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Nama : Aulia Zulfa

Kelas : Pendidikan Akuntansi B20

NIM : 20803241047

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honour to talk in front of all of you
today. In this time, I am going to talk about the importance of education for women. To
start, I will talk about education in general. Then I will tell you how importance is education
for women. After that I will give the examples of succesful women because they are

First, let’s start with the meaning of education. When talking about education,
people often connect it with schooling. Many people think of places like schools or colleges
when seeing or hearing this word. They might also look to particular jobs like teacher or
tutor. But actually, education is more than just school, education is a process by which a
person develops their skills, attitudes and values.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to know that every child has a right to learn and
get a good quality education, regardless of gender, where they live or their circumstances.
Educated women can make informed choices from a far better range of options, educating
women saves lives and builds stronger families, communities and economies. With an
education, women will understand their rights, have a greater sense what is needed to
support health and wellbeing, and they will have greater opportunities to be employed in a
fulfilling way and achieve their full potential.
Let me tell you the benefit of giving women an equal opportunity to be educated
- First of all, education is the basic right for everyone and when we say everyone we
should not forget that women are also a part of this lot. Society has a large population
of women and we cannot have such a large population that illiterate, it will be our huge
loss. All the girls and women whether they are rich, poor, young, old, married,
unmarried, widow or with any social status have their basic right of education.
Education is not a privilege but a fundamental right.
- Then, A woman does not suppose to lead like a man. We need women leaders with
their feminine qualities. Education helps women to gain the skills needed to take on
leadership roles at local and national levels. Better-educated women are more likely to
join bodies, wether volunteer or elected, where they can take part in making decisions
that affect their lives and those of their communities.  Women have potentials and we
need the education to dig and make them flourish.
Next, I will give the examples of successful women because they are educated. Malala
Yousafzai is one of several women who are using their voices, leadership and influence to
make progress for girls’ education globally. By daring to go to school as a young teen, Malala
defied Pakistani extremists and their violent attacks and became a global icon for the
importance of educating girls. Because of Malala’s heroic and eloquent statements for girls’
education, she was awarded at age 17 the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2014. “I don't want to be
thought of as the ‘girl who was shot by the Taliban’ but the ‘girl who fought for education’,"
she said. “This is the cause to which I want to devote my life.” She is the founder of the
Malala Fund, which advocates for international, national and local level policy and system
changes that give girls access to a high quality education.
Dear women, I would like to speak to you that the family’s kitchen is not a dead-end
fate for all of us. We can achieve more than endless-everyday-house-duty. Women are way
too talented to stay in the family’s kitchen and doing just nothing. Get out of your comfort
zone, pursue your dreams and higher ed ucation, join the race to contribute to a larger
community. We need women to moving forward, achieve gender equality, and bring our
future children to becoming an educated generation.
That is all I wanted to say,  if there any wrong words at my speech, I am sorry about
that. Thank you so much for listening

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