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World Link Basic 6

Video Worksheet Answer Key

Unit 4

Good Morning World – Kim in flight

1. True; 2. True; 3. False, Kim has her passport.; 4. True; 5. False, Kim has her credit card.; 6.
True; 7. False, The suitcase is Kim’s sister’s. It belongs to her.; 8. False, Jay says that in Costa
Rica there are clear skies and warm temperatures during the day.; 9. True; 10. True
1. a, b, c, e, f; 2. a, c, d, e, g
Answers will vary.

City Living – Another souvenir?

Answers will vary.
1. at night; 2. business meeting; 3. family; 4. book; 5. Roberto’s father; 6. T-shirt or a baseball
cap; 7. Claudia; 8. camera; 9. Claudia; 10. teddy bear
Answers will vary.

Global Viewpoints – The weather / What should I do?

1. True; 2. False, Jennifer says that sometimes it rains in her hometown.; 3. True; 4. False, Dan
says there are a lot of rainstorms in central Texas.; 5. True; 6. False, Dayanne says that in the
winter, it’s not so cold in Brazil.; 7. True; 8. False, Alyssa says she doesn’t like the winter very
much.; 9. True; 10. False, Daniel’s favorite season is winter.
1. f; 2. e; 3. a; 4. b, c, d
Answers will vary.
Unit 5

Good Morning World – Exploring heroes

1. Kim; 2. Blas Kubik; 3. Kim; 4. Blas Kubik; 5. Jay; 6. Blas Kubik; 7. Jay; 8. Blas Kubik; 9.
Kim; 10. Jay
1. father; 2. an ambassador; 3. Ecuador; 4. father; 5. chased; 6. working; 7. brave; 8. an explorer;
9. two teenagers; 10. hero
Answers will vary.

City Living – Our heroes

Answers will vary.
Claudia’s hero: True – 1, 3, 5, 6; False – 2. Rigoberta Menchu was born in Guatemala.; 4. She
won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1992; 7. She is a great leader. Sun-hee’s hero: True – 8, 10, 12; False
– 9. She died three years ago.; 11. She moved away from home when she was really young. 13.
She was not famous.; 14. She was Sun-hee’s grandmother.
Answers will vary.

Global Viewpoints – Who do you admire?

1. b; 2. e; 3. a; 4. f; 5. h; 6. i; 7. c; 8. g; 9. d
1. False, Alyssa admires Martin Luther King, Jr.; 2. False, Agnes admires Mahatma Gandhi; 3.
True; 4. False, Jonathan admires his father because he works hard.; 5. True; 6. True; 7. False,
Dayanne admires her mom because she’s brave, very persistent, and strong.; 8. False, Catherine’s
hero is her grandmother.; 9. True
Answers will vary.
Unit 6

Good Morning World – Keep in mind

1. True; 2. False, Jay doesn’t have a good memory for names.; 3. False, on Jay’s first morning as
host of Good Morning World, he woke up at 5:00.; 4. True; 5. True; 6. False, Jay remembered
Kim’s birthday.; 7. True; 8. True
1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a
Answers will vary.

City Living – Roberto’s strange dream

Answers will vary.
1. h; 2. c; 3. b; 4. e; 5. f; 6. g; 7. d; 8. a
Answers will vary.

Global Viewpoints – How’s your memory? / Strange dreams

1. True; 2. False, Agnes doesn’t remember numbers very well.; 3. True; 4. False, Alyssa can’t
remember numbers very well.; 5. False, Daniel has a good memory for numbers.; 6. False, Daniel
has a bad memory for foreign languages.; 7. True; 8. Sometimes Dan has problems remembering
names.; 9. True
1. cheese; 2. forest; 3. afraid; 4. friend; 5. sad; 6. dinosaurs; 7. scary; 8. bird; 9. weird
Answers will vary.

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