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World Link Basic 6 Video Worksheet – Unit 6


Good Morning World – Keep in mind

A Watch the video. Check (✓) the sentences that are true. Then work with a partner to correct the false
1. _____________ Kim thinks she forgot to turn off the coffee pot in her apartment.
2. _____________ Jay has a good memory for names.
3. _____________ On Jay’s first morning as host of Good Morning World he woke up at 6:00.
4. _____________ Kim thinks that Jay has a good memory because he never changes.
5. _____________ Jay can’t remember who the guest was on his first day at Good Morning World.
6. _____________ Jay forgot Kim’s birthday.
7. _____________ Kim remembered Rashid’s birthday.
8. _____________ Kim and Rashid have the same birthday.
B Now watch the video again and circle a or b. Then compare your answers with a partner’s.
1. Does Kim forget things?
a. Yes, every day she forgets to do something.
b. No, she has a great memory.
2. Does Jay forget things?
a. Yes, he says he has a bad memory.
b. No, he says he never forgets anything.
3. What does Jay remember well?
a. He has a good memory for names.
b. He is very good at remembering the past.
4. What did Jay do on his first morning as host of Good Morning World?
a. He woke up at 5:00, went jogging in the neighborhood, and read the newspaper.
b. He woke up at 6:00, went jogging in the neighborhood, and watched the news on TV.
5. What did Kim tell Jay at noon the day before yesterday?
a. She said that the day after tomorrow is her birthday.
b. She said that the day before yesterday was her birthday.
6. Did Jay remember Kim’s birthday?
a. Yes, he remembered, but he forgot Rashid’s.
b. No, he forgot her birthday.
C Pair activity. Play “Test your memory” with a partner. Both of you make a list of five things that you did last week.
Tell those things to each other. You and your partner must remember the things and repeat them back without
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________

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