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Horror films are among the most fan-favorite genres because of their exciting

characters, stories, and plot. It also reflects the society and culture in which they

are created.

Horror movies have been a popular form of entertainment for decades,

captivating audiences with their ability to scare and thrill. From the earliest horror

films of the 1920s to modern-day blockbusters, horror movies have maintained a

significant following. Horror movies also serve as a reflection of society's fears and

anxieties. They explore themes such as death, the unknown, and the supernatural,

often using these elements to comment on real-world issues. Horror movies have

also been used as a tool for social commentary, addressing topics such as gender,

race, and politics. From the issues covered to the visual and narrative methods

deployed, horror films are shaped by the producers' cultural values and beliefs. The

purpose of this research is to explore the influence of culture on horror films,

specifically in terms of storyline and plot development. The research will compare

and contrast Western horror films with horror films created in various local cultures.

The research will determine the cultural elements that contribute to the

distinctiveness of horror films across different countries by examining variances in

narrative styles, themes, and character development.

The results of this research will provide insight into the importance of culture

in establishing the horror genre, as well as a deeper knowledge of how horror films

reflect the cultural values and beliefs of their respective cultures. Furthermore, the
research will contribute to ongoing discussions about the worldwide popularity of

horror films and their ability to cross cultural boundaries.

Background of the Study

The Influence of Culture in Horror Films: An Exploration of Storyline in Western and

Local Films.

Horror films are one of the most awaited genres in the cinema in each country.

It has a lot of different flavors based on the culture, political status and personal point of


But the adaptability of the horror genre gives it a special distinction. As studios and

filmmakers remix elements of the horror genre to keep up with and appeal to modern

audiences, they are produced within various cycles of the horror genre, such as slasher

films or science fiction horror films. These cycles demonstrate the versatility of the genre

because movies within them have been developed to represent the audiences' real-life

societal worries at the time the movie was produced. In addition to the turmoil and gore

shown on screen in the movie, audiences were also witnessing the atrocities of the war and

the ensuing riots in real life and on the television. In order to heighten the terror element of

its films and to aid viewers in processing the societal worries they experienced in reality by

showing them on screen, the horror genre operates throughout time by continually adapting

to what events occur in the real world. Throughout the era culture is really one of things that

influences horror films to be more abbreviated which cause a lot of chaos and

misunderstandings, but the main problem of this is how can they produce a new storyline

for each movies from different countries that will give them the uniqueness or identity for

being a well known horror film. Many directors is really into cultural horror film since it can

give them the opportunity to known the craft of their countries and create an understandable

and relatable connections between the audience which will give a big impact in their
industry and move in an international platform to spread and to give information that each

country has difference and have a own creativity mindset.


This research aims to discover the impact of cultural demographic influence on

the story of the selected films, which includes the traditions, practices, and beliefs

of the origin of the films. Here the study sought to answer the following questions.

1. How do the selected films reflect their country's culture:

a. Characters

b. Setting

c. Plot

2. How do the filmmakers project their culture in terms of:

a. Cinematography

b. Visual Graphics

c. Sound design

3. How do the following factors make the distribution of the selected films


a. Award

b. Movie Reviews

c. Film adaption

Do film productions influence our culture or does culture influence movies?

(I’m putting this here para hindi ko makalimutan)

Films may open viewers' minds to new ideas and present them with a different

perspective on society than what they are accustomed to. They can provide insight

into other people's cultures and lifestyles by offering a new viewpoint on those in

other societies.

As audiences imitate the behaviors and attitudes of the characters they watch on

screen, movies influence cultural attitudes and customs. Filmmakers may utilize

their works to change how society views particular social concerns.

However, movies have both positive and negative effects on society. They can

bolster the economy, motivate people, and broaden our fundamental understanding

of the world. Additionally, watching movies can instill violence and bad habits,

increase greed, and convey negative messages to the general public.


This study aims to provide valuable information on how cultural demographic

as an inspired concept can affect the story of horror films and their relevance in the

field of media arts.

For the students, in particular, the students taking film as their introductory

college course will learn how countries' cultures influence the storyline of a film.

Thus, media arts students may distinguish the making of Western and Local horror

films. On the other hand, this could help them be more flexible with their

conceptual understanding.

For aspiring film directors, the results of this study may inspire them to

be more creative and explorative in developing their future projects. In addition, it

may help improve the creation of more diverse stories of horror films.

For film enthusiasts, this study may provide them with an understanding

of the story-making of horror films regarding the influence of cultural beliefs,

traditions, and practices. In this way, they will have a comprehensive view of horror

films that will give them further reviews and assertions.

Moreover, for future researchers, this study can serve as related literature

to help future researchers who plan to explore the same topic.


Influence - In this study, it means the capacity to have an effect on the character,

development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Culture - Is a set of patterns of human activity within a community or social group

and the symbolic structures that give significance to such activity.

Film - Is basically a motion picture; a movie.

Exploration - an act or instance of exploring or investigating; examination.

Asia - The majority of their horror films are based on beliefs, folklores and culture.

Western - Focuses more on themes related to governance, power, and control

than other subgenres of horror movies.

Traditions - These are the things the one country used to do based on the beliefs

they do have. In movies this is the trademark of each persona to the creativity of

the film.

Practices - Things that country always do in movies or such most of them based

on their superior or grate ancestors this is very helpful to preserve culture

Beliefs - Basis of all element, usually ideas came from the beliefs of the director

The scope of this research study will cover the influence of culture on horror

films, focusing on the storyline and plot development of Western and Local horror

films. The researchers conducted the study among the aspiring film artists at

Eugenio M. Lopez Jr. Center for Media Arts Senior High School in the Philippines

during the academic year 2022 - 2023.

The study is limited to Eugenio M. Lopez Jr. Center for Media Arts Senior

High School. It may not apply to other schools or institutions offering an Arts and

Design track and Media Arts strand. Finally, the research will only look at the

narrative aspects of horror films, not the societal or psychological effects of the


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