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While typing a keyword in a search bar, _____ may appear below it.

= Suggestions

People who send unwanted and unsolicited emails are called _____

= Spammers

What is the name given to a program or a set of programs used to look for information in the internet.

= Web Search Engine

What is the name given to applications that allow people to interact with one another in online

= Social Media

Which of the following TLD's is most likely to be owned by a university?

= .edu

What is the name of the LibreOffice version with the latest features?

= LibreOffice Fresh

What do you call an application used for sending, receiving, and organizing emails?

= Email Client

Information stolen via _____ such as credit card and bank account information can be used in identity
theft and stealing money.

= Phishing
A _____ is a computer that does tasks for other computers.

= Server

_____ is a type of malware that does not need human action to spread

= Worm

A _______ is an Internet-based application that can be accessed using browsers.

= Web Application

Web 1.0 websites are static

= True

A centralized location for numerous servers is called a _____

= Data Center

_____ is the most common TLD

= .com

Yahoo, Google, and Bing are examples of a _____.

= Web Search Engine

_____ is a type of malware that disguises itself as a harmless program or file.

= Trojan

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293 is also know as _____

= Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

The Hawaiian word wikiwiki, means _____

= Quick

A _____ is a software that is used to create information like documents, spreadsheet, presentations, etc.

= Productivity tool

What is the name of word processor that we used in Chapter 5?

= LibreOffice Writter

When you sign up to an app or website, you normally have to set an alias. This alias is called a _____.

= Alias

Unwanted and unsolicited messages are called _____

= Spamming

Apps that you install on your phone such as Facebook, Instagram, and Clash of Clans are web apps.

= True

What is the name given to software used to create, store and collections of information?

= Database management system

Websites from the 2.0 or later generations of the internet that can change their appearance and
behavior depending on the user's action, location, preferences, etc. are called _____ websites.

= Dynamic Websites
A website that allows users to edit its contents and structure is called a _____.

= Wiki

A program used to create, store, and manage data in tables.

= Spreadsheet

_____ is a type of malware that causes unwanted advertisements to appear in your screen.

= Adware

Other than the search bar, you can also enter your search keywords in your browser's _____.

= Address Bar

In the First Chapter, we visited the website of what 90's movie?

= space Jam

LibreOffice is an open-source _____

= Office productivity suite

With Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, you can make an online search by typing the keywords in the

= Address Bar

When you record a movie that was shown on TV and you sold copies of it, you are committing an act of
piracy called _____

= Streaming
_____ relies on users to contribute web contents.

= Social Media

Adware are browser add-ons that prevent advertisements from being displayed in your browser.

= False

The names of _____ are numbers

= Rows

A link will open in a new tab if you click on it with your _____

= Mouse Wheel

Data centers are centralized locations for _____

= Cloud

Web 1.0 websites are defined as read-only or _____

= Static

The most common acts of _____ include posting inappropriate or banned contents, posting off topic

Select one:

= Trolling

_____ allows you to use multiple keywords and entire phrases and narrow down your search by
selecting language, region, date, etc.
= Advanced Search

Bcc Stands for

= Blind Carbon Copy

Web 2.0 websites are mostly dynamic

= True

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