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“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

1. What did Mark Twain mean from his quotation regarding lies?

- In Mark Twain’s quotation he said there that a lie can travel halfway around the world which means
that when we tell lies it will eventually spread as fast as it could. Once those lies travel, they circulated
quickly and widely. The greatest liar has his believers and it often happens, that if a lie be believed by his
believers even only for an hour, it has done its work, and there’s nothing we can do with that.

2. What did he mean from his quotation regarding the truth?

- Mark Twain stated there that lie travel halfway around the world while the truth is just putting on it
shoes which means that the lie already circling the world while a truth was lacing its shoes on. Many
people believed already about the lies and it’s too late to know the truth. Falsehood flies, and the truth
comes limping after it, so that when people come to be undeceived, it is too late. The moment that you
know the truth, it already causes a lot of troubles that is difficult to put back.

3. What is the importance of telling the truth?

- Telling the truth is important because it expresses who we are. When we lie to people, no one sees
who we are, all they see is the lie we tell them, and that is sad and lonely place to be. When we tell lies,
we can hurt people. Sometimes we can hurt them materially or physically because a lie gets out of hand
and they do something they shouldn’t. Sometimes we hurt them emotionally because we make them
feel foolish or violate their trust. In this sense, a brutal truth can sometimes be worse than a
compassionate lie from a moral perspective, but as a rule lying always carries with it the capacity to
harm others. It should always be viewed suspiciously on those grounds because we don’t want to hurt
others. Truth is a light that shines on beauty and blemishes alike. Why wouldn't we want to see and be
seen as having both?

4. How do you value the truth that came from people around you?

- Truthfulness is important to build up the character of a person. A truthful person keeps their
work and has strength of minds. They are not afraid of anybody. They are never ready to suffer
by speaking the truth. On the other hand, they have a clear conscience and does not fear
anybody. So, their mind is free from the anxiety that constantly troubles a liar. There are times
that I screw up in all many ways. There are always honest reasons for my screw-ups, and I find
that naming them truthfully is an important part of maintaining a clear connection with others.
I invite others to tell the truth by telling the truth myself, as well as by explicitly requesting honesty
about whatever is under discussion — and appreciating truth when it is given to me. It’s hard to be
truthful at all times especially when your loved ones are involved. Thus, a truthful person
should be respected and do the same thing to them. It’s hard to find a person who is truthful,
so ones you know a person that is truthful, you must be thankful and trust them. Also, if they
are truthful to you, you must be truthful also to them to strengthen the trust of your
relationship with each other.

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