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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name: ____________________________ Section: ___________________

Part I – Reading and Writing Numbers – 15 points Time Allotment: 15 minutes

A. Read the following numbers (1 point each).

4 5
1) 104 783 2) 2 346 572 3) 3.007 4) 5) 1
7 8

B. Writing Numbers (5 points).

a. Write the following number names in symbols. (1 point each)

____________1. Five million, four hundred thirty-two thousand, sixty-four

____________2. Four and two-fifths
____________ 3. Five hundred thirty-eight thousandths

b. Write each number in words (1 point each)

4. 317 654 = ____________________________________________________

5. 1.43 = ____________________________________________________

C. Place Value (5 points).

Read each item carefully and write the correct answer on the blank provided before each number. (1
point each)
_______________1. What is the place value of 6 in 265 473?
_______________2. What is the value of the digit 4 in 543 007?
_______________3. In 2 453 871, what digit is in the ten thousands place?
_______________4. What is the place value of digit 3 in 0.371?
_______________5. What is the value of digit 9 in 2.8591?

Part II. Computational Skills – 10 points Time Allotment: 10 minutes

For A and B, use the indicated operations to find the answer (1 point each)
1) 27 698 2) 623 608 3) 825 4) 0.842 5) 0.672
+ 15 283 + 15 283 473 + 0.351 - 0.351
- 104 561


6) 325 x 15 7) 2 654 x 36 8) 0.563 x 0.24 9) 4 2 084 10) 12 54.72

Part III - Problem Solving Skill – 25 points. Time Allotment: 25 minutes

A. Analyze the word problem by answering the questions below. (5 points per item))

1. Mother went to Saver’s Mall to buy disinfectant, she spent ₱89.75 for an alcohol,
₱68.35 for a clorox, and a pack of safeguard for ₱145.25. How much did she spend in
a. What are given? ₱89.75 for an alcohol,
₱68.35 for a clorox, and a pack of safeguard for ₱145.25.
b. What is asked? How much did she spend in all?
c. What operation/s to be used? Addition
d. What is the number sentence? 89.75 + 68.35 +145.25 = N
e. What is the answer? ₱ 303.35

2. Mrs. Santos bought 12 tablets of Vitamin C at ₱9.25 each and a can of milk that cost
₱595.00 at Mercury Drug Store. If she gave the cashier two ₱500-bill. How much is her
a. What are given? ________________________________________________
b. What is asked? _________________________________________________
c. What operation/s to be used? Multiplication, addition, subtraction
d. What is the number sentence? (2x500)-(12x9.25)+ 595= N
e. What is the answer? 1000-111+595= 1000-706= P294.00
3. Nine hundred sixty pack of reliefs goods are to be distributed to 10 Barangays. How
many packs will each Barangay receive?
a. What are given? ________________________________________________
b. What is asked? _________________________________________________
c. What operation/s to be used? division
d. What is the number sentence? 960 / 10 = N
e. What is the answer? 96 packs
1 7
4. Kaeley walked of a kilometer to Jane’s house and of a kilometer to the school.
4 8
How far did he walk?
a. What are given? ________________________________________________
b. What is asked? _________________________________________________
c. What operation/s to be used? ______________________________________
d. What is the number sentence? _____________________________________
e. What is the answer? _____________________________________________
5. Patrick walks at kilometer per hour. How far will he go in 5 hours?
a. What are given? ________________________________________________
b. What is asked? _________________________________________________
c. What operation/s to be used? ______________________________________
d. What is the number sentence? _____________________________________
e. What is the answer? _____________________________________________
Part IV – 4F’s Addition Facts (100 points)
Time Allotment for each operation: 10 minutes
Scale: ____ Non-Numerates ____ Nearly Numerates _____ Numerates

Answer Key:

1. 5 432 064
2. 4
3. 0.538
4. Three hundred seventeen thousand six hundred fifty-four
5. one and forty-three hundredths
1. Ten thousand
2. 40 000
3. 5
4. Tenths
5. 0.009

A. B.
1) 42 981 1) 4 875
2) 638 891 2) 95 544
3) 720 912 3) 0.13512
4) 1.193 4) 521
5) 0.321 5) 4.56

1. a. ₱89.75 for an alcohol, ₱68.35 for a clorox, and a pack of safe guard for ₱145.25
b. The total amount spent for the disinfectant
c. Addition
d. ₱89.75 + ₱68.35 + ₱145.25 = N
e. ₱303.35
2. a. 12 tablets of vitamin c, ₱9.25, a can of milk ₱595.00, and 2 ₱500 bill
b. The total change
c. multiplication, addition, and subtraction
d. (2 x ₱500) – (12 x ₱9.25) + (₱595) = N
e. ₱294
3. a. nine hundred sixty packs of relief goods and 10 Barangays
b. The total packs each barangay will receive
c. Division
d. 960 ÷ 10 = N
e. 96 packs
1 7
4. a. km and km
4 8
b. The total distance Kaeley walk to Janes house and to school
c. addition
1 7
d. km + km = N
4 8
9 1
e. or 1 km
8 8
5. a. km and 5 hours
b. The total distance he go in 5 hours
c. multiplication
d. km x 5 = N
30 3
e. or 3 km
8 4

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