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Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24(6):397–407, 2008

Copyright r Informa Healthcare

ISSN: 0959-3985 print/1532-5040 online
DOI: 10.1080/09593980802511797

Philosophy of science and physiotherapy: An insight

into practice
Roger Kerry,1 Matthew Maddocks,2 and Stephen Mumford3
Associate Professor, Division of Physiotherapy Education, University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
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Division of Physiotherapy Education, University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK
Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK

This article presents an overview of the philosophy of science and applies such philosophical theory to
clinical practice within physiotherapy. A brief history of science is followed by the theories of the four
most commonly acknowledged philosophers, introduced in the context of examples from clinical
practice. By providing direct links to practical examples, it demonstrates the possibilities of relating the
logical basis of this field of study to the clinical setting. The relevance to physiotherapy is that, by
relating this theory, clinicians can better understand and analyse the fundamental logic behind their
practice. The insight this provides can benefit professional development in several ways. For the clin-
ician, it permits more comprehensive and coherent reasoning and helps to relate evidence with respect to
For personal use only.

individual patients. On a larger scale, it encourages reflective discussion between peers around the
virtues of alternative treatment approaches. Thus, this topic has the potential to guide clinical practice
toward being more scientific and may help raise the credibility of the profession as a whole.

Introduction cations of science (Klee, 1997), as well as the

manner in which it progressively explains pheno-
Increasingly, physiotherapy clinicians are mena and predicts occurrences with more accuracy
required to practice as scientists. They must reason (Chalmers, 1999; Ladyman, 2002). Understanding
their clinical decision making, deliver practice philosophers’ theories can help clinicians gain
in light of best available evidence, and build upon insight into their reasoning; formulate logical,
their knowledge and expertise to fulfil the pro- coherent arguments to justify their practice; and
fessional responsibilities set out by governing relate evidence with regard to individual patients.
bodies (CSP, 2007a,b; Higgs and Titchen, 1998). As a result, they should be better equipped to
Amongst peers, clinicians also have to justify why engage in challenging discussions with peers to
they follow a particular treatment approach or debate various treatment choices and contest their
favour one therapeutic modality over another. own and each other’s practice. Thus, the application
There is a constant demand to communicate jud- of philosophical theory can not only help indivi-
gements in a logical, coherent manner. duals develop their practice but may guide overall
An appreciation of the philosophy of science clinical practice and raise the credibility of the
may help clinicians explore the logic underlying profession as a whole.
their clinical practice. This field of philosophy Previous health science authors have discussed
examines the assumptions, foundations, and impli- aspects of philosophies of science in the context

Accepted for publication 19 December 2007.

Address correspondence to Roger Kerry, Division of Physiotherapy Education, University of Nottingham, Hucknall
Road, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK. E-mail:

398 Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407

of their discipline: physiotherapy (Noronen and Conclusion C: Mr X’s back pain is related to
Wiksröm-Grotell, 1999; Parry, 1997; Robertson, a disc dysfunction.
1995; Robertson, 1996), chiropractic (Coulter,
1991), and nursing (Nyatanga, 2005). However, Thus, if premises A and B are true, then it is a
these are generally targeted toward researchers and logical necessity that C is also true (discussing the
seldom attempt to relate philosophical theory to truth of premises A and B is beyond the scope
clinical practice. Therefore, the utility of this topic of this article). According to this Aristotelian
to clinicians may seem unclear. thought, it would be illogical, and therefore less
This article provides a brief overview of classic valid, to simply state ‘‘Mr X has intervertebral
and contemporary philosophies of science and disc dysfunction,’’ without the support of the
relates them directly to examples of physiother- preceding premises.
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apy practice. The main text begins with a brief Later on, during the scientific revolution,
historical background to science. Thereafter, the Francis Bacon (1561–1626) proposed a new tool—
four most commonly acknowledged philosophies novum organtum—as the basis for scientific
are covered under subheadings that refer to the method (Jardine and Silverthorne, 2000). In con-
main premise of each. Subsections begin with trast to Aristotelian naı̈ve deduction, Bacon’s
boxed text in which an example from clinical method of induction relies on observation, rather
practice and the clinician’s thoughts are pro- than logical inference, as the basis for proposing
vided. The practice is then examined in light of truthful statements. According to Bacon, obser-
the philosophical theory. We demonstrate this as vational experiments are relied upon to establish
a mechanism for clinicians to gain more under- laws. The observer begins with absolutely no prior
standing of the science underpinning their prac- facts or biases regarding the subject of observa-
tice, which can benefit professional development. tion (presuppositionless observation) and simply
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accumulates data from which a law or statement

can be induced. The following is an example of
inductive logic:
Philosophies of science
‘‘If all observed back pain patients have poor
Historical background to scientific local muscle control then all back pain patients
thought have poor muscle control.
Throughout history humans have been fasci- Before becoming aware of these observation
nated with understanding how things work and results, I had no opinion on what the causes of
the pursuit of truth. Truth has been sought low back pain would be.
through many methods of enquiry. These have I now have 20 years experience and have seen
ranged from faith in the mystical to structured, over 1000 patients with low back pain. I recog-
systematic approaches. The latter methods can nise a pattern, based on my experience, of back
be considered as scientifically superior, and the pain being related to poor muscle control.
validity of these methods lies in the strength of Therefore my next patient with low back will
the logical basis in which they are embedded also have poor local muscle control.’’
(Fisher, 2008). The concept of logic was deve-
loped by Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) and was Induction remained the epistemological basis of
arguably the most important development in scientific discovery until the early 20th century
mechanisms of inquiry and decision making when the method of scientific enquiry was sig-
(Tarnas, 1996). Aristotelian logic is referred to nificantly challenged (Chalmers, 1999). The fol-
as naive deduction. This means that from the lowing sections present four simple clinical
premises of A and B, someone can deduce C reasoning scenarios, which are examined in line
(logical conclusion). For example: with the four most reported 20th-century philoso-
phies of science. It is anticipated that these will pro-
Premise A: All back pain is related to a disc vide the reader with an insight into how the logical
dysfunction. basis of clinical practice can be philosophically
Premise B: Mr X has back pain. examined.
Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407 399

Philosophy in clinical practice 1: Primarily, Popper argued that presupposition-

less observation (the inductive prerequisite of
Falsification and the demarcation of observations having no bias) is not possible, given
science the rich and complex nature of human perception
(Popper, 1963). His concern was that if induc-
Clinician’s thoughts:
tion is used to define or demarcate a discipline as
scientific, and inductive logic is flawed, all those
‘‘I hypothesise that this patient’s back pain disciplines that claim to be scientific (and thus
is most likely due to 4 possible factors: virtuous) on this basis might not actually be so.
1) facet joint dysfunction; A revised criterion of falsification was put
2) poor local muscular control; forward for the demarcation of scientific activity
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3) disc dysfunction; or (Popper, 1980, pp 34–42). This entailed that to be

4) a combination of these. scientific, a discipline must hold theories from
which derivative predictions (hypotheses) can be
I will now systematically attempt to falsify deduced that are testable and capable of being
each hypothesis through questioning and falsified (Figure 1). Popper used the early 20th-
physical examination. The hypothesis which century practice of psychoanalysis to highlight
survives these tests to the greatest extent is the the demarcation between science and what he
most likely factor influencing this back pain.’’ termed pseudo-science (Popper, 1963). He was
disturbed that the psychoanalysts were making
The clinical thought process depicted above is strong proclamations that their discipline was
referred to as hypothetico-deductive reasoning. It scientific. Freud and Adler theories could be used
is a common reasoning strategy among experi- to explain any conceivable event. In this case, the
For personal use only.

enced clinicians and is considered as a robust and inherent vagueness of the theories renders them
effective mechanism of enquiry (Higgs and Jones, unfalsifiable and therefore not scientific.
2000). The philosophical basis of this process Many other disciplines (e.g., political move-
differs from both naı̈ve deduction and inductive ments, astrology, and homeopathy) attempt to pro-
logic and is representative of falsification theory claim scientific status, but in Popperian terms are
developed by Karl Popper (1902–1994). Popper actually nothing more than science-masqueraders.
was a proponent of the experimental model and This phenomenon has been referred to as the
developed arguments against the inductive method ‘‘pseudo-scientific hijacking’’ of science (Dawkins,
highlighting its many logical flaws (Popper, 1980; 1998). On a social level this is much more than
Salmon, 1988). academic semantics and has extreme detrimental

Predictions Tested

(Hypotheses) (Deductive)

(Derived) - Logical deduction Corroborated Falsified

Temporarily “Verified”

Permanently “Falsified”

Figure 1. Scientific structure according to Popper describing the process of falsification (authors’ own).
400 Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407

effects on the public understanding of science. Philosophy in clinical practice 2:

Popper logically challenged the proposition that
inductive method was the criterion of demarca-
Scientific revolution and paradigms
tion. He dismissed how induction used tautology Clinician’s thoughts:
and language philosophy to ‘‘prove’’ the meta-
physical ‘‘nonsensical twaddle’’ of pseudo-
I have been managing back pain patients for
scientific disciplines (Popper, 1980, p 35). The
a number of years using muscular-fascial
dogmatic and institutionalised teaching and
theory (i.e., pain is related to restrictions in
training of physiotherapy cults, together with the
movement caused by the myofascial system).
unfalsifiable and panacean proclamations of the
physiotherapy ‘‘theorists,’’ are perhaps examples Treatment of this system seemed to produce
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of physiotherapy entering the domain of pseudo- great results in my patients. The odd patient
science (Rivett, 1999). Examples of practices would sometimes not respond well, but
involving unfalsified and unfalsifiable theories are overall it was a great theory.
shown below. According to Popper’s way of
However, recently I have been working in an
thinking, these practices demarcate a disciple as
being pseudo-scientific. environment where I see more patients for
longer term follow-up, my questioning and
communication have improved, and it
a) Unfalsified theory: I have a theory of appears that there are many patients who
‘movement impairment’ which explains are not responding to this approach.
this back pain. I am so convinced by
this explanation that I do not need to I can no longer use my theory to explain what
consider other explanations nor test is happening and I now have to question its
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my theory. I will begin treating right value in the presence of so many unsuccessful
away in accordance with this theory. clinical outcomes.
Upon further education and reflective prac-
b) Unfalsifiable theory: My theory of tice I am learning that non-biological factors
movement impairment cannot be affect the prognosis of someone’s back pain
argued against as I can always find experience.
some sort of movement dysfunction
I am continuing to develop ways of assessing
in anyone. If someone else does find
and managing treatment within my new
out that a movement impairment does
paradigm and will eventually be comfortable
not relate to the pain, I can find
practicing within this new framework.
another movement impairment which
will explain the pain. I can continually When I think back to the old theory, or talk
remodel my theory so it can never fail. to colleagues who continue to use a purely
structural approach, there is difficulty coming
A second Popperian principle regards the nat- to agreement about the nature of back pain
ure of a hypothesis (Popper, 1980, pp 252–281). and the best way to manage it.
To improve its scientific value, a hypothesis Of course, my patients still have specific
should have as high an informative and non- myofascial or movement dysfunctions which
tautological content as possible, whilst still being I do address, but within the context of the
probable (Popper, 1980, pp 146–215). In contrast, non-biological factors which can influence
induction dictates that we should aim to develop their pain experience.
statements (general laws) with maximal prob-
ability. For example, stating: ‘‘either this back
pain is related to movement dysfunction or it is The clinician’s thought process above repre-
not’’ fulfills the inductionist criterion. It may have sents a reflective and adaptive practitioner. In an
maximized probability to 100% truth, but it does age of evidence-based practice, self-reflection,
not help decide a meaningful diagnosis or man- and continual professional development, the
agement strategy. insight offered in this thought process makes it a
Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407 401
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Figure 2. Kuhnian Scientific Revolution (authors’ own interpretation from Kuhn, 1972).

professionally responsible and virtuous one. In stages leading up to the point in time when the
essence, this thought process represents a chang- scientific discipline totally revolutionises its activity
ing paradigm within the clinician’s practice. This (Figure 2).
concept is attributed to a philosopher of science In a state of normal science, the scientist works
called Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996). uncritically of the underpinning theory. The scien-
In contrast to Popper’s view that a theory can tist’s job is to collect data that fit in with the
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be broken down into small falsifiable pieces, which assumptions of that paradigm. Data that do not
in turn can be disregarded or put back into the fit the paradigm is dismissed as being erroneous
theory, Kuhn suggests that a theory is a whole, (as a result of the scientist’s poor work). However,
irreducible package. He called these packages there may come a point when these misfitting
paradigms (Kuhn, 1972). In Kuhn’s view it is the data become overwhelming and start to threaten
acceptance of a single paradigm in a discipline that the basic assumptions of the paradigm. Thus, the
will demarcate a science from a non-science, not discipline reaches a state of anomaly. If these data
whether hypotheses within that paradigm are continue and evade or resist explanation, the
falsifiable. This view does not see science as a discipline moves into a state of crisis. During this
steady progression influenced by the accumulation state, an alternative framework of thought will
of knowledge. Rather, it proposes that science develop and eventually revolutionise the scientific
involves the wholesale acceptance and subsequent discipline. A period of new immature research
abandonment of paradigms. This process is coined activity begins whilst the new paradigm is being
a scientific revolution (Kuhn, 1972). Examples of accepted before once again normal, uncritical
such revolution include the shift from thinking that scientific activity resumes within that paradigm.
planets and stars move around the Earth (geo- The nature of a paradigm and the inter-
centrism) to the Copernican theory that planets pretation of results emerging from within that
move around the Sun (heliocentrism), or the move paradigm are two additional concepts to which
from Newtonian physics to Einsteinian theory Kuhn pays particular attention (Kitcher, 2002;
(Ladyman, 2002). In physiotherapy, the shift from Lewens, 2005). Respectively, these are known as
a tissue-based model for low back pain toward a the ‘‘incommensurability’’ of paradigms and the
theory led by the increasing importance of psycho- ‘‘theory-ladenness’’ of data. An essential charac-
social components of pain represents such a revo- teristic of a new paradigm is that it is incom-
lution. These examples demonstrate a wholesale mensurable with the competing paradigm (i.e.,
abandonment of one theory—or paradigm—in there is no straightforward way of comparing the
favour of another. Thus, Kuhn (1972) refers to this two). This means that the detail, the language,
activity as a paradigm shift. and the whole underpinning framework is so
So what is it that makes a science shift its under- different between paradigms that the scientist
pinning paradigm? Kuhn describes a number of must learn to operate in a completely new way.
402 Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407

It also means that scientists from each paradigm

have no common language with which to com- these ideas may turn out to be invalid. Others
municate. For example, it would be impossible might continue to be successful theories I use
for a Newtonian physicist to resolve a problem in my practice.
associated with mass in collaboration with It is, however, unlikely that my core theory
an Einsteinian physicist, because the Newtonian of movement dysfunction is going to be
concept of mass is different from the Einsteinian radically falsified or revolutionised due to its
concept (Okasha, 2002). The detail is so embed- adaptability and acceptance by practitioners
ded in the competing underpinning theories that over many decades.
singular comparison of detail cannot be made.
This theory-relative view of detail is also the
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premise of Kuhn’s thoughts regarding the theory- This thought process represents a develop-
ladenness of data. As above, Kuhn argues that ment from both Popperian and Kuhnian models.
traditionalist views of science are erroneous in It appears to embrace a core paradigm (movement
that they attempt to make science too objective. theory) whilst at the same time develop specific,
Kuhn’s holistic interpretation means that to falsifiable ideas (e.g., joint dysfunction and disc
attempt to analyse data in isolation from its dysfunction) that contribute to the overriding para-
underpinning theory is wrong—all data is conta- digm. This thought process is aligned to philoso-
minated with theory. This immediately questions phical concept of a research programme, and more
the validity of the concept of objective truth (i.e., completely, Sophisticated Methodological Falsifi-
this theory-ladenness notion implies that truth is cation. These concepts have been developed by
relative to the environment from which it emer- philosopher Imre Lakatos (1922–1974).
ges). Indeed, Kuhn’s philosophy is regarded as a Lakatos worked on his philosophy during the
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major driving force for sciences, in particular the 1960s whilst based in the same department as Karl
social sciences, to embrace the cultural, social, and Popper, whose theory of knowledge in part ins-
environmental relativism of truth (Longino, 1990). pired his ideas. Lakatos (1999c) did not advocate
By relating these concepts of Kuhnian philo- for inductivism but favoured deductive explanation
sophy of science to clinical practice, the clini- born through trial and error. Lakatos’s first
cian’s thought process can now be superimposed standpoint is that theories offering explanations to
onto a framework of scientific activity. This is problems must come in whole packages rather than
demonstrated in Figure 3. by piecing together individual observation state-
ments as Popper allowed. He proposed that theo-
ries originate as a vague set of key ideas and
concepts, which are developed and clarified as the
Philosophy in clinical practice 3: theory grows (Lakatos, 1970, p 173). The gene-
Sophisticated methodological ration of proof or evidence for or against a com-
falsification plete theory should not serve to close the issue but
to allow the theory to be modified or grow. The
Clinician’s thoughts: proof procedure, to Lakatos, is essentially a long
process of fumbling and trying again and again.
I am quite certain that on a basic level, back He presents theories as opportunities for growth
pain is related to some form of movement (in knowledge) and coins them ‘‘research pro-
dysfunction. This assumption of pathokine- grammes’’ (Lakatos, 1970, p 132; Lakatos, 1999b).
Each research programme contains two coex-
siology is so basic, generic, and supported
within the sphere of manual therapy that it is isting heuristics (approaches to discovery or pro-
essentially unchallengeable. blem solving) that provide both negative and
positive guidance. The negative heuristic involves
However, I have other ideas that are more an unchallengeable core of basic assumptions,
specific (e.g., joint dysfunction, disc dysfunc- ideas, or concepts that are proven and universally
tion, myofascial dysfunction, local muscle supported. In the boxed example above the core
control, and psycho-social theories). Some of theory is that low back pain is related to move-
ment dysfunction (pathokinesiology), a notion
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Figure 3. Kuhnian philosophy: Analysis of clinician’s thoughts.

that most clinicians would support. Any obser- (Lakatos, 1999b). These supplementary hypo-
vations that are contrary to this core do not serve theses represent the positive heuristic, a list of
to refute the theory. Instead, they encourage the anomalies or peripheral assumptions that need to
formulation of supplementary hypotheses that be worked on. Unlike the core, these are refutable
serve to build a ‘‘protective belt’’ around the core and should be adjusted accordingly following
404 Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407

observations (Lakatos, 1970). In the example unprotected, ceases to grow, and is ultimately
provided, myofascial theory and local mus- abandoned. This process is termed Sophisticated
cle control serve as peripheral assumptions to the Methodological Falsification (SMF) (Lakotos,
core theory of pathokinesiology. If evidence in 1970, p 122) and may be seen as an extension of
support of either these assumption arises, the the Popperian concept of falsification. SMF may
‘‘low back pain is related to movement dysfunc- provide a more realistic and encompassing reflec-
tion’’ theory is developed and might incorporate tion of how a clinician might practice. Reasoning
reference to the particular assumption concerned. is usually based on several components or aspects
Equally, if observations refuting an assumption of an underlying theory. Therefore, falsification
arise, this assumption would no longer supple- of a single component does not mean the entire
ment the core theory and would be modified or theory is abandoned; rather, parts of it are deve-
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abandoned (Lakatos, 1970, pp 134–135). loped and the practice of that theory is modified.
The success of each research programme (or Figure 4 demonstrates SMF as a framework in
theory) is dependent on its longevity; the length of which this can take place.
time it withstands tests of refutation. If adjust- Lakatos also states ‘‘there is no falsification
ments to the assumptions in the protective belt before the emergence of another theory; theories
permit new predictions, which are consequentially are not falsified by data but other theories’’
corroborated, these add to the cumulative growth (Lakatos, 1970, p 119). This conceptual introduc-
of the theory (Lakatos, 1999a). Conversely, if tion that theories compete against one another is
observations consistently refute the peripheral important. Thus, the paradigm shifts proposed by
assumptions, these degenerate and no longer serve Kuhn may not be radical changes in thought, but
to protect the core. If this happens repeatedly to simply the ‘‘overtaking’’ of one scientific theory
the majority of the assumptions, the theory is left by another (Lakatos, 1970, p 173). Lakatos offers
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Figure 4. Sophisticated Methodological Falsification. The negative heuristic of pathokinesiolgy is unchallengeable. Peripheral
assumptions related to this core assumption are falsifiable, and their response to testing will sculpt the clinician’s impression of
Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407 405

a potential resolution to the conflict between an alternative view that science is an unfounded
Popper’s concept of falsification and Kuhn’s ideology and a more radical way of thinking is
revolutionary-based take on scientific develop- philosophically justifiable.
ment. Popper argues scientists should replace Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994) introduced a
refuted theories with new ones, and Kuhn argues view of science that conflicts strongly with pre-
that evidence against a theory should be dis- ceding philosophical thoughts (Ladyman, 2002).
counted (i.e., considered incompatible with that Feyerabend (1993) was against all attempts to
theory or ignored). Lakatos uses SMF to acknow- rationalise the development of scientific theories
ledge the need to modify peripheral assumptions and rebelled against the method in science that
as a process to dictate the growth or otherwise of a other philosophers promoted. Until this point,
theory and determine its fate (Lakatos, 1999c). science was built up to be characterised by an
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essential scepticism; when observations that refu-

ted a theory came thick and fast, defence of that
Philosophy in clinical practice 4: theory switched to an attack on it. Feyerabend
Science as an ideology (1999) proposed that contrary to carrying this
essential scepticism, most scientists’ beliefs were
Clinician’s thoughts: protected by a taboo reaction to refutation. He
believed that most scientists showed minimal and
I was trained to make assessment and selective scepticism, being sceptic only toward
management decisions for patients based observations challenging peripheral components of
on reasoned argument, logic, and also to their own theories (Feyerabend, 1978, pp 88–89).
seek and provide ‘‘evidence’’ whenever pos- As ‘‘believers’’ to the core of their theory, scientists
sible. In reward for me demonstrating that either call for the incompatibility between obser-
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I could do this, I received both a Bachelor vations that challenge it, or simply ignore them. In
and a Master of SCIENCE degree! How- this way science has the potential to conceal or
ever, I now see that this is possibly just distort the process of gaining new knowledge by
another way of going about things, and not explaining it to fit around itself.
necessarily the best way. Feyerabend suggests that myth and science are
similar. He did not believe that science deserves
At times, I see this method as being restric- the status it has in society; to him it was just
tive to my practice and confining me to another ideology (a story we are told is true even
artificial rules made up by those who simply in the absence of justification) amongst many
‘‘believe’’ that this scientific process is some- (Feyerabend, 1993, pp 222–223). Other rival
how better than other ways. Is Science ignor- ideologies, he argued, would work just as well if
ing the chaotic complexity of human nature you believe them, but because of the dominance
and pain? of scientific ideology within the state we are
Why can I not believe—without question- taught to ignore them (Feyerabend, 1978, p 77).
ing—in say, the healing powers of magnets, As a result, the superiority of science cannot be
or faith, or joint mobilisation? Why should demonstrated (i.e., science is only ‘‘superior’’
I be forced to believe in the dogmatic, because we judge it to be using the standards
controlled ideology of science? science dictates).
By proposing science as an ideology, rules
become detrimental. They neglect the complexity
Thus far, the philosophies of science have all of the conditions that influence theory change
advocated sound reasoning and systematic pro- and limit the resources available to scientists (now
gression of thought. The clinician above seems to believers of ideologies) to extend knowledge. The
have ‘‘given up’’ on the idea that to be correct, presence of rules also makes science less adap-
there is a need to be reasonable and logical. But is table and more dogmatic; users take for granted
this necessarily bad practice? If contemporaneous the assumptions that go into their formation
professional practice should be embedded in logi- (Feyerabend, 1993, p 231). Feyerabend thought
cal reasoning and the utilisation of sound evi- the idea that science ought to run according to
dence, then arguably so. This final section offers fixed and universal rules was unrealistic and
406 Kerry et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 397–407

pretentious—unrealistic because it offers a very clinician’s can better understand the scientific
simplistic view of mans’ talents and pretentious rigour of their practice and establish the best
because it enforces its own rules at the expense approaches for the future.
of this humanity.
This philosophy encourages freedom of choice
and ideological neutrality within scientists. Choice
between competing theories should be subjective, References
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