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Who May File a Complaint?

Complaints on cases of unlawful acts Baguio City Emergency Hotline Numbers
committed against children as enumera- Baguio Police Station
ted herein may be filed by the following: loc. 166
(a) Offended party;
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI-CAR)
(b) Parents or guardians; Tel. Nos. 442-7203 / 442-7204
(c) Ascendant or collateral relative within
the third degree of consanguinity; Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
(d) Officer, social worker or representative (CIDG)
Tel. No. 424-3450 / 304-3506
of a licensed child-caring institution;
(e) Officer or social worker of the Depart-
ment of Social Welfare and Development; Women and Children Protection Unit
(f) Barangay Chairman; or Tel. No. 661-7910 loc. 427
(g) At least three (3) concerned, responsible
Baguio General Hospital
citizens where the violation occurred.
Republic Act 7610
Tel. No. 442-4216 loc. 169
E-mail :

Baguio Medical Center Special Protection of Children Against

Tel. Nos. 442-3338 / 442-2626 Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act

Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

Tel. No. 661-7985 Loc. 963

Reference :
National Police Commission
Philippine National Police
Women and Children Protection Unit
Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
0927 779 0998
Republic Act No. 7610 Neglect

The Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse. Exploitation Child neglect is characterized by failure to provide for the
and Discrimination Act or Republic Act 7610 (Art. 1 Sec. 3) defines child’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical, educational or
child abuse as maltreatment, whether habitual or not.
“Children” refers to persons below eighteen (18) years of age or those
over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect them-
Physical Neglect
selves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination be-
Includes refusal or delay in seeking health care, abandonment,
cause of a physical or mental disability or condition.
inadequate supervision and expulsion from home or refusing
By a person who is responsible for the child’s welfare. Under circum- to allow a runway to return home.
stances which gravely threaten or endanger the survival and normal Emotional Abuse
development of children. Educational Neglect

Failure to enroll a child of mandatory school age and inatten- Includes acts or omissions by the parents or other per-
The Rights of Every Filipino Child tion to a special educational need. sons responsible for the child’s care and that have
caused or could cause serious behavioral, cognitive,
It is my right
emotional or mental disorder. It is the most difficult
To be born. To have a name and nationality.
form of child maltreatment.
To be free. To have a family who will take care of me.
To have a good education.
Child Trafficking
To develop my potentials.
To have enough food, shelter, a healthy and active body. The act of trading or dealing with children, including but
To be given the opportunity for play and leisure. not limited to the buying and selling children for mon-
To be given protection against abuse, danger and violence brought by Emotional Neglect ey, or for any other consideration, or barter.
war and conflict.
To live in a peaceful community. Includes such action as chronic or extreme spouse abuse in the Child Labor
To be defended and assisted by the government. child’s presence, permission of drug abuse or alcohol use by
To be able to express my own views/ the child and refusal or failure to provide needed psycholog- The employment of children below 15 years of age who
ical care. force, suffer to work for money or any other consider-
Sexual Abuse ation.
Operational Definition The condition of employment endangers the life,
Includes wide range of behavior, fondling of a child’s safety, health and normal development of the child.
Physical Abuse
genitals, intercourse, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism and Abandoned
Is characterized by physical injury (e.g bruises and fractures) re- commercial exploitation through prostitution or the
sulting from punching, beating, kicking, biting, or otherwise
harming s child. The injury may have resulted from over disci-
production of pornographic materials. The failure to provide for the care and support of a child
pline or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child’s for at least six (6) continuous months for no valid rea-
Sexual Exploitation
age or condition. The injury may be the results from over disci- son shall be presumed as intent to abandon the child
pline or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child’s Children whether male or female, who for money, profit unless said failure is due to reasons beyond the con-
age or condition.. or any other consideration or due to the coercion or trol of the parent or is due to financial reasons.
 An injury from physical punishment that requires medical treat- influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in The failure to report to a law enforcement agency or to
ment is considered outside the realm of normal disciplinary sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed the Department od Social Welfare and Development
measures. to be children exploited in prostitution and other sex- (DSWD) that the child is missing within seventy-two
ual abuse. hours after disappearance is discovered.

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