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There are four things that we should do to become more enviromentally

responsible. The first contributing to protecting the environment is to raise

awareness for everyone to understand, know, and acts for the environment with
us. For individuals, we should do good things, practical and specific such as: save
electricity, water in agencies as well as at home, save anytime, anywhere,
encourage people to use energy-saving light bulbs. Secondly for waste, we should
limited the use of plastic bags. At home should classify garbage, for garbage such
as plastic bottles, paper, plastic bags, in the agency, it is recommended to save
paper, read the text before printing. Third for green trees, we shouldn’t break
branches, break green trees, plant and take care of green plants at home as well
as agencies. And the last one, we could take buses and subways or other means
of public transportation rather than driving, which could reduce the amount of
exhaust fumes from vehicles.

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