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Lession Plan

I have choose 3 chile name:-

1. 0-2 years- name - Anay

2. 2-3 years- name - Roko Kelly

3. 3-5 years name- Dakota William

Lession Plan 1
For 0-2 year kids - very calm and friendly in nature from Indian background, like to play with everybody
especially me, likes to do puzzle, fish, eats quite good, sleeps 2-3 hours a day in two period one in
morning one in evening.

Physical Development
physically active able to walk correctly can use right hand dominantly in task
Social/Emotional Development
Cooperative with the peers of same age. Enjoys group play

Language Development
can use simple words when referring to objects, feelings, requirements.

Cognitive Development

Can arrange objects and puzzles Points at item correctly when referring to them

Children have a strong sense of identity

Child A appears to appreciate playing with others and appreciates bunch related exercises as much as
self-play. Child A showed solid actual improvement as he could run without falling. He showed
language advancement too getting what was being said. Child A was arranging puzzle of human body
parts into right spot in the riddle board. The instructor took a piece of nose and asked the child, "What
is this body part called, A?" Child A answered "Nose". "Generally excellent" teacher remarked which
satisfied the child. The instructor proceeded with different parts too and Child A had the option to
answer. Child A showed capable improvement of his intellectual and language abilities as he can
review the names of the body parts and articulate the names accurately. He likewise delighted in
puzzle games.

Children develop their knowledgeable and confident self identities

Child A cooperated with his companions by framing a gathering of 3 where they appeared to copy
vehicle dashing and were hustling against one another. At the point when one of the friends' vehicle
fell and began crying. Child A cried alongside them. The peer stopped crying and seeing the peer
happy and without tear after the educator’s consolidation, child A stopped crying as well. Child A
imitated the sound of siren when he was playing with the police car and said, “police, police” when
making his car drive past his peers. The child is interested in playing with friends and forming social
groups while playing. The children is knowledged about police sirens and sounds. Child were playing
with toys in their playing room. The instructor asked kid A who was holding a fish. "What is the name
of this A?" Child An answered, "A fish". "A fish. Excellent A" "Do you like fish?" asked instructor.
"MMhm" answered A. "Let's assume I like it" said instructor. "I like it. I like eat fish." answered some
time making eating motion. The instructor was flabbergasted at his utilization of word for expressing.

Lession Plan 2
2-3 Years
2-3 years- very hard to handle child. From Irish and Australian family, likes to play with musical
instruments, slide

sleeps 1-1.5 hour in a day, comes everyday in childcare excepts Friday likes to drink coconut water a lot

Planned activity

0-2 - puzzle activity in which he have to solve the riddle of which animal and which parts will go where in
its place, reading books of animal, plays in kitchen corner

Roko- activity- playing in slide, obstacle to develop physical and gross motor skills, catching the ball,
playing with musical instrument

Dakota- activity- went out in park to develop the social skills, dipping digger trucks excavator in colour
and riding it in paper, Chinese New Year dragon making activity. Child were having lunch during noon.
Youngster A was having his lunch and keeping in mind that picking apples with his fork said "apples. I
like apples". The teacher had shown the class making sentence with 'I like' preceding lunch.

Children became aware of fairness

I had a discussion with youngster A when I was showing kids food and talking with them about their
preferences. "What food do you like to eat dear?" I asked " I like products of the soil chips" "Is that
so. A few days ago one of the miss let me know you loved fish. You like fish" I inquired. "That's right.
I like fish" he answered. "Which do you like the most fish or natural product or potato chips?" "I like
fish" he proceeded. "Let's assume I like fish the most." I said to him. "I like fish the most" he
duplicated and grinned and inquired" Do you like fish as well?". "indeed I love eating fish." I said. "I
love eating fish as well." He answered. Child A showed strong affinity towards learning and playing
with puzzles. He showed developed cognitive skills through his ability to play with the puzzles and sort
them. He had interest bin animals and learning about them as well and listening to taught stories from

Children respond to diversity with respect

The observation tools were reliable as observation made were direct observation of child in

The assessment tools are valid for every children and observation made.

Impartial observation of situation with direct quote of said words and activities were noted

Context of the Behaviour

It may happen on account of his current circumstance where his folks are isolated, so he resides with
various individual consistently (Father and Mother sequentially)
a) start to show worry for other people

b) investigate the variety of culture, legacy, foundation also, custom and that variety presents openings
for decisions and new understandings

c) become mindful of associations, likenesses and contrasts between individuals

d) pay attention to others' thoughts and regard various methods of being and doing

e) practice comprehensive methods of accomplishing conjunction

f) see and respond in sure ways to likenesses and contrasts among individuals

Lession Plan 3
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
3-5 years Child
3-5 years - from Australian background but parents are separated, sometimes goes with dad sometime
mum, so sometimes shows lot of tantrum and very hard to calm down specially when dad drops him off,
likes digger, trucks, excavator a lot a lot, plays in sandpit most of time, drinks hot milk before bed time,
loves me very much in center then anybody else,

Children became strong in emotional and social wellbeing

Children should Exhibit trust and certainty which helps to stay available to others now and again of
trouble, disarray and dissatisfaction with the proper assistance of the children. This also offers the offer
humor of the various joy and fulfillment of the child. This also leads to the Search out and acknowledge
new demands and also this makes to various latest and make new disclosures, and praise their own
endeavors and accomplishments and those of others which helps to Progressively co-work and work
cooperatively with others which makes the right and approves the new help for the child. This also
Appreciate snapshots of isolation in the new and latest wellbeing of the child. This also Perceive their
singular accomplishment and simply decide 1 acknowledge demands, face thought about challenges,
oversee change and adapt to dissatisfactions and the unforeseen which helps to show an expanding
ability to comprehend, self-direct and deal with their feelings in manners that mirror the sentiments
furthermore necessities of others for the experience of the child. Experience and offer individual
achievements in learning and start openings for new learning in their home dialects or Standard
Australian English is also required for the child to grow and also to learn about the exposure of the child.
Recognize and acknowledge assertion of the various nature and being targeted and also the child
should learn about the exposure of the wellbeing of the capatancy. This also State their capacities and
autonomy while showing expanding attention to the requirements and freedoms of others which helps
to perceive the commitments they make to shared activities and encounters in an various abilities for
the wellbeing of the child.

Children also learns about the self respect and their wellbeing

This is clear, for instance, when kids have this:

a. Exhibit trust and certainty b. Stay available to others now and again of misery, disarray and
c. Offer humor, joy and fulfillment
d. Search out and acknowledge new demands, make new disclosures, and commend their own
endeavors and accomplishments and those of others
e. Progressively co-work and work cooperatively with others
f. Appreciate snapshots of isolation
g. Perceive their singular accomplishment
h. Decide, acknowledge demands, face thought about challenges, oversee change and adapt to
disappointments and the sudden
I. Show an expanding ability to comprehend, self-direct and deal with their feelings in manners
that mirror the sentiments what's more, necessities of others
j. Experience and offer individual triumphs in learning and start openings for new learning in
their home dialects or Standard Australian English
k. Recognize and acknowledge assertion
l. Affirm their capacities and freedom while exhibiting expanding familiarity with the
requirements and privileges of others
m. Perceive the commitments they make to shared tasks and encounters 2


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