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Cartilla de apoyo estrategia “Aprende en casa”


Docentes: Sandra Lily Acosta Estudiante Curso:

Nancy Tarazona Morales
Área: Humanidades octavo


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Ser - Recurre a estrategias para la entrega Buscó ayuda ya sea de la docente, de otra
de sus trabajos. persona o en internet para solucionar sus
Saber -Reconoce en las oraciones las
estructuras gramaticales, usando el En la realización de sus trabajos, demostró
vocabulario y estructuras estudiadas en la comprensión de los temas tratados en la
cartilla. cartilla.

Hacer - Realiza ejercicios prácticos usando Envió via correo electrónico los trabajos
las temáticas estudiadas en la cartilla. propuestos en la estrategia aprende en
casa, en el tiempo acordado.
El estudiante no cuenta conectividad continua.
ACTIVIDAD No. 1 Development of topics:

1. _________. 1.
2. __________ 2.
A. Read the following text.

B. In order to study the listening you have to watch the film

“Pursuit of happYness”( Will Smith), as possible with english
subtitles. Take notes about the film.
If you can’t watch the film you can read the summary.

Pursuit of Happyness
In 1981, San Francisco salesman  Chris Gardner invests his
entire life savings in portable bone density scanners, which he
demonstrates to doctors and pitches as a handy quantum leap
over standard X-rays. The scanners play a vital role in Chris' life.
While he is able to sell most of them, the time lag between the
sales and his growing financial demands enrage his already bitter
and alienated wife Linda, who works as a hotel maid. The financial
instability increasingly erodes their marriage, in spite of them
caring for Christopher Jr., their soon-to-be five-year-old son.
While Gardner is trying to sell one of the scanners, he meets Jay
Twistle, a manager for Dean Witter Reynolds, and impresses him
by solving a Rubik's Cube during a taxi ride. After Jay leaves,
Gardner lacks money to pay the fare, and chooses to run instead,
causing the driver to angrily chase him into a BART station.
Gardner boards a train but loses one of his scanners in the
process. His new relationship with Jay earns him the chance to
become an intern stockbroker. The day before the interview,
Gardner grudgingly agrees to paint his apartment so as to
postpone being evicted due to his difficulty in paying the rent.
While painting, Gardner is greeted by two policemen at his
doorstep, who take him to the station, stating he has to pay for his
numerous parking tickets he has accumulated. As part of the
sanction, Gardner is ordered to spend the night in jail instead,
complicating his schedule for the interview the next morning. He
manages to arrive at Dean Witter's office on time, albeit still in his
shabby clothes. Despite his appearance, he impresses the
interviewers, and lands an unpaid internship. He would be

amongst 20 interns competing for a paid position as a

Gardner's unpaid internship does not please Linda, who
eventually leaves for New York, because she might get a job at
her sister's boyfriend's new restaurant. After Gardner bluntly says
she is incapable of being a single mom, she agrees that
Christopher Jr. will remain with his dad. Gardner is further set
back when his bank account is garnished by the IRS for unpaid
income taxes, and he and Christopher are evicted. He ends up
with less than $22, resulting in them being homeless, and they are
forced at one point to stay in a restroom at a BART station. Other
days, he and Christopher spend nights at a homeless shelter, in
BART, or, if he manages to procure sufficient cash, at a hotel.
Later, Gardner finds the bone scanner that he lost in the BART
station earlier and, after repairing it, sells it to a physician, thus
completing all his sales of his scanners.
Disadvantaged by his limited work hours, and knowing that
maximizing his client contacts and profits is the only way to earn
the broker position, Gardner develops a number of ways to make
phone sales calls more efficiently, including reaching out to
potential high value customers, defying protocol. One sympathetic
prospect who is a top-level pension fund manager even takes him
and his son to a San Francisco 49ers game. Regardless of his
challenges, he never reveals his lowly circumstances to his
colleagues, even going so far as to lend one of his bosses five
dollars for cab fare, a sum that he cannot afford. Chris is studying
for the stockbroker license exam, and passing it will get him a job
with Dean Witter Reynolds. Chris aces the stockbroker exam and
Concluding his internship, Gardner is called into a meeting with
his managers. One of them notes he is wearing a new shirt.
Gardner explains it is his last day and thought to dress for the
occasion. The manager smiles and says he should wear another
one tomorrow, letting him know he has won the coveted full-time
position giving him back his $5 as he promised. Fighting back
tears, Gardner shakes hands with them, then rushes to his son's
daycare to embrace Christopher. They walk down the street,
joking with each other (and are passed by the real Chris Gardner,
in a business suit). The epilogue reveals that Gardner went on to
form his own multimillion-dollar brokerage firm.



3. A. After read the text “Emma’s daily routine” answer WHAT HAPPENS
a. At 8: 30 ______________________________
b. At 9:00AM _______________________________
c. I have the second break _________________
d. What time Emma’s dad pick her up? __________
e. At 9: 30 PM________________________
Answer questions about Emma:
a) How old is Emma?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 11
b) where does she live?
a. Brighton
b. With her family
c. North of England
c) How many brothers and sisters has she got?
a. A brother

b. A sister
c. A mum and a brother
d) What kind of clothes does she like?
a. Jeans, shorts, T-shirts, trainers
b. Formal clothes
c. Pants, trainers, shirts
f. What does she have for breakfast?
a. A bowl of cornflakes, hot milk, toast with marmalade
b. eggs ,milk toast
c. cornflakes, milk, bread, with marmalade
g. Where does she go twice a week?
a. Basketball practice
b. Baseball practice
c. Volleyball practice.

B. After watch the film: “Pursuit

of happYness”( Will Smith) please
answer choose the best answer:
a. what are the names of the main characters?
( ) Christopher and Walter Robin
( )Walter and Christ Gardner
( ) Christ Gardner and Christopher
( ) Jay and Christ Gardner
b. why in the movie the word "happYness" is writing with "Y" and not
with "i" that is the correct form’
( ) Because they want to emphasize the need to pursuit the
( )Because there was a graffiti on your wall school son, where was
writting on the wong way and always they erased the graffiti and the
next day appeared.
( ) Because this means that the happiness is difficult to find
( ) Because this is more interesting for the name of the film
c. What was one mistake of Christ to have economic problems?
( ) He had hope
( ) Didn't study the market to sell the portable bone density
( ) Portable bone density scanners are cheaper
( ) Didn't sell any portable bone density scanners
d. What was another of the worst mistakes of Christ ?
( ) Married with Linda
( ) Invest all your savings
( ) Have hope
( ) Didn't getting a pay job
e. Why did Linda leave her husband?
( ) Financial instability bitter and allienated Linda
( ) She didn't love Christ anymore
( ) She wanted to have more money
f. Who was Jay Twistle?
( ) A manager for Dean Witter Reynolds
( ) Intern stockbroker
( ) The best friend of Christ
g. How did Christ obtain the opportunity to earn the chance to become
an intern stockbroker?
( ) Impressed Jay Twistle, by solving a Rubik's Cube during a taxi
( ) to sell one of the scanners
( ) Meet a stockbroker who had a expensive car
h. When in the interview ask Christ: " What would you say if a guy
walked in far any interview without shirt on, and I hired him? " What
Christ answered?
( ) I though: He must 've had on some really nice pants
( ) I excused because he's in his shabby clothes
( ) I was in jail because I didn't pay my taxes. Buy the important it's,
I'm here!
i. How Christ and his son, become homeless
( ) Gardner is further set back when his bank account is garnished
by the IRS for unpaid income taxes, and he and Christopher are
evicted. He ends up with less than $22, resulting in them being
( ) Because he is incapable of being a single father
( ) Gardner lacks money to pay the fare, and chooses to run
instead, causing the driver to angrily chase him into a BART station
j. Disadvantaged by his limited work hours what Gardner did?
( ) Developed a number of ways to make phone sales calls more
efficiently, including reaching out to potential high value customers,
defying protocol.

( ) Chris was studying for the stockbroker license exam

( ) knowing that maximizing his client contacts and profits

1. Read the summary of “Pursuit of Hapyness” given and translate it.

3. Answer the questions:
1. For you… What were the two worst mistakes of Christ Gardner (Keep
you answer)
2. On your opinión… What was the reason for his success? (Keep you
3. If you are in the Christ shoes what do you do? (Explain your answer)


Realice una portada con su nombre completo, curso y nombre del docente.
Realice cada actividad en hojas examen cuadriculadas tamaño carta.
Debe ponerle el título correspondiente a cada actividad.
Debe realizar toda la letra en esfero negro. Si desea decorar puede hacerlo con otros colores.
Todos los ejercicios debe legajarlos en una carpeta de presentación tamaño carta.

Según los criterios dados realice su auto evaluación con una nota de 1,0 a 5,0

Se comunicó a tiempo (correo electrónico o
whatsapp) con la docente para solucionar dudas y
poder responder a tiempo a la entrega de sus
Buscó ayuda ya sea de la docente, de otra persona,
libros o en internet para solucionar sus actividades.
En la realizacion de sus trabajos, demostró
comprensión de los temas tratados en clase y
elaboró de forma correcta los ejercicios.
Envió via correo electrónico los trabajos propuestos
en la estrategia aprende en casa, en el tiempo




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