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the noun & its determiners, the pronoun, the adverb, the preposition, linking devices _ Round-up test _fillin the blanks using A/ AN, THE or the zero article: 4. Like jumper. Have you got it in ........ different colour? 2. She had bowl of cereals for ....... breakfast. 3, [was for...» first time I saw ........ elephant. 4. Yesterday | went to........ WOFK BY «++... taXi 6. ....-.. Canaty Islands are in Atlantic Ocean. 6. ......» Sahara Desert is in Africa, 7 Apple «...--- day keeps the doctor away. 8. spoke to teacher this morning. 9, ........ mount Everest is in ........ Himalayas. 40. He spent five months in prison in ........ 1978. 41. Go ....... home and eat ........ dinner. 12, «sw. Chicago is on ........ Lake Michigan. 43. | love listening to ........ music in car. 44, He will definitely go to ........ university in ........ autumn. 46. The student at ........back of the class is reading ........ newspaper. 2. Rephrase the sentences using the words in bold: 1. French people love good wine. the 2. Gabriel Santana teaches mathematics. a 43, The detective story finishes here. en money. rich ; 9, He woke me up at 2 a.m. middle 40. i's 11 o'clock and Jane isnt here. be 11, They walked to the park. foot 12, Juan's teacher comes from Argentina. has 13. Gina flew to Washington. by 414, She bought a leather bag. made 15, Matt has a celimate, Anthony. prison 13

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