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Good morning miss afita.

My name is agnes yulita Monica Diogo

Now I am about to tell simple steps to save a life by C.P.R. for keeps people alive.

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resucitation. CPR uses for someone has collapsed and is not breathing.

Simply all we have to remember by doing cpr are DR’S ABC

 D is for danger : first look around carefully to make sure the area is safe for urself and others
before approaching
 R is for response : we need to shake them gently by the shoulders and ask them loudly like “are
u alright?” If there is no response, we need to
 S : Shouts for help
 A : is for airway. Gently tilt the head back to open up the airway
 B : for breathing. Look for normal chest movements, listen for normal breathing sounds and try
to feel their breath against your face for no more than 10 seconds.
 C : for circulation. Circulation means the flow of blood around the body and when the heart
stops pumping, we need to take over this rule by pushing down hard and fast on the chest. If
you have been trained you can give rescue breaths after every 30 compressions.
 We can add another step, D. D for defibrillation, it is about delivering a shock to restart the
heartbeat. if there is no AED available keep going with CPR until the ambulance arrives

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