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1 Zakreślwlaściwyczasownik,

1 l buy/ am buying a magazine every month.

2 l can't talk now because l do / am doing my homework.

3 Vlhere do you go l are you going to school?

4 Most days, my dad reads / is reading the newspaper,

5 \iVhat's funny? lĄffty do you laugh / are you laughing?

6 l usually sleep / am sleeping at home but today l sleep l am sleeping at my friend's


2 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami w czasie present continuous lub present


Hi John, How are you? l'm in my room and l (1) .. . (write) this on my

new computer. lt's great| l (2} . .,.. (use) it every day. All this week, we

(3) .. . (have) tests at school and these days, l t4)

iuse) the computer to learn more things about my lessons. The best thing is that it

plays DVDs and l sometimes (5) . . ... . (watch) films on it. Of course, it also

(6) " (play) CDs, At the moment, l (7i ...... (listen) to a

CD by a group called My Chemical Ramance (8) .. (you / know)


Write soon,


3 Popraw błędy.

1 l'm not liking tests.

2 Bill is playing music every day.

3 Are you playing football often?,

4 We aren't often going on holiday

5 Are you look at the board?

Past SIMPLE and Past Continucus

Last night Mr. and Mrs. Roja§ §tayed home. lt was cold and rainy and
they didn't want to go out in the bad vveather. Mrs. Rojas made some
popcorn and ice tea. At 8:00, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas went into the living room,
sat on the sofa and began the movie and ate and drank. At B:15, Mr" and
Mrs, Rojas realized they already watched the movie last year and they
didn't want to watch it again.
what?" asked Mr, Rojas. oolet's play cardslo' an§wered Mrc. Rojas.
At 8:30 Mr" and Mrs. Rojas stańed to play cards. They were playing for
about 10 minutes when Mr. Rojas looked out the window. The rain changed
to snow and the trees were covered in beautiful white snowflakes. "|'m
happy we stayed home tonight. lt looks beautiful outside but this weather
is very dangerous to drive in." said Mr. Rojas. o'You're right," said Mrs,
Rojas, l'm bored. Let's play some music and dance."
Mr. Rojas was surprised, "Dance? But I really don't ...."
"0h come on!" Mrs. Rojas insisted, She put on a romantic CD and they
both stańed to dance. They were dancing for about 1 minute when
suddenly the music stopped and the lights went out. Mrs. Rojas laughed.
"lfife're just not very lucky tonight, are we?" she said. Mr. Rojas said, "Of
course we're lucky! We are together!" He kissed her and continued to
dance with her, in the dark and without music.

1. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stay home last night?

ż. What did Mrs. Rojas make?

3. What were Mr. and Mrs. Rojas doing when it started to snow?

4. Why was Mr. Rojas happy they stayed home?

5. What were MT. and Mrs" Rojas doing when the lights went out?
erańmaigummaiy ffi FXTRA §uPPsfiT

Czasu Past simple uzywamy, gdy mówimy a przeszłości.

I lY ou l HelS h e/We//o u /Th ey (buy) a tablet.
|/You/He/Sh e/WelYou/They (not buy) a desktop.
|/you/helshe/we/you/th ey (buy) a phone?

No, Uyou lhe l she łw e lyou {they

Konstrukcji used to uzywamy, kiedy mówimy o zwyczaiach z przeszłaści

io czynnościach, które kiedyśbyływykonywane regularnie, a które nie są
kontyn uowa ne w teraźn iejszości.
I lYou/ He/5 he/We//ou/Th ey (play)football.
|/Yo u / H elSh e/We f/o u /Th ey (not play)video games.
l lvou |hel she lw e lyoulthey
a mobile phone?
short answer
Yes, l/you lhe l she lu7glyou/they
N o, l/youlh e/sh e/ląlglyoulth ey

Braltw. kłasa':8, @ Macmiłlan,lPołska 2OźjI ff

Grammar sUńńari EXTRA §UPFORT

Cdy mówimy, ze cośsię wydarzyło w czasie trwania innej, dłuższei czynności,

to uzywamy obu czasów (Past simple i Past continuous)w jednym zdaniu.
While/When l was sending a message, l (drop) my phone.

Cdy mowimy o dwóch czynnościach, które trwały jednocześnie, to uzywamy

l (buy)a phone while Sue (wait).

Cdy mówimy o czynnościach, które bvłv wykonywane jedna po drugiej,

to używamy czasu
I (buy)the laptop, then we
for a coffee.

Czasu używamy z takimi wyrażeniami, iak: ago,

yesterday, last(* weeklmanthlyear), in(+ manthlyear), at(+ ę7ru1,
when (* zdanie), for(+ przezjak długo w przeszłości).
(have) my hair cut yesterday/last weeklwhen
l was in town.

Czasu uzywamy z takimi wyrażeniami, iak how long

(w zdaniach pytających), far{* przezjak długo), since (* od kiedy), just, yet,
already, ever, never.
How long you (be) in the room?
I just (come) in.

Brainy klasa 8, @;Macrnllłan Fołska ż021' ffi

Gramńaisuńńar' m EXTRA §UPPORT

(=inne, inni) zwykle uzywamy z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi

lub w liczbie mnogiej.
Do you have this phone in other colours?

uzywa my z rzeczown ka i mi w iczb ie poj edynczej (=drug

l i) l u b
mnogiej (=pozostali, pozostałe).
Do you want this laptop or one?

Cdy nie mamy na myśliżadnei konkretnej osoby czy rzeczy, używamy

(= inny, kolejny, następny).

|'d like to replace it with cable.

Cdy odnosimy się do osób lub rzeczy blizej nieokreślonych, to uzywamy

(= inni, pozostali).

Some people use a mouse, prefer a touchpad.

Brainy klasa 8, @ Macmillan Połska Z0/l §


, §XT'R& SŁIPP*RT ., t
Grammt' §u§llllify ffi \ l
= a\.-

w określonym momencie w przeszłości,
(send)an email.
(send) an email.
(not upload) a photo.
UHe/Shei lt
(not upload) a photo.
Question (los) in?
(log) ini

Short answer
Yes, l/helshe/it No, Uhelshe/it
yes, we/youltheY . No, 61g|youltheY

o czynnościach, ktore
czasu present per{ectuzywamy, gdy mówilv
**""rriśmy (lub ktorych nie wykonaliśmy) do chwili obecnei,

(send) the letters.
(send)the parcel.
(not delete)the files.
(not delete) the files.
Question (make) backups?
(make) backups?
§hort answer
Yes, helshe/it
No, heishelit
1qg, !iwelyou/they
Yes, liwe/youlthey
Brainv klasa 8. O Macmillan Polska ZO?i
Complete the charts.

Irregular past tense verbs Regular past tense verbs

1 1

2 2
4 4
5 5



They are eatlng. l ż J,

4, 5. They didn't laugh. 6

7. Does she dance? 8. 9.

10 11 12. Were tlrey playing?

Fill inthe blank with "lglrela."'or "xgllile".

13. They were watching T.V. they were eating popcorn.

14. We were cooking _the phone rang.

l5, _ she called me, I was driving.

M@MMMd ę


a) Mary prepared / was preparing lunch when they came / was coming.
b) Tom was very unlucky. lt rained / was raining every day during his holidays.

c) Who was that nice girl you talked / were talking to when l walked / was walking by the pub?

d) Last weekend Susan fell/ was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg.

e} When l entered / was entering the cafeteria Mary had / was having lunch with Peter.

0 We drovel were driving to Berlin in Robert's new car.

g} The sun shone / was shining brightly when l got up / was getting up this morning.

h) Ann finally told / was telling us the whole story about Peter.

the following sentence§ and put the verbs in brackets in either the Past §imple or the Past
€ontińuous. Put any other words in brackets in the correct place.

a) As Sophie (walk) up Regent Street she (meet)an old friend from col|ege.

b)When {father/arrive} yesterday?

He (arrive) late. The train (be)delayed due to an accident.

ciWho {you/ speak} to on the phone when l {come)in?

d)Mary (read} in bed when she {hear) a strange noise downstairs.

eiWhen Mr. Lawrence (leave} home at 8.30 this morning, the sun ishine)
brightly. However, by 10 o'clock it {rain) heavily.

f) Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a liitle before 11 a.m,, but she {not/be)
there. She {study} at the library.
g)The fireman (rescueia 75-year-old woman who {be) trapped on the second

floor of the burning building.

h} (you/do} any shopping yesterday?

j)What {Peter / doi when you (knocki on his door?

k) Helen (wear) her dress to the party last night.


1 Przecżytai tekst i ułóż akaBiry w takiei,koleinpści, by powstałwpils na b|ogu.

Wklejtekst do zeszytu.

J+:]] +:_:+i+

But one dayr while]| '

J J J ! J ! J ;

{liśten}to a,podcaśt,
l heard a strange souńd, and then:J co-uldn't hear anything e|,se,
l2 (ti*):l co n ń,eĆttng th'e, earph'CInes to: anothel:
phone, but it didn't hel,p. The earphones had a two year,guar:ante,, ] '

b t' (,bud sgme bt,and nćw,earphones a week ago,

Theywere really cheap - they only eost f3O.Attirśąitwas amazing!
l cóuld,llsten to rnusie whiłe l {tHy_l my bedroóm

c |.{[. gu\ls!

d l hoped thattheywould replace them with śomeother earphones,

but in the end, they just' (repair)them.
l've,had them fora week now, and l haVe,n't had any problerns yet.
Fingers crossed!

2 Uzupełni} tekst z ćwitżenia l.'ezasownikaml podanymi w nawiasach, stosuiąc

je w odpowiednieiformie. Uz'łi czasu Past simple lub Past continuous.

Erainy klbsa 8. 9 M_aEńillan Polska ż021 ff

Reading Ę ;§:
Ę,|i $*i !*;5;l{;1 $:Ę"{"

Przeczytaitekst i uzupełnii go ezasownikami podanymiw nawiasach, stosując

ie we właściwejformieczasów Past simple lub Fast continuous,

Today, most music fans eonnect to wi-fi and

stream music. But how did people use to
listen to music in,the past?
Our great-g rarłdparents definitely
(not listen)
to music on mobile gadgets while they
2 (grow up).
Back in the 194as, people used to listen to jazz or classical music on vinyl records -
rock rnusic didn't arrive until the 1950sl
ln the 1960s, Philips 3 (invent) cassettes, which were cheaper
than records, People could listen to tapes while they 4
or with portable cassette players and earphones while they 5

(walk) oł, joEging" People also used to make and share 'mix tapes' - before digital
playlists existed!
e Ds arrived in 198Z. The sound quality was much better than on cassettes, and CDs
6 (beconne)very popular. More than 500 million were sold
worldwide during the 19BOs, But Soon, people 7 (not need)
to buy CDs any more - they could download music and listen tc it on MP3 p|ayers.
By the ZOCOs, things 8 (change) again with the arrival of
high-speed internet and music streaming apps. By 201B. about 300 million people
around the world 9
{stream) music.
Nothing is forever in the vrlorld of technology, and who knows what the future will
bring? But for nCIw, turn up yoLjr Bluetooth speakers and enjoy the music!

/ ,/o.v

,/ '/a\^rtr'
' ,/

Brainyl Ę1252 B. ! Vacmillan F,clska 202'1 n'ć

Reading ffi §XTRA §uPpCIRT

2 Przecżytai ponownie tekst z ćwiczenia 1- iznąidź wszł7stkje zdąłia::ze,stiukturą

Z listen /,classica{ 7,Peo,ple lto lvinyl / used / music ,l,ta lree]ot'ds l an 1 .

3 u§ed / tapes l peopłe l make'l,to / also ,1 ąixł, ,

4 Frzeczy.tai ponownie tekst z ćtriczenia ll,,i]po.dkreśl na zięlono słotva ,

nazywaiące przedmioty, dzięki którym można słuchać muzyki.

5 Uzupełnii poniższe zdania tłumaczeniami słów podanych w nawiasach.

1 Turn up your'{;głośnikBłuetoath) and enioy
the music!
Z People could listen to tapes while they were dr,iving, or With tprzenośnymi
'odtwarzaczami kaseĄ and'{słucfp wkańi)
whiłe, they w€re,Wa{kińg ór.,iogg,ing.

3 People also]used to make and sh,are (składankń

before digital playlists existed!
4 łn the 196Os, Philips invented (kasety}
5 Feople used to listen taiazzor classical music on{,płytach winylawych)

Brainvklasa 8 @ Macmillan Polska żOZ1

Best practices
Choose the correct tense for each sentence using the sirłrple past or the
present perfect.

o say To go To know To finc

o make To take To get To thir
o come To see To give To tell
o become

1,... Last week, l ...........,... . (to say} it to you don't you remember?

2... Nobody can say that they......... (never /to make) a mistake before.

3... My friend Jon .......... (just/ to come) back from the Iibrary. 4...

.,.........,you...........,.. ... {ever/ to go} to lndia?

5... Fred... ...... (to take) a long vacation last month.

6.., l ........, ...... (to see) a white tiger in Russia last year. 7...Mv

friend...... (to know) this guy since he was a kid. 8...

l..,.......,...,. (to get) a terrible headache yesterday.

9... .....,...........,..,you (to give) your name for the party yet? 10... Dad

.. (to find) his missing key this morning. 11...

I2... l..,............. .,.... (to tell) you that l don't like blue cheese last week.

13...He..,.. . (to become) such an amazing dancer!

Best practices part 2l4

Choose the correct tense for each sentence using the s§rcp|e pmst or the
present perfect,

To show To put To keep To hear

To leave To write To hold To let
To feel To begin To stand To mean

1.... l ........ .,...... {feel) like that before.

2... Charles and l ............... (leave} Canada since 201a.

3... The nurse (just/show) me how to use it.

4.., My cat..,.....,.. .,............(stand) on the fence yesterday,

5... The children". .....,(heard} the train coming before l did it.

6... The child..,..,.. ...(just/let) the cat out of the room.

7... She doesn't remember where she.....,..... ... (put) her book last week.

8... .....,.....,....,.,....,you.............. (ever/write} words starting by the end?

9... The flood....... (besin) last Friday.

10.., ..,........,he........ ...... (hold} a baby koala in his arms before?

11... ........, ,..,.....:. (mean) it when she said "go away!" yesterday?

12... They ... (keep) on calling their friends all day yesterday.
Best Practices partEl4

Choose the correct tense for each sentence using the simp§e past or the
present perfect.

To set To pay To lie To grow

To meet To sit To lead To lose
To run To speak To read To fall

1.... l ....... (not/ set) the heater to maxirnum this morning.

2... The pine tree (grow) taller last summer.

3... The new student .......... (not/ speak) to me yet.

4... My cat........... (not/ sit) on the fence yesterday.

5... Both students. .......{not/meet) before.

6... The cat........... (not/lie) on my bed yet.

7... She (not/run) last week.

8... .....,..,.......,...,,............ (pay} the bill for the internetyet?

9... Jason. (not/fall) for this scam last week.

10... ............she..,..... (ever /read} about conspiracy before?

1].... You ... (lose} your temper yesterday.

I2... Fern......... (notl lead} the Zumba practice before,

Best practices part Ą|4

choose the correct tense for each sentence using the s§mpx§* ##s,& or the
present perfect.

To send To break To rise To wear

To understand To spend To drive To choose

To build To cut To buy To fall

1.... l ........ ., {not/ break) your phone yesterday.

2... The kitten (fall) from the sofa before.

3... Jane and Jim (never/wear} the same t-shirt.

4... My brother... tjust/drive) in the garage.

5... .....,..........,.the sun " .. .......,...(rise} yet?

6... ...........,..........,you........,...... ,......(buy) your ticket yet?

7... She (not/choose) English class last semester. ó


......,you.,. (spent} a holiday in confinement before? 9...

Jason..,.... {not/cut) his hair for a long time.

10... l....... .... (just lsend) an email.

11... My father...... ....... (build) this house in 2009.

1ż... Felix.....,... (not/ understand) coding yet.

&ę..łĘfffi # #Bffi §lĘ §
vogabuiaiysummar ffi §XTRA §upp§aT


charge your battery

pałączyć się z wi-fi

zawiesić się, ulec awarii

(np. o prograrnie komputerowym)


high-speed lnternet


reset my pa§swords

przewinąć w doł

przewlnąc w 9orę

USB cable

ład owarka bezprzewod owa

Brainy kłasa 8. @ Matmlllan F,o{ska ?0?1 ó§
Vocabulary §ummary

(dwuletnia) gwarancja

zepsuty (o przedmiocie)


dostać zwrot pieniędzy


Here's the receipt"

How Iong have you had it/them?

Chciałbym/Chciała bym zwrócić


Wolałbym /Wolała bym otrzyrn ać zwrot


|'d rather get my money back"

Przykro mi, ale...

lt/They used to work, but now it

doesn't / they don't.

Nie działa.

|t's/They've got a ... guarantee.

Nie działaią.

W czym problem?

Would you like to replace it/them?

§raai* ia o.rrł* .ib*

tfoea b*i§r,lr suńłnir}' EXTRA §UPP§HT

ostrzyć się

oddać telefon do naprawy

zrabicsobie zdjęcie

hire a bike

make photocopies

r,1,1ysłać paczkę

set up your social media account

subscribE to

doładować swójtelefon

wypozyczalnia rowerow

copy shop


sklep z telefonami

budka fotograficzna

post office

Brainv klasa 8. O Macrnlllał Folśka2Sż1

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