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Spelling Bee Contest

2021 3rd
n. = noun v. = verb adj. = adjective adv. = adverb

EASY (10 words):

1. WRINKLY : (adj.) Having many lines or folds.
2. STARE: (v.) To look for a long time at something or someone.
3. CAUSATIVE : (adj.) Producing an effect; acting as the cause of something.
4. PAVEMENT : (n.) A paved surface or covering, as of concrete, brick, etc.
5. The numerical result obtained by dividing the sum of two or more
AVERAGE : (n.)
quantities by the number of quantities; an arithmetic mean.
6. To catch a brief, quick view of, as in passing; perceive momentarily and
GLIMPSE : (v.)
7. WIDOWED : (adj.) Become a widow or widower; lose one's spouse through death.
8 A state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what
ANXIETY : (n.)
may happen; concern about a possible future event.
9. DISAPPEARANCE: (n.) A state or condition in which a person or thing cannot be seen or found.
10. APPEARANCE : (n.) The look or outward aspect of a person or thing.

MEDIUM (20 words):

11. NERVOUSNESS : (n.) The quality or state of being nervous.

Talking with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially initial
12. STUTTERING : (v.)
13. ENCOURAGE : (v.) To give support to; be favorable to; foster; help.
Denoting an artificial body part, such as a limb, a heart, or a breast
14. PROSTHETIC: (adj.)
15. DESCENDANTS: (n.) A person who is related to you and lives after you.
16. WEIRDLY : (adv.) In a very strange or unexpected manner.
17. PARALYSIS: (n.) Partial or complete loss, or temporary interruption, of a function.
18 KNOWLEDGE: (n.) The act, fact, or state of knowing.
19. EXAGGERATE : (v.) To increase or enlarge extreme or abnormal degree.
20. EXCESSIVE : (adj.) Being too much or too great.
21. RELUCTANT : (adj.) Opposed in mind (to do something).
The sport of cross-country gliding using a specially
22. PARAGLIDING : (n.)
designed parachute shaped like flexible wings
23. SPRINKLE: (v.) To scatter drops or particles upon; cover or strew with a sprinkling
24. EMPHASIZE: (v.) To indicate that something is important.
25. SKYSCRAPER : (n.) A very tall building.
A person with specialized physical skills who takes the place of an actor
26. STUNTMAN: (n.)
in scenes involving risky or hazardous activity.
27. REHEARSE : (v.) To practice for later public performance.
A fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitely going to take
28. CERTAINTY : (n.)
29. AFTERWARDS : (adv.) At a later or future time; subsequently.
30. COUNTRYSIDE : (n.) A rural region
HARD (20 words):
causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful
31. MISCHIEVOUS: (adj.)
32. CHESHIRE: (n.) A town in central Connecticut.
33. ADVERTISEMENT: (n.) A public notice or announcement, usually paid for
34. PUNCTUALITY: (n.) The fact or quality of being on time.
35. CRINGEWORTHY: (adj.) Causing feelings of acute embarrassment or distaste.
36. IMMEDIATELY: (adv.) In an immediate manner.
37. DISAGREEMENT: (n.) Lack of consensus or approval.
38 LEVERAGING: (n.) Power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions
A state or condition in which a person or thing cannot be seen or
The treatment of physical disabilities by massage,
electrotherapy, or exercises.
41. UNFORTUNATELY: (adv.) In a regrettable, unlucky, or unsuitable manner.
42. ARRANGEMENT: (n.) Preparation or planning done in advance.
43. PARENTHESES: (n.) A pair of round brackets. ( )
In a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum
44. EFFICIENTLY: (adv.)
wasted effort or expense.
Something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact;
A group of people chosen from a larger group to act on or
46. COMMITEE: (n.)
consider matters of a particular kind.
47. ACCESSIBLE: (adj.) That can be approached or entered.
48. AWKWARD: (adj.) Causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience
49. CHOREOGRAPHED: (adj.) Composing the sequence of steps and moves for a performance.
50. UNIQUENESS: (n.) The quality of being one of a kind.

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