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Nama : Arief Hardi Rahman

Kelas : XII IPS 1

Absen : 06

How To Make Yourself Calm and Focused (Mindfulness)

Why do we often lose focus and find it difficult to concentrate? Doing something, but it’s
not in tune with what we think. If we often experience it, it means you’re losing focus. How does
it reach mindfulness in an everyday life? The aswer is a Meditation, it’s really easy to do.

Step one, Find a Quiet room. Find a quiet room, sit up straight and put your hands on your feet.
Let your hand and shoulders rest comfortably.

Step two, Breathe. Close your eyes, inhale, exhale slowly and feel the cool of the air coming in
and the warm air coming out, breathe naturally.

Step three, Stay Focused. The present mind will distract your respiratory process. If something
comes to your mind, just look. But don’t think too long, and slowly go back to what you’re doing
right now.

Step four, Consistent. Practice regularly, for these method will provide tremendous benefits. You
can strong with stand stress and recover from negative feelings. It can also take you away from
forgetting something in an instant.

Step five, Aplication. When your become an expert in meditation, apply to daily life by staying
focused on one activity. If you are reading a book, focus on reading and doing nothing else. With
this, mindfull will gain you an opportunity that will benefit you personally.

1. What is the topic of the text?

A. How to meditate
B. How to avoid stress
C. How to get a mindfulness
D. How to remember things
E. Tips on breaking free from negative feelings
2. How does it get a mindfulness?
A. Meditation
B. Study
C. Quiet
D. Practice
E. Nothing
3. The word “mindfulness” it means….
A. Consistent
B. Concentrate
C. Silence
D. Think
E. Meditation
4. “…But don’t think too long, and slowly go back to what you’re doing right now.”
The underline word, referring to….
A. Sit down
B. Breathe
C. Silence
D. Meditation
E. Practice
5. The synonym of the word “quiet” at step one, it is…
A. extensive
B. noisy
C. comfort
D. Relax
E. Silent
6. What kind of the text is that?
A. Descriptive
B. Procedure
C. Recount
D. Narrative
E. Report
7. What is probably a reader do after he can meditate?
A. Try to apply it in everyday life
B. Continuing to meditate
C. Readers don’t have to do it anymore, because they can
D. Readers stay patient until they can meditate
E. Engage in other activities
8. How many steps are there on the text?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. five
9. The readers will be able to take the fifth step if…
A. The readers are learning period
B. The readers are losing focus
C. The readers can meditate
D. The readers still a novice
E. The readers have not been able to find a quiet place
10. “…You can strong with stand stress and recover from negative feelings. It can also take you
away from forgetting something in an instant.”
The sentences refers to benefits…
A. Meditation
B. Mindfulness
C. Focused
D. Breathe
E. Relax

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