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Name: Nathaly Rodríguez Code: 1110443656

Name: María Camila Muñoz Code: 1088339358

Name: Yuly Paola Moreno Angulo Code: 1087560136

Class: June 30th 2020

Course: 5-1

Aim in relation to the syllabus: Understand general and specific information in video
material about world facts.

Language function: Describing facts

Grammatical forms: Second conditional


before you read the paragraph below, go to the following link you to access to the video you will need
to carry out the tasks proposed, watch the video as a complement for you to guide
yourselves to complete the charts given below.

Note: the charts must be filled out using the second conditional forms as in the next

Eg. 59 people in my village would be Asian.

If the World were a Village of 100 people

The world is a big place - really big. In fact, it's so big that it becomes hard to
make sense of some of the big figures that go with it. For most of us, numbers
like 18,000,000 or 180,000,000 have little meaning. We know they are large, but
we can't imagine them the way we can with 6 apples, 2 tins etc.

This makes an understanding of world population statistics very difficult for most
of us. An excellent way to solve the problem is to use smaller numbers that we
can imagine or mentally visualize.

Your task is to read the charts below and then to fill in the blanks with either
numbers or %’s. Don’t guess wildly; think about it. Remember, the total in cannot
go over 100. You will be surprised by some of the answers. At the end of the
worksheet are some statements, read them, think about them which, if any have
shocked you?

In 1990, Donella H. Meadows published the 'State of the Village Report'. It took
the latest world statistics and reproduced them, as they would appear in a village
of just 100 people. The village of 100 people reflects all the variations of the real
world, but in numbers we can understand. If the world was a village of 100 people,
it would look like this…

Adapted by Castro Claudia

Ethnicity – Racial Makeup

Number of People Ethnicity

59 people would be Asian Asians
14 people would be Africans Africans
12 people would be Europeans Europeans
14 people would be central and south
Central and South America
4 people would Canadá and USA Canada and USA
1 people would Oceanía Oceania

Number of People Languages

15 people would speak mandarin Mandarin
6 people would speak Hindi Hindi / Urdu
7 people would speak english English
6 people would speak spanish Spanish
5 people would speak Russian Russian
4 people would speak Arabic Arabic
This is less than half the village. The rest of the villagers would speak over 200 other
1languages between them
Number of People Religion
33 people would Christian Christians
21 people would Moslems Moslems
15 people would Hindus Hindus
14 people would non religious, Atheists Non-religious, Agnostics and Atheists
6 people would buddhists Buddhists
5 people would all other religions All other religions
The Villagers…
Number of People The Villagers
49 people in my village would be women and 51
52 would be male, 48 would be female
people village would be men.
70 people in my village would be adults. would be adults, half cannot read or write.
82 people in my village would be not-white, 18
would be non-white; 18 white
30 people in my village would be children and 2
would be new born babies
people would new born baby.
2 people in my village would be die. would die
adult women will have, at some time, been
35 people in my village would be a women,
beaten, abused, or forced to have sex against
abused, or forced to have sex against their will.
their will.
1 people in my village would have a College
would have a college education

After watching the video:

Aim: To talk about real facts taking place in the world right now.
Language function: Giving opinion
Grammatical forms: first and second conditional to press unreal situations and their results and to give advice

Instructions: Here you have some true facts to read, discuss and think about.
In Pairs, record what you discuss and upload the audio file to your virtual classroom in Edmodo.

 If you woke up this morning healthy ... remember that you are much better off
than the millions who will not survive this week.

 If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the fear and loneliness of
imprisonment, the agony of torture,
or the pain of starvation ... you are better off than 500 million people in the world.

 If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a
place to sleep ... you are more comfortable than 75% of the people in this world.

 If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, spare change in a drawer, a pocket or
somewhere are among the top 8% of the world's most wealthy people.

 If you can read this, remember that there are over two billion people in the world
who cannot read at all.

 If you have your own PC at home, you own something that costs more than an
average person earns in an entire year in Somalia or Sierra Leone.

Criteria Description 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Grammar & Use appropriate vocabulary, correct

Vocabulary grammar and sentence structure.

Coherence Use correct stress, rhythm and intonation


Fluency Speaks naturally, and without many pauses.

Interactive Take an active part in the development of

communication the conversation.

Coherence Shows clear understanding of the topic


Speaking Rubrics ( for teacher’s use only)

Source: Adapted by Claudia Castro

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