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Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini

Novitiate Module - Lesson 16


Saint Andrew Corsini

(1302—January 6, 1373)
Carmelite and Bishop: A Human and Spiritual Portrait
by Stefano Possanzini, O.Carm.
from Carmel in the World

We have just celebrated the seventh hundreth

anniversary of the birth of St. Andrew Corsini, whose life
was fully committed to the service of God and of
neighbor. As he added luster to the Carmelite Order and
to the Church, it becomes our duty to remember him in
favor of the faithful since he provides a light that even
today can guide the People of God on the paths of
goodness and of social justice. The anniversary was given
special recognition by the Letter which the Holy Father
John Paul II sent for the occasion to the Bishop of
Fiesole, Mons. Luciano Giovannetti.

Andrew is a descendant of the noble Corsini family. The

family was originally of common stock: in the 13th
century, it transferred from its habitat in Val de Pesa
(Turin) to Florence. Dealing in wool, it acquired great
riches, acting as a go-between the noble rich and the
poor classes.

During that first period, the Corsini’s became renowned as a family for the outstanding
members it gave to ecclesiastical service. Avignon, where the Popes of the time resided,
was the residence of Cardinal Peter Corsini, cousin of our saint. There was also our
Andrew, bishop of Fiesole who came to be venerated as a saint, as well as his brother
Neri who succeeded him as Bishop of Fiesole and was also venerated as a Blessed. There
was also Amerigo Corsini, first Archbishop of Florence from 1420 to 1435.

But the family also produced men well known in the field of trade and civil law. Others
were noteworthy citizens of Florence. Eight of them had the office of flag-bearer
(Gonfaloniere), fifty-six were priors. Andrew’s brother, Matthew, was well versed in
literature; he was a friend of Petrarch and he left us the Ricordanze of the Corsini family.

The life span of St. Andrew Corsini covers slightly more than two-thirds of the 14th
century, which was among the most outstanding periods of Italian history because of its
civic, literary and artistic merits. Florence emerges as one of the outstanding cities. It
was the money capital: its banks were known throughout Europe and in the East. All
heads of state made use of its florins.

During this epoch the best known buildings of the city were built: Santa Maria del Fiore,
Santa Croce, and Santa Maria Novella. Construction on the church of Carmine also
began. With frescoes by the most renowned artists of the day, from the schools of Giotto
to Masaccio, the church was second to none.

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

Andrew’s Birth every day to venerate her and to obtain

many graces from her. This throng
St. Andrew was born in this city, the continued for so long that in short time
center of Europe, of Nicholas Corsini the image acquired the name of the
and Gemma degli Sgracciabende. There Madonna del Popolo.”
are not many credible notices about the
life of Andre up until his nomination as Also legendary are the dream which
Bishop of Fiesole. The first biographies, Gemma had the night before her
that of Peter di Andrea del Castagno and childbearing and the loose-living of
that of an anonymous author, cannot be Andrew before his conversion by which
trusted. Further lives followed these first he changed from a wolf into a lamb. As a
versions, except for that of Fr. Paolo good mother, Gemma certainly would
Caioli, which, however, did not have prayed for all her children, that
completely disassociate itself from the they be born healthy and that they grow
preceding. in the grace of God and in the practice of
the Christian virtues. We do know that
He is said to have been born at the Jesus invited Andrew to follow him
beginning of the 14th century. The when he was fifteen, and the youngster
Carmelite Andrea Sabatini carefully and answered the Lord’s invitation
wisely studied the Ricordanze of promptly, placing himself at his service
Matthew Corsini, brother of our saint: without hesitation or weakness.
for him it is most likely that Andrew was
born between 1315 and 1318. Carmelite

In the Ricordanze, Matthew gives a list We do not know the exact year in which
of all the children of Nicolas and Gemma Andrew entered the Carmelite Order.
Corsini, and it seems that he lists them Peter del Castagno holds for 1326, when
in the order of birth: Peter, Duccio, the Provincial was Fr. Jerome
John, Neri, Batholomew, Andrew, Migliorati, a man of deep learning and
Philip, Matthew, and Nicholas. of authentic holiness. The brothers
However, Matthew on records the date elected him provincial for nine years.
of his own birth, November 4, 1322. Under his leadership the Florence
Andrew, then, would have been born Carmine became a hearth of holiness
between 1315 and 1318. he does not and regular observance. Together with
mention the three sisters, whom we del Castagno, other biographers too
know from the author Passerini to have repeat that Andrew took the habit in the
been named Talama, Francesca, and Carmine of Florence at fifteen years of
Margherita. age under Fr. Migliorati, i.e. in 1316 or
1317. But A. Sabatini shows that
Matthew tells us that Andrew was the Migliorati was not the Provincial at that
sixth son of Nicholas and Gemma. It is time, and possibly was part of the
evident, then, that the story of Gemma’s community of Prato, his native town.
sterility and of Andrew’s birth as the
result of the insistent prayers of his Fr. Sabatini did much research to find
parents in the Carmine Church before out the date of Andrew’s religious
the image of the Madonna del Popolo, is profession of vows. In those days, it was
merely a legend. G. Richa wrote: “as a solemn profession that bound the
soon as the image was set up for public religious to his Order for the rest of his
veneration, throngs of people gathered

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

life. But the broad research led to no From April 17 until the 26th, 1344, he is
definite conclusions. in Pisa. His name is included in a
contract between Carmine and the
Besides we cannot accept his Congregation of the Battuti. The
affirmations about the age of 18 being contract is composed of five distinct acts
required for profession in the Order. In and is signed by all the religious. The
fact, the Constitutions which would have name of Andrew Corsini is in second
been followed when Andrew made his place, immediately following that of the
novitiate, namely those of 1294, rubric Prior.
29, decree that no one under the age of
fifteen may be admitted to profession: June 1st of that same year finds him once
serious punishment was to be meted out more in Carmine in Florence, serving as
to transgressors, and dispensations were a counselor to the Prior and also named
not foreseen. We are able to affirm that Bachelor. He took up his teaching post
Andrew made his profession before 1331 again, and, following Saggi, in all
basing ourselves on a document of the probability he was appointed to study
Florence Carmel dated August 3, 1338, for the Magisterium, since the General
in which among the 52 religious he is Chapter of Milan in the year 1345
found before Fra. Simone Orlandini, the decreed that within seven years “Andrew
only one listed whose profession year we of Florence” should teach Sacred
know, 1331. The question still remains Scripture in the study house of Paris.
But Fr. Caioli says that this is a mistake:
In his preparation for the priesthood, he holds that it is not a question of
Andrew was committed to the regular Andrew Corsini, but of Andrew
observance and also to studies. He Bonanza, who in his Province always is
certainly would have completed the identified by name and surname, while
curriculum of studies at the Carmine in in various General Chapters, Barcelona
Florence, which in 1320 had been (1324), Albi (1327) and Valenciennes
declared a Studium generale with the (1330), he is called Fr. Andrew of
authority of conferring academic Florence or de Plathea (he is named so
degrees. He acquired the degree of by the Chapter of Milan [1327]).
Lector, or Professor, since in 1347 at
Carmine he was teaching the Sentences On October 9, 1346 Andrew is in
of Peter Lombard. Later he was entitled Carmine in Florence and he is named to
Bachelor, a degree which presupposes receive the money earned from the sale
that of Lector. of a house. At the Chapter celebrated in
Pistoia on June 15, 1347, Andrew Corsini
As a religious, Andrew owed obedience was confirmed as responsible for the
to his superiors who, according to teaching of theology at the Carmine of
concrete needs, assigned him to other Florence. He was also, together with
houses. This first document in which his Giovanni del Moro and Fra Cante
name figures is a parchment dated named provincial counselor. Here he is
August 3, 1338, by which all the friars of identified as a lector.
Florence Carmel designated as their
procurators, charged to undertake all P. Caioli shares this reflection about our
the affairs of their convent, the following saint: “From what we had said so far, it
confreres: Fra. Bonaguida di Cola, Fra. is evident that only after many years of
Giovanni di Tonio, and Fra. Giovanni di hidden life in the cloister, the Lord
Castelfiorentino. wished to reveal Andrew to the eyes of

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

the world. Only gradually are various During the brief period in which he
tasks and duties of the Order assigned to exercised this duty, Andrew strove to
him. Only in this way were his goodness give hope to his confreres and also
and his virtue eventually known by his pushed forward the project for the
confreres in Italy and in Avignon where construction of the Church of Carmine.
the General Curia of the Order was set He held two provincial chapters and
up, with the Papal court.” authorized the buying and selling of
some books.
If he is Prior Provincial of Tuscany in
1348 he is still young, somewhat over Bishop of Fiesole
thirty years of age. In those days the
priests in the Tuscan Province and in the On the 13th of October 1349, Pope
Order were numerous and it was rare Clement VI names him Bishop of
that such a young religious were elected Fiesole. He had been preceded in the
to such an important office. He was See of St. Romulus by Bishop Filigno
named bishop in 1349 when he was 34 Olivieri Carboni Campi who had died of
or 35 years of age. We can conclude that the plague in June 17th of the same year.
his talents and ability were such as to be The Papal Bull of Clement VI who
known and appreciated in short order by resided at Avignon, bears the date of
both of his confreres and by his October 13, 1349. The Bull opens with a
superiors. greeting to the newly elected bishop and
with a declaration of the Pope’s duty to
Prior Provincial in Tuscany provide for the governance of dioceses.

In 1348 Andrew took part in the General It declares that information had been
Chapter of the Order in the quality of gathered and it witnessed to the
socius (associate) of the Provincial of candidate’s zeal for the faith, his
Tuscany. The Chapter was of two days doctrinal preparation, his moral
duration only. It was convened on rectitude, his concern for spiritual
Pentecost Sunday in Metz, Alsace, but matters, and his attention to temporal
was quickly ended due to the fear of the affairs, and to other merits of numerous
Black Plague which was raging virtues. For these reasons, the Pope
throughout Europe at that time. In fact promotes him to the see of Fiesole,
it claimed many victims among the trusting that under his direction, with
capitulars on the way both to and from the help of God, it will be guided to ever
the Chapter. Pentecost that year fell on greater increase. It ends with good
June 8th. Andrew Corsini was named wishes for a successful and fruitful
Provincial of Tuscany. governance and the just reward on the
part of the Lord.
Thus Andrew received the heavy burden
of guiding the Province at possibly the The Pope, who did not know Andrew
most dramatic moment of its whole personally, was informed by credible
existence. More than a hundred friars members of the Corsini family, by
died of the plague. Among them were all confreres in Carmel, and by members of
the students who at the time were the diocesan clergy of Fiesole.
studying in Montpellier in southern
France, where the plague had broken The date of Andrew’s episcopal
out in 1347. consecration has not come down to us.
P. Caioli writes that among the
consecrating prelates there certainly

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

would have been the Dominican bishop Episcopal palace, which restored so that
of Florence Angelo Acciaioli and the his successors would be willing to
Bishop of Pistoia. The ceremony in all remain there. The Church of S. Maria in
likelihood took place in Santa Maria dei Campo and the adjacent palace always
Fiori. We do not know when he formally remained the property of the diocese of
entered his diocese. However, on Fiesole and as such were exempt from
January 19th he is still in Carmine in the jurisdiction of the Bishop of
Florence in his function of Provincial Florence. The historical background to
and the first act of his Episcopal this state of affairs can be traced to the
ministry is dated March 28th. Together year 1125, when the Florentines
with his Episcopal consecration, the new destroyed Fiesole. The people of this
bishop swore fidelity to the Pope. He latter town were forced to transfer to
promised not to foster any activity Florence, while their bishop went to
against the Pope and his successors, and various castles in the diocese as an exile.
to help in the maintenance of the In the end, the bishop, Ildebrando, was
Roman Papacy. He also bound himself forced to live in the bishop’s palace in
to help the legate of the Apostolic See, to Florence. But there were inevitable
make his “ad limina visits” either difficulties in the co-habitation of the
personally or through delegates, and to palace with the bishop of Florence, and
sell the goods of the episcopacy or to so Pope Gregory IX, in 1228, had
change rents without the foreknowledge granted to Ildebrando the Church of S.
of the Supreme Pontiff. Maria in Campo. The latter’s successor,
Maynetto, obtained from Pope
In Fiesole Alexander IV permission to have his
curia and his tribunal in this Church.
Andrew went to the hill town of Fiesole, This was behind the decision of the
his episcopal see, without any desires of Fiesole bishops to live in Florence in
lording it over his people. He knew that perpetuity.
he was Christ’s representative for his
people. It was Christ who told him as he One glance at his cathedral and he saw
had done to the apostles: “I am with you that the engrained sandstone facade was
always, even to the end of the world” in a ruinous state. The cathedral had
(Mt 28:20). He felt the urgent duty to been built in 1028 and completed in the
exercise the mission of a good shepherd, episcopate of Jacopo the Bavarian.
which meant that like Jesus he too Originally it was of more modest
should have a rapport of living proportions, but it was modified and
communion and of mutual love with his enlarged during the 13th century. The
sheep. But to do this he should be in renovations undertaken by St. Andrew
their midst and not be like the hired were imposing. In order to avoid that
hand who leaves them for his own the waters that gushed down from the
interests: rather, he should give his life rocks above the town affect the
for them (Jn 10: 11-16). cathedral adversely, he had the posterior
of the edifice divided into two levels. The
When he went to Fiesole, he embraced a works lasted a long time, and even
project which he wished to put into though they were far-reaching, the
effect immediately. He broke with a long facade its original design.
standing tradition of Fiesole bishops,
who for more than a century had resided Practically complementing this work on
in Florence at the Church of S. Maria in the cathedral, St. Andrew in 1371 had a
Campo. He took up residence in the old new choir built, where the Canons would

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

offer their prayers. It was a project rich given the good example by living in the
in inlaid and carved workmanship which Bishop’s palace. His pastoral visits were
cost him the sum of a hundred forty four detailed. Many churches were in
gold florins. In his Memoriale episcopi disorder; ignorant was prevalent and
fesulani he lists all the work done until even the most elementary duties of both
1362, which cost almost fifty thousand faithful and priests were neglected.
florins and a thousand Florentine lire. Concubinage was not rare. With all he
We do not know exactly how much he uses both firmness and charity, but to
spent for the restoration of the those who cannot control themselves he
Cathedral, because he does not make an applies the canonical punishments and
itemized listing of expenses in his he deprives the incorrigible of their
Memoriale. Caioli concludes: “This is benefices and of their duties.
sufficient to realize how much the Saint
loved his see and the flock confided to Because the diocese is extensive and
his care.” mountainous, in order to be aware of the
real situation, in 1353, he appoints Don
He also collaborated in the restoration Dionisio, Prior of S. Maria in Poppi as
of parish churches: he had special his Vicar. For the moral and spiritual
regard for the small church of S. Maria formation of seminarians in 1372 he
Primerana to which the local people had establishes a confraternity of priests,
recourse, and which he administered dedicated to the Blessed Trinity, with
personally. In this same vicinity of the duty of preparing them and
Figline Valdarno, he took special care of instructing them for the priestly and
the local church and in 1360 he restored apostolic life. This association
the parish house. In 1364 he had an foreshadows the function of seminaries,
arcade built on it and above the arcade which the Council of Trent will establish
he had two rooms built. In all likelihood, two centuries later.
he resided here when he was on pastoral
visits in the area. Father of the Poor

Reformer The good he did for the poor, more than

any other factor, mirrored his interior
If St. Andrew was personally involved in life. While he remained poor, he wished
the decor of church buildings, he that his entourage/family be composed
showed an even greater commitment for of only six persons. Two of these were
the reform of morals which had become confreres from the Carmine in Florence;
somewhat lax especially after the two with them he intended to lead a religious
years of the terrible scourge of the life in the spirit of Carmel.
plague. For the faithful for whose
pastoral needs he was responsible he His naturally good nature urged him to
wished to form “a spiritual house, a holy aid the poor and every needy person
priesthood in order to offer spiritual who appealed to him. He never sent
sacrifices, pleasing to God, through away unheard anyone who knocked at
Jesus Christ” (1 Pt 2:5). his door. He personally helped the poor
at the door of his Episcopal home, and
To bring the faithful back to the practice he felt that this was an authentic duty of
of the faith, he concentrated on his a bishop. But the voice that called him
priests, and especially on pastors. He was of even greater importance than
demanded that pastors and all who held that of nature. In pilgrims, in the
benefices reside locally; he himself had unfortunate, in the sick, in the

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

disinherited he saw Christ who was “famous for the virtue of charity,
encouraged him and told him: committed to almsgiving.”
“Whatever you do for one of these the
least of my brothers, you do to me” (Mt Angel of Peace
In every way possible he expended
He considered himself the father and efforts to blunt the disorders and
administrator of the poor. Setting apart contentious situations of his time.
what was necessary for his family, the Towns were tearing each other apart;
rest belonged to the poor. The bishop is even within the same city, the various
not an owner, but an administrator. As factions and political parties divided
soon he was appointed bishop, he allegiances and gave rise to blood-
named Fra Andre Salvi of the Carmelites scarred wars.
as his procurator with all the rights to
search out and recuperate the legacies Without abate, Andrew preach peace
left for the poor. and concord. People from Florence and
neighboring towns thronged to his
One of the saddest consequences of the preaching. In legal actions and lawsuits,
Black Plague of 1348 was the misery into not only churchmen and rich merchants
which many families had fallen. The of Florence had recourse to him but also
were deprived of their main sources of the powerful citizens of Prato, Pistoia,
providing bread for their members. and other cities.
Many children had lost their parents
and found themselves with no one to He strove to establish peace in families.
care for them. Added to this was a His blood brothers were the first to turn
subsequent famine because of which the to him, and to his brother Neri, for
situation of the poor became even more judgments in family matters. Matthew
deplorable. in particular, who later became a
member of his household, was always
He calls his acts of charity “the love of very devoted to him and entrusted all his
God.” In a book, written by himself one vital interests to him.
finds many alms and many portions of
wheat given to the poor for the love of His whole bearing mirrored a spirit
God. Among these poor one also finds filled with peace. No one remembered
families of religious Orders. In the first hearing him speak with anger, but
place are the friars of Carmine in rather his speech was in pleasant and
Florence, whose humble and cherished tranquil tones. This was true also in
confrere he always felt. cases when he had to correct his
subjects. And these virtues did not
Like the poor, he also assists the sick, prevent him from meting out salutary
either in their homes or in the hospitals. penances when there was no other
He took personal interest in the income remedy for evil.
of hospitals; he was vigilant that such
funds, destined for hospitals, be His Edifying Death
administered justly. He was a main
protagonist in the building of a hospital He died on January 6, 1374 (1373
in San Cristofero de Perticaia. His according to the Florentine calendar).
charity towards the needy must have a The Canons of Fiesole wished to bury
deep impression because the necrology their bishop in his cathedral, despite the
of the Carmine in Florence says that he express stipulation in his will asking for

Carmelite Exemplars: Saint Andrew Corsini
Novitiate Module - Lesson 16

burial in the Florence Carmine. His

confreres, aiming to fulfill his last will
and probably with the consent of his
brother Neri, who succeeded him as
bishop of Fiesole, during the night of
February 2nd, carried his body to
Florence. He was later buried in a
marble monument which his brother
Matthew and his nephews
commissioned in the Carmine Church.

The monument was engraved with an

epitaph composed by Coluccio Salutati,
Chancellor of the Republic. The tribute
praises the deceased bishop as
illustrious for his family background,
but even more so for his virtue. He is
praised as father and helper of the poor,
as a true servant of God committed to
his glory, as an outstanding example of a
holy life, and for the effective eloquence
of his preaching.

His body now reposes in the splendid

chapel built by Bartolomeo di Filippo
and Neri di Andrea Corsini during the
years 1675-1683. When Lorenzo Corsini
was elected Pope in 1730 with the name
Clement XII, he commissioned the
architect Alessandro Galilei to build the
Corsini chapel in the Basilica of St. John
the Lateran in honor of the great saint,
his family ancestor. The Chapel, for the
number and variety of artists who
contributed to its construction and to its
artistic decoration, can be considered an
authentic compendium of the sculpture
of the 1700’s.


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