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Blaze Wilson Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Rules

1. Treat yourself and others with respect (The Golden Rule).

2. Use walking feet at all times.

3. Use your manners (i.e. Please, Thank You).

4. Make sure your listening ears are always on.

5. Keep your hands, feet, and personal items to yourself


Consequences should always fit the offense. Consequences are listed from mild to severe.

Consequences can also be situational.

1. Talk with me before recess

2. Move clip down

3. Take a break in the “calm down” spot in the room

4. Letter sent home/phone call home

5. Take a break in the buddy teacher’s room

6. Go to the Office

These consequences should be used to make students think about why the rules are set in

the classroom.

Teacher Expectations

1. Be Understanding

2. Always be prepared for class

3. Be a good listener
4. Always be on time

5. Always be positive

Student Expectations

1. Come to class ready to learn

2. Be a good listener

3. Be respectful

4. Have integrity

5. Always have a good attitude

A huge part of my classroom management is modeling. I believe that I should model the

expectations I have for myself as well as for my students. My expectations for my students will

never be something I am not willing to do myself.


1. When entering the classroom in the morning put your backpack and coat in your

cubby. Then join the class in the front of the room. Get into your circle spot.

2. When we line up for specials or lunch you will be called by table. Line up along the

dotted line on the floor. Keep your hands and your home and keep your lips zipped.

3. If you want to speak, ask a question, or if you need something you must raise your

hand. This is also used if you need to got to the bathroom or if you need a drink.

4. When you are done with your work you will either put it into your mailbox or into the

turn in tray. Listen to directions so you know where to go.

5. When we pack up to leave for the day. We will pack our backpacks and make sure we

have everything we need. Then we will form lines for those who ride the bus and
those who get picked up. Line up in straight quiet lines on either side of the dotted


Minor Disruptions

For minor disruptions in the classroom. I will talk to the student first about how their

behavior is not acceptable. If the disruptions continue a student will be told to move

their clip down. If moving the clip has not worked a note will be sent home and will

be followed by a phone call home.

On-Going Discipline Issues

For on-going issues, the “calm-down” area may be utilized as well as sending the

student to a buddy teacher’s classroom. On-going issues will require conference with

the student’s parents or guardians. If issues still continue without resolve there will be

a conference with parents and administrators.

Aggressive and Violent Behaviors

These behaviors are absolutely unacceptable in my classroom. A student participating

in or displaying these behaviors will automatically be sent to the office and a note

will be sent home.

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