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1. What did the aztecs mix with cacao?

R/ They mixed cacao with vainilla, black pepper and honey

2. What was the drink called?

R/ Cacahuatl or “Bitter wáter”

3. Was the drink sweet?

R/It wasn´t very sweet

4. Who did Moctezuma II meet?

R/He met Hernán Cortés

5. How many chest did Hernán Cortés take to Spain?

R/ He took three chests of cacao beans

6. What did the spaniards add to the recipe?

R/They added hot water and sugar to the cacao beans

7. What did an england doctor add to the recipe?

R/ The doctor added milk instead of water

8. When was the first chocolate bar made?

R/ The first chocolate bar was made in 1847

9. Were the firsts chocolate bars expensive?

R/Yes, it was very expensive because it was hard to make.

10. Who made the first cheap chocolate?

R/hershey`s made the first cheap chocolate bar, then the other
companies did the same

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