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I would like to start with the fact that the work is truly brilliant, and very
relevant even now. The "King Lear" by Shakespeare was written in 1606 and first
published in 1608. The action of William Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear"
begins in Britain, in the King's castle. The hero of the work of the same name is
represented by a man with unlimited power. Aware of his superiority over others,
he was convinced that the royal power is great, and the influence of his father on
his daughters forever.
However, it was time for the older man to think about his future old age and
the marriage of his daughters: Goneril, Regan, Cordelia (spouses of the Dukes of
Cornwall and Albeni). Before specifying what part of the inheritance each of them
will get during the division of the kingdom, he decided to hear in his address
grateful words of praise about love and gratitude.
Furthermore, Goneril hypocritically expressed her admiration for the king to
show great generosity. Such a false speech was also heard by Lear from his second
daughter Regana, without considering cunning and evil intent. The third daughter
Cordelia had a sense of loyalty and gratitude for her father's favor. Frankly
admitting this, her beloved youngest daughter led the king into a rage. The girl's
restraint did not satisfy the king, despite the attempt of the Earl of Kent to stand up
for her.
Lear cruelly gave up his daughter, cursing her, leaving her homeless.
Reserving the right to live alternately with Goneril and Regana, Lear visited the
first of them. The change of his daughter struck the king. Her arrogance and
cruelty forced the old man to leave the walls of this house forever.
Didn`t live up to fatherly hopes and Regan, from whom he tried to find
protection and understanding. But when he saw Kent's former friend in the pads
worn by her order.
So, the basis of the conflict of tragedy is the violation of family relations,
leading to its absolute collapse.
However, this is not the main idea of the play. By the way, the example of
the destruction of two families Shakespeare showed violations in the system of
relations of feudal society, as a result of which the king became a nobody, and the
beheaded state sank in the blood of internecine wars. So, the moral idea of the play
is to depict the tragedy of the destruction of the social system of the state through
the embodiment of two family conflicts. The new world order, - and we know that
it was in the end.
The bourgeois world order - destroyed even the strongest of all human ties -
blood, kinship, family connection. And we see this in the families of Lyra and
Gloucester. The main destructive force is the desire to own those property rights,
which give a person independence, and in other cases, and power over others. in
the "King Lear" are opposed by Gloucester and Lear.
In the main plot Lear is deceived about his daughters and expels the good
daughter, in the side plot - Gloucester is deluded about his own sons and expels the
good son. Lear is responsible for his actions, Gloucester is less responsible
because he trusted others' words. One father goes crazy, another parent is blinded.
One father meets a good daughter and recognizes her, another father meets
and does not recognize his good son. Two evil daughters destroy each other, the
good son kills the evil son. Lear finds his daughter dead and dies of grief himself,
Gloucester finds a good son who took care of him, and dies too. In the main plot
leads to disaster reckless passion, good or evil.
In the side of story, the reason for collapse is the mind, good or evil. The
brutality of the side plot is designed to fill its relative prose. Lear is more tragic
because it dominates his feelings, Gloucester is miserable because he tries to avoid
suffering. King Lear in Shakespeare's work appears before us as a majestic, proud
and confident ruler.
He is so confident in his power, and in his father's power, that he decides to
divide the kingdom between his daughters, hoping for their further gratitude. But
he chooses flattery as the criterion of his choice. That daughter, who will be
generous in praise and declarations of love, will receive a large share. As it turned
out, two older daughters were not stingy on flattery, but the younger one loved her
father very much. But King Lear does not see this love and misjudged his youngest
daughter, who did not want to show her feelings for her father in public. In the end,
the youngest does not get anything, and the other two get everything. Only they
betray their father. As Shakespeare writes, the one who appreciates money and in
trouble will always change.
Goneril and Regan, daughters of Lear. They appear together almost all the
time, their actions and views are close. Shakespeare emphasizes that they
understand each other well, both dislike Cordelia and Lyre himself.
For example, Goneril says to Regan: "And in the old days he was hot not to
the extent: what can we expect in this time of madness and disease, old age and
hardened self-control? [971], p. 379. And then: "If he does not like living here, he
may go to my sister (Regan - Aut.). We are one with her and we do not like to be a
stranger under the rule of others. An empty old man: he gave up power himself, but
he wants to shout at everybody," p. .
Both King Lear and Count Gloucester experience metaphorical blindness
makes them miss the obvious devotion and love of their honest children in favor of
the flattery and lies of other children. This blindness ultimately leads to their death,
and then to their death. Both men are also blind to the true identity of Kent and
Edgar. Gloucester suffers from physical blindness and the hands of Cornwall, who
at the same time reveals Gloucester's mistake in Edmund's trustfulness.
Gloucester has no physical vision, but to really see for the first time the error
of his decision. At the same time that King Lear realizes the true nature of his
daughters, Goneril and Regan, along with his mistake of disinfecting Cordelia, a
great storm begins to rage.
This reflects his inner turmoil as well as the imbalance of power in the Great
Chain of Genesis. Other characters point out that this is one of the worst storms
they have ever seen, confirming once again the idea that since the crown is in
crisis, the heavens are raging.
Both Edgar and Kent must use camouflage to hide in plain sight while they
fulfill their goals. For Kent, he wants to preserve the king's sanity and kingdom and
protect him from his evil daughters. He disguises himself and becomes a faithful
servant to the king, maintaining an open line of communication with Cordelia. In
addition, Edgar must disguise himself as a beggar to avoid the anger of his father
caused by Edmund.
He keeps his disguise until he can defeat Edmund in the right fight, although
his revelation about his personality with his father makes him die of grief and joy.
Throughout the game, the characters refer to various Greek and Roman gods and
ideas. King Lear often calls the gods for patience or anger, and throughout the
game all mentioned Apollo, Jupiter, Juno and Cupid.
Edgar, as "Tom" refers to Nero. King Lear calls Edgar "the Greek
philosopher" and finds kinship with Edgar, who enters the third person because
Lear begins to slide into some incoherent madness.
Heavy, sad, dark play about trust and betrayal, about distant loved ones and
strangers' relatives, about loyalty and treachery. Books that betray, kill, blame and
slander, are always hard to read. Books in which all these actions are committed by
people towards their own parents and children - it is not easy to read twice.
So, the conflict of the tragedy is based on the violation of family relations,
which leads to its absolute collapse. However, this is not the main idea of the play.
By the example of the destruction of two families, Shakespeare showed violations
in the system of relations of feudal society, as a result of which the king became
nobody, and the beheaded state sank in the blood of internecine wars.
In the end I want to emphasize the moral idea of the play is to depict the
tragedy of the destruction of the social system of the state through the embodiment
of two family conflicts. The merit of Shakespeare is that his plays are immortal. It
would seem that the poet and playwright wrote this work in 1605-1606. More than
4 hundred years have passed, but we read and dont feel it. The text doesnt become
outdated over time, forthermore it wants to be quoted, shared. It delights with the
syllable and wise sayings.

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