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Lesson: In Spite of War (Unit # 6 , Page # 55)

By Angela Morgan
Composed by Muhammad Tariq , 03469042405,

Poem: In Spite of War Poet: Angela Morgan Theme: Never Give Up

Rhyming Scheme: ABBA, (students need to answer) ______, _______, ______, __________, ___

Poetic devices used: Personification, (students need to answer) _________, ___________,

In spite of war, in spite of death,

In spite of all men's sufferings,
Something within me laughs and sings
And I must praise with all my breath.
Angela Morgan lived during both of the World Wars. In this poem, she encourages us to
look at the beauty around us rather than focus on the negative aspects of our lives.

The poet, Angela Morgan, says that despite war, death, worries and sufferings, there is
life in us. She says that our inner hope and passion, smile and laugh as they motivate us
to be courageous in all type of difficulties. She says that we should praise them (our hope
and will) to the best possible way. The poetic device "personification" is used in third verse
of this stanza as she directly compares her "will power" to human. And we should praise
it with all our force.

In spite of war, in spite of hate

Lilacs are blooming at my gate,
Tulips are tripping down the path
In spite of war, in spite of wrath.
The poet, Angela Morgan, says that the nature (Lilacs and tulips) blooms despite hate,
war and anger (wrath). She wants to say that we should be brave, happy and we should
live our life as normal despite hate, war and anger, which prevail in society. The poetic
device "personification" is used throughout this stanza as she directly compares "lilacs
and tulips" to human. The author also tells that we should forget all the worries in our life
and live our life to the fullest.

"Courage!" the morning-glory saith;

"Rejoice!" the daisy murmureth,
And just to live is so divine
When pansies lift their eyes to mine.

Lesson: In Spite of War (Unit # 6 , Page # 55)
By Angela Morgan
Composed by Muhammad Tariq , 03469042405,

The poetic device "personification" is again used throughout this stanza as she directly
compares "glory, daisy, and pansy" to human. The poet, Angela Morgan, in this quatrain
advises her readers to be always brave and courageous. She calls it the glory of the
mornings. The poet says that flowers such daisy and pansies tell us to enjoy our life as
normal despite war and hate.
The clouds are romping with the sea. The flowers symbolize happiness.
And flashing waves call back to me
That naught is real but what is fair,
That everywhere and everywhere
A glory liveth through despair.
The poetic device "personification" is again used throughout this stanza as she directly
compares "clouds, sea, waves and the word glory" to human. In this poem, Angela
Morgan, says that the (nature) the clouds and the sea are playing happily despite war.
She confirms that they also invite her to play with them. She says zero digit (sadness in
life) is reality. She further says that everywhere in life there comes happiness after
sufferings and hardships. The poet actually motivates the war stricken readers to stay
happy despite war.

Though guns may roar and cannon boom,

Roses are born and gardens bloom;

My spirit still may light its flame

At that same torch whence poppies came.

The poet says that roses are born and the gardens flourish in spite of the fact that the war
engulfs the area as guns and canons roar and boom. The poet says that our will power
(spirit) can enlighten the its flame and it can give light (sun light) to flowers to give them

Where morning's altar whitely burns

Lilies may lift their silver urns
In spite of war, in spite of shame.

The poet, Angela Morgan, talks about the fire that is kept burning on Altar as worship. She
says that people keep worshipping their Lord despite war. She says that lilies, flowers, are
blooming in the vase despite of war and shame. The poetic device metaphor as she gives
human tributes to lilies.

Lesson: In Spite of War (Unit # 6 , Page # 55)
By Angela Morgan
Composed by Muhammad Tariq , 03469042405,

And in my ear a whispering breath,

"Wake from the nightmare! Look and see
That life is naught but ecstasy
In spite of war, in spite of death!"

The poet, Angela Morgan, says that someone secretly tells her to wake up from the
horrible dream to know that life is not boring but it is very beautiful and full of excitement
despite war, hate, wrath and shame. The poetic device personification is also this last
quatrain as it is used throughout the poem.

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