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Curso: 3º Materia: Inglés Profesor: Veró nica Ferrari

CENS 453: Trabajo Nº2

(Entrega: 14/5/2021)

VERB TO BE (Ser o Estar)

Pronoun Affirmative Pronoun Negative Questions

I am ‘m I ‘m not Am I…?
You are ‘re You aren’t Are you?
He is ‘s He isn’t Is he…?
She is ‘s She isn’t Is she…?
It is ‘s It isn’t Is it…?
We are ‘re We aren’t Are we…?
They are ‘re They aren’t Are they…?


Names I am Anne.
My name is Julia.
Age (edad) He is ten years old. He isn’t 12
Jobs (trabajo) You are a student. They aren’t teachers
Nationality I am Mexican.
We are Japanese. We aren’t Chinese
Location The book is on the box.
They are in Bolivia.
Description He is old.
We are pretty.
Emotions They are happy 

Practice. (Usar el cuadro que figura arriba)

a) Write the verb (Escribir el verbo TO BE que corresponda)

1) Margaret _________ from Canada
2) The hotel ____________ new.
3) The girls ___________ friends.
4) Cordoba _____________ in Argentina.
5) Maria _______________ from Mexico.
6) The keys _____________ on the book.

b) Check the verb and correct the wrong ones. (Corregir SOLO las incorrectas)
1) The friends be happy. __________________________________________
2) He are 19. __________________________________________
3) She is in France __________________________________________
4) The dogs is old. __________________________________________
5) I be from Russia. __________________________________________
6) I am not Spanish __________________________________________

c) Write sentences. Use the correct form of be.

1) I/young ____________________________
2) She / clever ________________________
3) You / not old _______________________
4) We / not tall ________________________
5) She / short __________________________
6) It / not rainy .________________________

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