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Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide

welfare programs for people in need.

We will have been deceived before the supposed aid of

the government

They will wait for the government's help, it is not even

interested in the people
I definitely disagree with this statement, there will be
millions of people waiting for help from the government
that will never arrive, because governments are corrupt
and will always be determined to fill their pockets, the
taxes charged by a country like Colombia will only have
been stolen , because unemployment is increasing more
and more and people will continue to wait for the
supposed aid, we will have been blind for years to so
much corruption, to so much injustice thinking that
everything would have been very good, but it is not like
that, we have to pay too much money not to have a job
fair and dignified and for there to be so much poverty and
hunger in the streets, the government will have been
hiding everything from us and forming an aristocracy
where the rich increasingly rich and the poor increasingly
poor, we will spend years blinded by so much corruption
and so much injustice, but what can we do, if we continue
to vote for the same thieves as always.

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