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Kinds of organic and inorganic pollutants in soil

Organic pollutants

Organic pollutants are not much toxic or poisonous then in organic pollutants. They include chlorinated
phenols, polymertic hydrocarbons, pesticides and phenols.


Pesticides: they are mainly used to control pest and field area. This sprayed on cell surface, crop and also
on the wall of house. These pollutants if apply in high quantity cause damage to soil and contaminate
the soil. This contaminants also so contaminate the water in irrigated areas.

Industrial organics: Incorrect ways of chemical disposal from different types industries pollutants cause
contamination to soil. When deacidifying chemicals left open in soil also contaminate the soil. this
includes toxic chemicals, heavy metals and dumping oil and fuel.

Inorganic pollutants

They are compounds of organic by-products arising due to noise, light, heat or radiant energy. They
include cadmium, aluminum, nitrates Mercury and fluorides. They are very toxic even at very low


Heavy metal: Inorganic pollutants are mainly composed of heavy metals that are very toxic at even very
low concentration. Day can cause health issue by entering the body through food, air and water. Heavy
metal includes Mercury, chromium, lead and arsenic.

Chemical fertilizer:

Chemical fertilizers that manufactured from recycled waste materials, contain large concentration of
hazardous chemicals. These chemical effect the human health and cause even death. They include lead,
chromium, zinc and cadmium.


Heavy salts that come from sea and some industries cause very serious effects. This salts increase
salinity in soil. This salts also affect human life. These salts are very dangerous to eat.


Some red nucleus like radium 226 and randon 222 cause soil damage. Several radionuclides like iodine
129 strontium 90 , isotopes of iron and caesium 137 that present in radioactive waste are very injurious.

Source of pollutants

Urban waste:

Most countries have an issue of controlling municipal garbage. these waste dumped anywhere that
contain food waste, industrial waste and household waste that cause contamination of soil and health.

Sewage sludge:
This also cause contamination by open disposal of sewage from commercial waste and domestic. When
they disposed off on land contain many harmful chemicals that contaminate the soil.

Industrial waste:

It is the leading cause of soil pollution. They are in the form of liquids, gas or solids. Carbon dioxide
sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide nitrogen dioxide and some other gases cause considerable soil and
environment pollution. These chemicals combined with the rain to cause acidic rain, change soil PH and
affect the crop production.

Fertilizers and pesticides:

Different types of modern chemical pesticides and fertilizers result to increase chemicals that used to
control insects, weeds, diseases and pest attack on crops. But some of these chemicals are not
decomposed in soil and remain on soil to pollute the soil surface and also decrease the crop yield for
stop the impurities in the fertilizers cause soil pollution. L

Agricultural waste:

Use of non organic products that are not decomposed in soil and the livestock production on field area
lead to soil pollution. This includes herbicides, fungicides coma chemical pesticides and fertilizers. They
are all in high quantity contaminate the soil.

Animal waste:

Animal waste disturb the water pathways in several ways like surface runoff spills erosion, dry weather
discharge, direct discharge to surface water. All these pathways cause water pollution. Animal waste
cause soil pollution if not used properly.

Remediation’s to control soil contamination:

There are three possible ways to control soil contamination.

Physical, chemical and biological

Physical and chemical method

Ex-situ treatment: in this process excavated soil placed in line above ground treatment area and aerated
the following area to improve degradation by organic indigenous microbial population.

Method: the most homogeneous of excavated soils before remediation techniques required processing
can be successfully applied. These are different techniques and treatments but basic principle of
introducing the correct soil Oxygen, nutrients condition and moisture prevails.


 It is suitable for wide range of soil contaminants.

 It is flexible with respect to volume.
 It is not applied on heavy metals.

In situ treatment:
In this treatment The breakdown and and soil purifiers contaminants by the help of activating
microorganism that are present in soil. This method applied to working industries to purifiers all located
directly under the buildings.


It is the method to purify underground water by The breakdown of hazardous substances.

This process involves nothing more than impregenation of surface soil with nutrients that help to
activate microorganism. It is very low cost method then Ex situ treatment. We can apply this method
under the building where ex situ treatment method is not possible.

Biological methods:


it is the process of removing contamination from soil and water through process of degrade, essentially
remove on food source contaminant like bacteria and Punjabi. This process is mainly used to remediate
organic contaminant other names are biotreatment are biorestoration. It help to remove environmental
pollutants to prevent pollution.


This method is used to prevent water from pollutants. Eight control water waste and ammonia. It help
to improve microbial health in soil. It help to control contamination caused by fats, oil grease and other
food products. It has to remove oil and grease in tanks to remove contamination. It helps to enhance
biomass health.


In this process chemical compound released from plants that help to degrade the contaminants.

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