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Name : 1.

Aliana Rohmatin Malik ( 2120203079 )

2. Lusi Barokah ( 2120203078 )
3. Mitra Dwi Utami ( 2120203067 )
4. Muhammad Rizki ( 2120203062 )
5. Putri Widiya Astuti ( 2120203077 )
6. Septi Ayu Enjelina ( 2120203061 )
7. Shinta Fajar Wati ( 2120203080 )
8. Siti Nurhaliza ( 2120203057 )

Class : MPI C
Studi Program : Islamic education management
University : Raden Fatah Islamic Palembang

Group Assignment (one group, one text)

From the reading texts below:
1. Retype the text!


The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responded favorably, but
most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In 622 A.D. Muhammad migrated to
Medina. It was in the 12th year of his prophed hood. In Medina he was accepted as a leader of an
Islamic state. Therebhe established the foundations of the relation among Moslem people and
between Moslem and non-Moslem people in general.

The Islamic calendar begins from the time if migration. Migration in Arabic is “Hijrah”. In
Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina he tried to
establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to preach Islam in
Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.
A short time after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world. Islam
contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific development, Today,
about 1,000 milion Muslims all over the world accept Islam.

2. Create the glossary for the text!

Paragraf 1
• Accept = Menerima
• Favorably = Menguntungkan
• Most = Paling
• Rejected = Di tolak
• Turned = Berbalik
• Against = Melawan
• Migrated = Bermigrasi
• Hood = Tudung / Tenda
• Established = Didirikan
• Among = Diantara
• Between = Diantara
• General = Umum

Paragraf 2
• Begins = Dimulai
• Migration = Migrasi
• Tried = Mencoba
• Different = Berbeda
• Preach = Berkhotbah
• Unmatched = Tiada bandingan
• Patience = Kesabaran
• Wisdom = Kebijaksanaan
Paragraf 3
• Short = Pendek
• Death = Kematian
• Spread = Sebaran
• Contributes = Berkontribusi
• Civilization = Peradaban
• Scientific = Ilmiah
• Development = Perkembangan

3. Translate the text using the glossary!


Orang-orang Arab diundang oleh Muhammad untuk menerima Islam. Beberapa merespons
dengan baik, tetapi kebanyakan dari mereka menolak Islam. Mereka juga berbalik melawannya.
Pada tahun 622 Masehi, Muhammad hijrah ke Medina. Itu di tahun ke-12 kenabiannya. Di
Madinah ia diterima sebagai pemimpin negara Islam. Di sanalah ia meletakkan dasar-dasar
hubungan antar umat Islam dan antara umat Islam dan non-Muslim pada umumnya.

Kalender Islam dimulai dari waktu migrasi. Migrasi dalam bahasa Arab adalah “Hijrah”. Di
Mekah ia mencoba membangun kepercayaan pada Satu Tuhan di antara orang-orang Arab. Di
Madinah ia mencoba membangun kehidupan sosial di antara banyak orang yang berbeda.
Muhammad terus menyebarkan Islam di Madinah. Dia bekerja dengan kesabaran yang tak
tertandingi dan kebijaksanaan yang luar biasa.

Tidak lama setelah kematiannya, pesan Islam menyebar ke sebagian besar dunia. Islam
berkontribusi pada sejarah dunia. Hal ini juga memberikan kontribusi untuk peradaban dan
pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, Saat ini, sekitar 1.000 juta Muslim di seluruh dunia menerima
4. Find out the topic!

“Prophet Muhammad da'wah”

5. Find out the main idea!

Paragraf 1
The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam

Paragraf 2
He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom

Paragraf 3
A short time after his death the messege of Islam spread to most parts of the world.

6. Find out the supporting idea!

Some responded favorably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In
622 A.D. Muhammad migrated to Medina. It was in the 12th year of his prophed hood. In
Medina he was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. Therebhe established the foundations of
the relation among Moslem people and between Moslem and non-Moslem people in general.

The Islamic calendar begins from the time if migration. Migration in Arabic is “Hijrah”. In
Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina he tried to
establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to preach Islam in

Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific

development, Today, about 1,000 milion Muslims all over the world accept Islam.
7. Create a conclusion!

The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam (so) he worked with unmatched
patience and great wisdom (and) a short time after his death the messege of Islam spread to most
parts of the world.

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