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Hello, I’m Jennifer and today I am going to discuss a topic in this video.

So I got a topic
about education in a country, and I want to share about the education in Finland. Why I choose
Finland? As we all know, Finland’s education system is one of the best education system in the
world. I think it is good for us to know because it can open up our mind about a good education
system. Anyway, I have putted every source that I used in every video and picture in this video.
You may check it. So let’s jump into 5 unique facts about Finland’s education according to
NUMBER 1: They don’t go to school until they turn 7
There is no kindengarten or primary school in Finland. This is the most surprising fact about
Finland education. They start go to school when they turn 7. And surprisingly, kids of Finland
don’t even cry when they go to school. And they go on their own to school, and no parents are
dropping them.
NUMBER 2: No, standardized test and no examination till the end of high school
Well, in Finland, there’s no competition. This is what I really appreciate about Finnish education.
No competition means no comparison and no comparison means no differentiation between
average and intelligent student. Simply incredible. They only conduct one test and that too only
at the end of high school.
NUMBER 3: Being a Teacher In Finland Is Very Difficult
Generally, only 1 from 10 applicants that has applied for a job that gets selected. If you want to
become a teacher in Finland, you have to get a master degree. So it’s kinda difficult. But it’s
great; only professionals become the teacher in Finland. And also, teachers are treated like
Lawyers or Doctors. The teacher has to get a master degree. And there are only eight universities
in Finland that is providing Master Degree. So no wonder why they are getting that much of
NUMBER 4: No Homework
Yes you didn’t misheard me. There’s NO homework in Finland. Finnish education never
pressurize students but then how do they learn? They believe in the formula that less is more and
they move slowly. Finnish education system wants children to play. They want children to spend
time with their parent’s and friends. Finnish education believes that there are more important
things that a child can learn beyond school.
NUMBER 5: 20 Hours a Week School Time
That’s pretty short. In South Korea, students don’t even have holidays on Sunday. I have
watched some videos about their school life on Youtube. They study really.. really hard and it
blows up my mind. And literally, they study about 13 hours a day at school which is sounds
crazy for me. Finnish believes that student can learn a lot in 20 hours a week school time. And
trust me, it works. Finland students are ranked first in the world in Maths and many other
NUMBER 6: Average time spent in school day is three to four hours
The students only spend 3 or 4 hours a day at school, which is much shorter if we compare it to
our school hours in Indonesia. Generally, we spend 8 hours at school. (video student in Finland)
That 4 hours of school time in Finland include lunch break too. Finnish teachers spend 4 hours a
day in the class. They believe that brain has to relax also. If you continually work and work, then
you will stop learning. You won’t study effectively. They have set the example to the world with
their education and the principles that they are following is just magnificent.
NUMBER 7: No private schools
In Finland, there are only public school and no private school is available. Having no private
school has actually helped reduced discrimination between rich kids and poor kids. Rich kids
have to go to public school so as poor kids. In this way, both rich kids and poor kids grow up
together. This is an excellent way to remove discrimination.
NUMBER 8: Every school is same in Finland
Whether it is situated in city or outside city, every school is same. There is no differentiation
between the schools in Finland. Every school is provided with the same facility. So there is no
competition between the schools to become the number 1.
So that’s all for today. I hope you enjoy it and also get inspired. May this video can open up your
mind about a good education system. Education should not compete your intelligence with
another students but it should help you to find and develop your passion and potential. See you
and good bye!
(don’t forget to put the reference and also pictures’ source at the end of the video)

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