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31/10/21 22:28 EquiLife Courses

Welcome to Fatlossity™!
Welcome to the Fatlossity System Course!

After decades of working with tens of thousands of people on weight loss and body transformation
I have finally formulated my own metabolic weight loss system!

Eating less and moving more are a couple of obvious, short-term strategies for losing weight. But
what happens when your metabolism is slowed to match your new caloric intake?

I’ve seen this so many times in my practice where people lose the weight for the first few weeks
and then end up gaining it all back.

That is why I created a long-term weight loss solution for people who want to continue
experiencing the benefits of weight loss without having to cut calories and slow their metabolism.

Fatlossity is designed as a long term, sustainable, metabolic and weight loss system to give real
results by working at an underlying root causal level. This allows you to lose weight and keep it off
as we continue to get the body healthier and boost your metabolism.

In this course I want to teach you exactly how this system works and explain the 5 factors that play
the biggest role in weight loss and boosting the metabolism. Then you can feel the difference for
yourself and share with others how they can lose the weight and keep it off. 1/1

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