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No. Content Deadline

1 Find and propose a proper Proposal at 6th week
2 Read that thesis
3 Write an appropriate abstract Before 8th week

To students:
+ Download and install Endnote software for next study
+ Plug-in it into MS-Word and Test it well.

08-Nov-21 86
End of 6th-2 week
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
a) Table of contents:
+ Definition: The table of contents is where you list the chapters and
major sections of your dissertation, along with their page numbers.
+ Purpose: A clear and well-formatted contents page is essential as it
indicates a quality paper is to follow.
+ Position: It should be placed before List of Tables/Figures
+ Maximum length: Should be 2 pages, up to third heading level
+ The key features of a contents page are:
✓ A page title
✓ Clear headings and subheadings
✓ Page numbers that indicate where in the dissertation each
section can be found
Check with your university or other educational institution to see if
there are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

08-Nov-21 87
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content

08-Nov-21 88
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
b) Table:
+ Definition: A table is an arrangement of information or data, typically in
rows and columns, or possibly in a more complex structure
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there
are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

Table 1.1 List of Purchased Equipment in 2006

08-Nov-21 89
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
c) Figure:
+ Definition: A figure in writing is any text, table or graphic separate from the main text.
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there are any
specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

How Quality of
figure is? → >
300 DPI for
standard print

Figure 1. (a) Only osmosis flow. (b) Osmosis and pressure-driven flows.

08-Nov-21 90
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
d) Reference:
+ Definition: is a relationship between objects in which one object designates
or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object.
+ Why reference? You need to tell your readers where your evidence comes
+ Citations are the ‘hooks’ in the body of the document that are a shortcut to
the full publication details in the References list;
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there
are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.
E.g. of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

08-Nov-21 91
End of 7th-1 week
1.1.5. Structure of a technical report (thesis)
* Introduction to Formats and Software

* Practicing for a real thesis → Get additional scores

for only best 10 students
+ Create the main structure: Title page, Dedication, Table of contents,…

+ Create a Table of contents automatically

+ Insert Page number according to the requirement

+ Implement the Citation and References

+ Modify the format of a paragraph: Indentation, Spacing, …

08-Nov-21 92
End of 7th-2 week

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