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A. 1 word that best describe you.

B. Ideas on the subject matter.

C. Expectations on the subject.

A. Throughout my life I've seen and experienced misfortunes, leading me to become a

cynical thinker. But luckily enough, it shifted, leading me to the word that now fits me best.
Enthusiastic. I learned showing interest and gaining satisfaction from the things that I do.
Getting an active and driven mentality rather than a passive one. With my nursing program,
I suppose this attribute will benefit me because when you're enthusiastic, importance
translates into passion and the whole thing becomes fun, you just have to love it.

B. Your nursing career and the level of patient care you provide depends on your ability to
obtain further education. I think taking up Seminar in Nursing 1will be a big help. This
would open our minds and pave way for improvements. There will be reinforcement of the
different topics we have learned in nursing school. I can envision that just like a seminar, it
will be loaded with activities and discussion to develop and expand our knowledge and

C. For the delivery of high-quality health care, nursing education seminar is critical.
Teamwork needs to be nurtured. Nurses management and knowledge that is sufficient
encourages nurses to work as a team and to work as a professional. But the question is how
to properly do it? That is what I expect to learn as we go through our discussions.

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