult of above scrap rate after optimizatiom was reduced from 20% to
11.36%. therefore, Amhara pipe factory had got more benefit to apply this optimazation. That is
reduction of defect, minimizing rework, saving manpower and minimizing the cost.

Generally, the standared of the resistance pressure for the specific product OD 160, PN 10 is
33.8, when the output products is not fullfill the standared, make the product defect or
scrap. Hence resistance of the product is essential for confrim the product as qualified.



5.1 Conclusion
This study discribes the application of the parameter design (Taguchi expermental method) in
the optimization of extrusion process parameter. The following conclusions can be drawn based
on the above experimental results of this paper:

 The scrap rate after optimization is reduced from 20% to 11.36% , i.e 8.64% optimized.
This implies by setting properlly the setting parameter of the extrusion process to
minimize the defect of product and more resistance product. So, the factory got abenefit
on rework, cost, customer satisfaction and manpower.
 Depend on pervious year 2015 and 2016 study of the frequency defect by using the
analysis of pareto chart specifically on the product of OD 160, PN 10 product the most
sensitive types of defects are burn surface, crack and uneven wall thickness depend on
this the most sensitive parameter are core temprature, mixing temprature and feed speed
of the screw.
 Taguchi‟s Method of parameter design of experment can be performed with lesser
number of experimentations of Hydrostatic pressure test as compared to that of full
factorial analysis of Hydrostatic pressure test and yields similar results.
 Taguchi‟s expermental design method can be applied for analyzing any other kind of
problems as described in this paper.
 It is found that the parameter design of the Taguchi method provides a simple,
systematic, and efficient methodology for optimizing the process parameters.
 During to compare the Predict the process parameters‟, which is optimized with the
factory stanandared have agrat difference. The test that obtained by experment of
optimization was better as compare the factory standared in the current Process Amhara
pipe Factory.
 From this study by making analysis of variance feed speed and mixing temprature
parameter were highly siginificant the extrusion process as compare core temprature.

5.2 Recommendation
In this work the extrusion process factors (mixing temperature, core temperature and feed speed)
and frequency of defect types, and causes of the defect on the specific product of OD 160, PN 10
and evaluated by Hydrostatic pressure test were studied, but the effect of thus factors on tensile
machine were not studied because the hydrostatic pressure test is the best (critical) machine to
conduct the experiment. There are also other important factors that is not taken at this study and
characterizations should be studied and to be considered for the future work. These are:
 In addition to above parameter effects of vacuums pressure, haul off speed and other have
some effect on the quality of UPVC pipe highly dependent on the process of extrusion as
process parameters. So, for next work those will include and will get full study.
 The study could be extended to include more study of material properties such as
chemical resistance properties.
 In addition to the study of temperature and speed, the effect of proportion of chemical
calcium carbonate, and other additives ratio will be conduct and also the size of the
particle material also have high impact on the quality of the products.
 In addition of optimizing parameter to study more on cost and profit analysis of
 Like this study the factory will make such type of experiment for each product type of outer
daiameter (OD) and thickness for minimize defects and to get more resistance product. So, by
taking this setting paramer the factory will prepare this as SOP manual. It helps to minimize start
up defect of burn by temprature ( see Appendix B).


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Appendix A
Hydrostatic pressure test result for a specific product of OD 160, PN-10

Experiment No. Parameters Hydrostatic

core temperature feed mixer pressure
(co ) speed(RPM) temperature( co) test, Result
1 150 16 110 33.48
2 150 16 90 30.89
3 150 14 110 29.12
4 150 14 90 28.0
5 150 12 110 26.23
6 150 12 90 25.5
7 150 16 70 25
8 150 14 70 24.34
9 150 12 70 23.71
10 165 16 110 35.1
11 165 16 90 32.76
12 165 14 110 30
13 165 14 90 28.1
14 165 12 110 26.75
15 165 12 90 25.87
16 165 16 70 25.06
17 165 14 70 24.48
18 165 12 70 24.5
19 180 16 110 33
20 180 16 90 30.21
21 180 14 110 28.6
22 180 14 90 27.78
23 180 12 110 26
24 180 12 90 25.2

25 180 16 70 24..65
26 180 14 70 24.11
27 180 12 70 23.23

Experiment No. Measured value of hydrostatic pressure test

1 2 3 Mean

1 23.63 24 223.5 23.71

2 27.95 28 28 28

3 34.45 33 33 33.48

4 24 25 24.5 24.5

5 28.32 27.95 28 28.09

6 35.5 34.7 35 35

7 23.2 23.5 23 23.23

8 27.66 27.7 28 27.78

9 34 32 33 33

Appendix B

Some photos of types of defect in the production process of un platicized poly vinyl chloride

 Surface burn product on the process due to Temprature problem, it make line.

 Cracking products

Appendix C

 During experimental work some sample and machine photo

Prepared sample for experiments sample 15-sample19

Appendix D

Standards of un- plasticized poly vinyl chloride pipe for thickness and weight per meter.

Appendix E

Experimental work starting from end-cap upto full set of Hydrostati machine to check result of
resistance( see on appendex E).

End-caps with seal

1 meter sample

UPVC sample


Fitting sample with end-cap

Setting pressure board

The fitting sample is connected with

hydrostatic machine


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