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Welcome to Muscle & Strength’s 5 part fat loss email course! The information you’ll receive
over the next 5 days was crafted to teach you the basics of losing fat efficiently while minimizing
muscle tissue loss.

A lot of people out there struggle to lose fat. And as a result, they give up on their fat loss
journeys which can negatively impact their health and well-being. Misinformation used to sell
gimmicks and fads is often to blame as they provide quick unsustainable solutions which lead
to drastic results and no sense of direction once the goal has been reached.

This course’s aim is to provide a sustainable approach based on facts that will get you on the
right path to achieving your fat loss goals AND sustain your results once you’re where you want
to be.

Over the next 5 days you’ll learn how to:

• Lose fat by learning how to create a • Build a nutrition program to stimulate

lifestyle that promotes fat loss fat loss without sacrificing lean
• Choose the best fat loss workout muscle
• Apply basic training principles to • Choose supplements to support your
maximize the amount of calories you fat loss goals
burn • Track your progress the right way
• Calculate the calories you need to • Stay motivated for long-term results
lose fat


The course is broken up into 5 parts:

1. Introduction & how your body loses fat (you’re reading this now!)
2. Choosing a fat loss workout
3. Building a fat loss nutrition plan
4. Basics of fat loss supplementation
5. Tracking progress and staying motivated

By the end of the course, you’ll be on the right path of reaching your goals. It’s going to take
commitment and consistency in both training and nutrition, but if you’re willing to put in the
work and you apply what you learn in this course you will get results!


There’s a lot of myths about what happens to body fat when you lose it. Most believe it’s
converted into muscle mass - which would seem to be the most rational answer.

Oddly enough, however, you actually breathe fat away (sort of). Sounds bizarre, right? We
lose fat by exhaling. You see, scientists have determined that fat mass is primarily made up of
carbon dioxide (CO2). Roughly 84% of fat mass is CO2, with the remaining 16% being water
(H2O). And, as we learned in our grade school science classes, we exhale carbon dioxide.

So, the majority of our fat loss occurs by exhaling, with another small percentage of fat loss
occurring through various losses of fluid. However, you don’t actually eliminate the fat cells
completely. Instead, as you release the stored carbon dioxide, the fat cells shrink.

Seems odd, but simple. But, before you start huffing and puffing trying to lose fat, there are a
couple of other factors you need to consider. And those are energy and hormone balance.

While you’ll be releasing your fat stores by increasing the amount you exhale, you have to
kick start the fat loss process by creating a negative energy balance. Energy balance is the
relationship between the energy you consume (calories in) and the energy you burn (calories
out). You’ll never burn fat unless you have a negative energy balance and this is achieved
through a calorie deficit (more on that in the coming days).

Lastly, hormone balance is another crucial part of achieving fat loss. Hormones are
responsible for every function in your body, and without proper hormone regulation, fat loss
will be extremely difficult. This makes stress management and proper sleeping habits very
important during fat loss phases. We’ll discuss this more in the coming days as well.


So, really, fat loss can be thought of in a simple 3 step process:

1. You prime your body for fat loss with proper nutrition to fuel your workouts, promote
recovery, and maintain a calorie deficit.
2. You have awesome workouts that increase your rate of breathing and make you sweat.
3. You find activities to help reduce stress and promote recovery, and get plenty of sleep
each night.

All three steps are important. But even more important is finding ways in which you can
maintain those 3 steps consistently every day during your fat loss phase (and in some sense,

Consistency is a byproduct of sustainability. And the first step of sustainability is realizing that
fat loss takes time. It’s important to have realistic expectations and goals. During a fat loss
phase, a good sustainable goal to have is 0.5lb-1lb of weight loss per week.

Some may lose more early on. Some may lose less. And weight/fat loss isn’t always
necessarily linear either. You may hit a point where some weeks you don’t lose any fat.
However, if you stay consistent through sustainable practices, you’ll reach your end goal in
due time.

Stay tuned, tomorrow we’ll discuss fat loss workouts and how to maximize your time in the

- M&S


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