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Name: Zeyad Raafat Adly

ID: 201910628

Section: B

Snapchat filters

Face detection is not a new technology. Facebook use it for a long time. The digital
cameras can detect faces . So, it’s not rocket science. But what Snapchat filters make in
finding the face might be more creative.

When humans see a face, the brain make a lot of information that go to the memory
nerves, then you can determine whether you know the person or not.

When a computer sees a face or any image, it sees a blank screen with different color
codes on each pixel.

What is this numbers ?

This is not just numbers , but pixels.

This large matrix of numbers are codes, and the combination of the numbers refer to a
different color.

The algorithm of the face detection goes through this code and looks for color patterns
that would represent a face to the computer.

Different parts of the face give away various details. For example, the eye socket is
darker than the forehead, and the center of the forehead is lighter than its sides, the
bridge of the nose is lighter than its surroundings.
This could take a lot of time, but Snapchat created a statistical model of a face by
manually pointing out different borders of the facial features. When you click your face
on the screen you help the algorithm to predefined points align themselves and look for
areas of contrast to know precisely where your lips, jawline, eyes, eyebrows, etc. are.

Ghost faces on Snapchat: What’s this about?

It’s not a ghost!

Some snappers have posted their snaps and say that they have seen a ghost. In these
snaps, the filter was being applied to random object behind you or on the wall. This
glitch occurs because the filter is trying to find a face and that random object, or the wall
simply pass the criteria or the algorithm of detecting a face.

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