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Podiatry is the branch of Medicine that analyzes, diagnoses and manages problems related to the

feet. That is, the podiatrist is the expert who indicates and applies the best treatments to care for
and cure conditions in the feet as long as it does not include surgery.

By seeing the walk of a potential patient, for example, or through palpation, or equally performing
deeper examinations, you can find diseases, infections, congenital problems.

the podiatrist will give the pertinent indications to develop supports and equipment that help
patients to improve their postural hygiene and that improve the correct walking of the person who
puts himself in his hands.

This specialist has the power to refer his patients to other specialists if he detects that their
problems in the feet come from other diseases whose origin is in another part of the body. For
example, when they appear as a result of rheumatism or diabetes.

Podiatrists know the structure and function of the human body, especially the lower extremity,
semiology, mechanisms, causes and general manifestations of the disease and methods of
diagnosis of medical and surgical pathological processes, interrelating the general pathology with
the pathology of the foot.

Diagnostic activity: The podiatrist has access to complementary tests both to reach a diagnosis
and to carry out an accommodating follow-up of the pathologies (biomechanical, X-ray, analytical

Application of treatments:

The podiatrist when diagnosing the diseases of the feet orders the treatments of the said
pathologies according to the state of current science, for that he establishes:

• Pharmacological treatments

• Ortho podiatric treatments

Podiatric surgery treatments.

It is important to go at least once a year, even if you do not have pain.

Proper care is essential to significantly improve overall health.


Treating a small discomfort in the feet in time or detecting a bad footprint can avoid major
problems in the short and long term. Podiatric health is essential to prevent the appearance of
various pathologies that not only affect the feet, but also other parts of our body such as knees,
hips or spine.
There is no age as such to have a podiatric check-up, as foot care is indicated for all ages. In
children it is advisable to make the first visit with 4 or 5 years and go to a podiatrist at least once a
year. An early diagnosis is essential to detect a pathology in time.

Much of the problems in the feet and gait can be corrected with simple treatments such as
exercises or personalized insoles.


A bad footprint can generate dyssymetries, back problems, joint problems. Visiting the podiatrist
is vital to prevent an injury that could lead to another type of ailment. Therefore, it is advisable to
carry out a biomechanical study of the footprint. Thanks to this analysis, the way a patient steps is
known, helping to diagnose or advise to prevent the appearance of muscle and osteoarticular.

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