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4*10=40 Marks



1) Most organizations do not have a Separate division for Strategic Management.

How then is strategic management carried out in the absence of a separate
division or a department?

Strategic management is the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all
necessities an organization needs to meet its goals and objectives. Changes in business
environments will require organizations to constantly assess their strategies for success. The
strategic management process helps organizations take stock of their present situation, chalk
out strategies, deploy them and analyze the effectiveness of the implemented management
strategies. Strategic management strategies consist of five basic strategies and can differ in
implementation depending on the surrounding environment. Strategic management applies
both to on-premise and mobile platforms.

Benefits of strategic management

Strategic management is generally thought to have financial and nonfinancial benefits. A
strategic management process helps an organization and its leadership to think about and plan
for its future existence, fulfilling a chief responsibility of a board of directors. Strategic
management sets a direction for the organization and its employees. Unlike once-and-done
strategic plans, effective strategic management continuously plans, monitors and tests an
organization's activities, resulting in greater operational efficiency, market share and

Strategic management concepts

Strategic management is based around an organization's clear understanding of its mission;
its vision for where it wants to be in the future; and the values that will guide its actions. The
process requires a commitment to strategic planning, a subset of business management that
involves an organization's ability to set both short- and long-term goals. Strategic planning
also includes the planning of strategic decisions, activities and resource allocation needed to
achieve those goals.

Having a defined process for managing an institution's strategies will help organizations
make logical decisions and develop new goals quickly in order to keep pace with evolving
technology, market and business conditions. Strategic management can, thus, help an
organization gain competitive advantage, improve market share and plan for its future.

Five stages of strategic management process

There are many schools of thought on how to do strategic management, and academics and
managers have developed numerous frameworks to guide the strategic management process.
In general, the process typically includes five phases:
- assessing the organization's current strategic direction;
- identifying and analyzing internal and external strengths and weaknesses;
- formulating action plans;
- executing action plans; and
- evaluating to what degree action plans have been successful and making changes
when desired results are not being produced.

Effective communication, data collection and organizational culture also play an important
part in the strategic management process -- especially at large, complex companies. Lack of
communication and a negative corporate culture can result in a misalignment of the
organization's strategic management plan and the activities undertaken by its various business
units and departments. (See Value of organizational culture.) Thus, strategy management
includes analyzing cross-functional business decisions prior to implementing them to ensure
they are aligned with strategic plans.

Types of strategic management strategies

The types of strategic management strategies have changed over time. The modern discipline
of strategic management traces its roots to the 1950s and 1960s. Prominent thinkers in the
field include the Peter Drucker, sometimes referred to as the founding father of management
studies. Among his contributions was the seminal idea that the purpose of a business is to
create a customer, and what the customer wants determines what a business is. Management's
main job is marshalling the resources and enabling employees to efficiently address
customers' evolving needs and preferences.

SWOT analysis
A SWOT analysis is one of the types of strategic management frameworks used by
organizations to build and test their business strategies. A SWOT analysis identifies and
compares the strengths and weaknesses of an organization with the external opportunities and
threats of its environment. The SWOT analysis clarifies the internal, external and other
factors that can have an impact on an organization's goals and objectives.

The SWOT process helps leaders determine whether the organization's resources and abilities
will be effective in the competitive environment within which it has to function and to refine
the strategies required to remain successful in this environment.

2) Discuss about 360-degree performance appraisal its advantages and


In its simplest, 360-degree performance appraisal is an advanced form of providing appraisals

to employees at organization. It involves feedbacks from different associated groups of
organization and outside (clients).

The group of people or reviewers may include manager, HR, colleagues, and client they
worked with.
The feedback is collected in the form of reviews from people and provides data for appraisals
accordingly based on reviews.

In other words, 360-degree appraisal method includes multi source feedbacks for the
employees affected by their performance throughout the period.

Importance of 360-degree performance appraisal:

When we talk about business performance and growth, what most important? Definitely your
employees, their well-being and what else?

Now, what could be better than feedback appraisal for employees based on their
performance. The activity helps motivate your employees to perform better every time.
Accurate and fair 360 appraisal system makes it very popular asset when it comes to effective
employee management at organisation.

Advantages of 360-degree appraisal

- Self-development of employees
- Fair and accurate reviews
- No biasing with 360 degree feedback
- Motivated workforce
- Provides a comprehensive view of employee performance
- Persuasive opinions from participants
- Better morale of employees
- Positive work environment
Disadvantages of 360-degree appraisal
- Process could be time consuming
- Data mix concern
- Tracking concerns
- Too much data at place
- Data is not available to everyone. Can create a suspicious environment
- Needs proper training to execute

3) Are the competency model works toward training and development – Justify

Competency models enable better recruiting to take place in organizations. ... The hiring
manager can identify what skill gaps exist among the candidates being interviewed, for
example, and compare them. More importantly, they can determine the risk, training, and
duration required to close any gaps and fill positions.

These competencies include integrity and honesty, project management, customer service,
driving results, organizational awareness, driving performance through others, presentation
skills, change management, planning and attention to detail, and business acumen

A competency model refers to a collection of competencies that are needed for effective job
performance. ... In addition, competency models typically include detailed information, such
as key behaviors and standards of proficiency that apply to different levels of job experience
or expertise.

A competency model is a collection of competencies that together define successful

performance in a particular work setting. Competency models are the foundation for
important human resource functions such as recruitment and hiring, training and
development, and performance management

Here are some of the ways that implementing the competency model benefits organizations:
Sets a concrete direction for workforce performance that aligns with organizational goals and
- Enables HR to have a concrete understanding of all employee abilities and skills.
- Enables HR and Training to more accurately identify learning & development (L&D)
- Allows employees to take ownership of the skills and behaviors required of them in
their roles.
- Empowers organizations to keep track of what skills employees have so that strategy
and planning can work towards that future skills may be needed.
- Provides a consistent and fair system of measurement for performance evaluation.

4) Explain the Imbalances in training how to overcome?

5 Ways To Correct Muscle Imbalance

- Use unilateral exercises.
- Start with the weaker side.
- Let the weaker side set your workout volume.
- Do additional work on the weaker/smaller side.
- Fix the underlying problem i.e. mobility/flexibility.

Imbalances can often be corrected through exercise. A 2015 study on elite fencers showed
that the heavy use of lunging while fencing results in an imbalance of the lower and upper
limb muscles. By improving global muscle balance, the fencers' lower extremity balance was
improved during sport.

Regular exercise and physical activity are two of the easiest ways to increase your mobility
and prevent falls. It is important to note that regular exercise differs from physical activity.
Exercise is a planned, structured and repetitive form of physical activity like aerobics, weight
training or yoga.


If one side of your body is stronger you can guarantee that it will always be dominant when
both sides of the body are being trained together.

For example, if your right pec is stronger than the left, then the right side of the bar will rise
slightly faster and fatigue slightly slower, causing your left pec to be underutilised in
The solution is to switch out the barbell exercise, where both sides of the body are worked
together (like the barbell bench press) for a unilateral dumbbell exercise where both sides of
the body are worked independently (like the dumbbell bench press).

This allows the body to work just as hard on both sides of the body without the dominant
muscle taking over and reducing the work done by the weaker.

Good examples of switches you can make are:

Barbell bench press –> Dumbbell bench press (flat or incline)

Barbell squats –> Dumbbell lunges or pistol squats

Barbell bicep curls –> Dumbbell bicep curls (hammer or normal)

Barbell shoulder press –> Dumbbell shoulder press (seated or standing)


It’s only natural that one side will be more dominant than the other after all the vast majority
of us are not ambidextrous and therefore favour one side of our bodies.

Without you fully realising it you will be favouring your stronger side of the body because it
makes things easier for you.

When you do your unilateral exercises, the chances are you instinctively train your stronger
side first without thinking about it. This means when you are at your freshest you’re training
your dominant side first when your weaker side would benefit much more from going first.

If you’re trying to fix or even prevent a muscle imbalance always train your weaker side first.


Following on from the point above, if you train your dominant side first when you’re at your
freshest you’ll find that the weaker side struggles to keep up with the workload and ends up
falling behind which only makes your imbalance worse.

By starting on your weaker side, you can let it determine the amount of work your stronger
side does which stops it from outworking the weaker side. For example, if you’re trying to do
3 sets of 8 reps on lunges and your weaker side can only do sets 8, then 6, then 5, guess what?

That’s exactly what your stronger side will do too, even if you could do more with the
stronger side, don’t.


Chances are you create proportional imbalances because you favour working some parts of
the body over others.

I’m not picking on you by saying this.

In fact, it’s very common and imbalances great created when you focus more on pressing
movements for the chest than you do pulling movements for the back.

Or if you spend more time training your upper body than you do the lower, giving you that
top-heavy look.

You can bring up lagging body parts using one of two methods:

Increase Overall Volume

This would mean adding in an extra work out for the trouble body part or if that’s not
possible then adding in a few extra exercises within your current workout setup.

For example, if your back is proportionately smaller compared to your chest and you only
train 3 times a week you could add in an extra back session to increase your overall training
for that body part.

Alternatively, if you’re already training 5 times a week and would risk burnout and over-
training from adding another workout you could reduce the volume on other body parts to
allow space for some more direct back training.

The reduced training on the other body parts will be enough to maintain your current
physique in those areas whilst giving you the space you need to increase your training
volume for your back.

Increase Training Load

Another method of doing this is to increase the training load you use when working the
‘trouble’ body part.

Whether you decide to apply progressive overload by increasing the load lifted
(recommended), reduce rest time, increase reps or sets is up to you. The goal is to increase
the work capacity of the out of proportion body part to help bring it in line with the rest of
your physique.

Again, depending on your training programme, you might reduce the work you do in other
areas to allow you to focus more on your back, or even add in another workout. You’ll notice
that both methods are heavily intertwined and by doing one you’ll most likely end up doing
aspects of the other.


Whilst one of the above strategies will usually fix any muscle imbalance you have it’s also
worth exploring the underlying cause.
If it’s bad technique have a look at why;

Is it because you’re not focused?

Did you learn the technique wrong?

Are you struggling with mobility or flexibility?

For example, if you have tighter quads, hamstrings and glutes on one side of your body you
can bet it will mess with your squat and deadlift performance which can lead to muscle

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