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Alternative ending of the story “The Last Leaf”.

-Johnsy was so happy staring at the last leaf not knowing it

is just an artwork made by Mr. Behrman, Johnsy was slowly
recovering and showing convalescent. Friends decided to have a
simple celebration for the patient. That night, a huge storm and
strong wind came, but Johnsy was already asleep that time, the
last leaf that was made by Mr. Behrman was gradually
disappearing, that night, Sue had a dream, she saw Mr. Behrman
and Johnsy painting the Bay of Naples and happily just staring
at her, morning came, when Sue asks Johnsy what food she likes
for breakfast, she’s not responding, almost 2 minutes without
responding, until Sue find out that Johnsy was already dead by
feeling her hands ash white and stone cold, she abruptly opened
the window to find out what had happened to the last leaf and
she beheld it’s smeared, faded and couldn’t be distinguished.

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