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Journal Reflection

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Journal Reflection

Entry 3

I have always believed that ghosts do exist in the real world. Many individuals, including

myself, often believe that a ghost is a soul or spirit of a dead person. From watching movies,

there is evidence that ghosts exist despite the films being fictitious. The Halloween celebrations

for supernatural beings are an indication that spirits do exist. Individuals have narrated instances

they encountered ghosts in their life also. Folklores tend to believe that demons can appear to the

living. In ghostlores, ghosts could be in the form of invisible or translucent or visible irregular

shaped creatures. Individuals often stir up controversies regarding the existence of ghosts. Some

people ghosts do exist while others refute this notion. This belief matters to me since I have

nyctophobia. I get panic attacks in the dark when I think about ghosts.

Giving up the belief that ghosts exist in life would impact my life positively. I believe

that changing the mindset about ghosts being a reality would help me live a healthy life. The

panic attacks I get when in the darkness would seize completely. Dropping the belief would

mean that I won’t be able to draw imaginations in mind about any image. My friends regard me

as a coward and paranoid due to my belief that annoys me, making me avoid them. Dropping the

belief would help me associate with my friends way better.

I believe ghosts exist because of the films I see that incorporate ghost stories. Movie

directors and filmmakers often incorporate what happens in society’s day to day life. That means

that an individual or two must have experienced ghost scenarios. Moreover, I think that

Halloween celebrations could not be valid if there weren’t ever ghosts before.

Entry 4

I think that the notion of the existence of ghosts still gets held by belief perseverance.

Scientists and researchers have conducted studies to discredit or approve the existence of ghosts.

Most of the research undertaken acknowledges that there are no ghosts in reality. Some of the

individuals argue out that ghosts only exist in the human mind.

The fact that scientists discredit the existence of ghosts in real life, I still tend to believe

that there are ghosts in reality to no small extent. The production of films featuring ghost

characters is still in progress in the present. This normalcy shows that people have the belief

perseverance of ghosts. Also, Halloween gets celebrated yearly, which illustrates that paranormal

beliefs, such as the existence of ghosts, are still valid. I hold this particular belief since I don’t

think scientific discredits of this belief are bias.

If the belief of ghosts existing is not attributed to belief perseverance, then I would get

shocked and scared. If belief perseverance of spirits turns out to be wrong, it will create a

problem. The reason is that most nonbelievers of ghosts may start believing in their existence

and thus get scared. On my part, it would still not bother me since changing the belief is a

difficult task on my side. Whether individuals think that ghost existence gets motivated by belief

perseverance or not, my confidence in the belief is still the same. I already grew up believing that

ghosts exist, and therefore, not any upcoming arguments about them would matter. The human

mind can hardly get convinced to change what it has already perceived.

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