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What is the importance of knowing the origin and stages of development of the

Marketing system?

It can provide you with a wealth of information about marketing system that you can use to easily
understand the main concept of marketing system. It can also help you understand why the stages of
development is very important specially the process itself and It gives you more knowledge about the
different aspects of marketing system.

2. In your own words, what do you understand by the following:

A. Marketing mix

For me market mix is the combination of different market approach and also the word mix is the mixing
of important things in market to build a new approach.

B. Social marketing

For me social marketing is the marketing approach using social media platforms and alike like making
advertisment in Facebook to promote your products.

C. Comparative marketing

This market approach is about comparing the two market like market in local and international or in
specific area to another.
D. Systems or holistic

I have no idea about this holistic market approach but I think base on the word itsef it is a combination
of different parts of market approach like using 4ps and combine with another.

E. Marketing management

This approach is lead by the manager of the company that makes plan, analysis and control of their
program for the company.

3. Discuss the importance of studying and knowing your target market?

Knowing the right target market is vey important it helps you to choose the right marketing approach in
specific target market to achieve your goal. Also it heps you to make a future plan for your business
when you focus on you target market I think its easy to implement or apply your plan in your business
and bring success in the near future and last don’t forget to adapt the marketing mix to trends and

Developments in your target market.

4. Characterize the differences between Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. Using a
personal computer for your example, indicate how this product should be sold to someone in
each of the three generations. Lastly, if we call the next generation on the horizon Generation D
(the digital generation), what would you forecast for the preferences and buying patterns of this
generation? Explain.

I’ll make a personal computer with 3 different operating systems so that they can choose what they
want or from what generation they are, so for example in Baby Boomers the operating system of their
personal computer is base in what they prefer also in Generation X and Generation Y also they can use
all operating system by switching to another generation so they can try the features in other generation.
In the Generation D I’ll make a personal computer with advance feature like computer using A.I and
othe advance technology because this generation is more focus in future technology they can’t satify
what they have they need upgrade always.
5. There is increasing pressure for businesses to be more ethically and socially responsible. This
has become increasingly important in e-commerce. What can online businesses do to be more
ethically and socially responsible? Give an illustration. Next, give an illustration of an
organization that does not seem to be behaving in an ethical or socially responsible manner.
What would you propose to correct their failure in this area?

The online business is the trend today so many companies focus in making advertisment online without
knowing their target market because in online business anyone can see that and also make that then
they forgot their ethical and social responsible. The only thing they need to do is making the right plan
for online business that can take their responsibility for example the courier J&T Express there are news
that this company have a multiple violation like mishandling of packages/ parcels of their customers so
in this case they do not care about their customers feelings to correct this failure they need to make an
public apology, they need to strictly choose employees, and proper orient them.

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