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Name: Del castillo, Raevhen.

Course & Section: ABFS-301

Professor: Sir, Jumel G. Estrañero

Threat of A Digital World

On November 16, 2021, at 9:50 a.m., we attended a Japanese Webinar about Public
Policy and Digital Development, with the main speaker being Dr. Francis Fukuyama, an
American Political Economist. He discusses the current state of policy in the digital
world. He also discussed how different things were before comparing them to what is
happening today in our globalization. Given the Digital World that we are currently
facing, although the Digital World existed prior to the Pandemic, we are forced and
limited to continue living online, which is why the Digital World has become more
relevant than before. Aside from the advantages there are also consequences and
challenges as we continue our works, task and even most of our daily routines are
based through digital or technical like meetings for school or work, shopping through
online and most important of all is communicating through online platforms. Talking with
the disadvantage is a large number individuals left behind are ladies, the old, people
with incapacities or from ethnic or phonetic minorities, native gatherings and occupants
of poor or far off regions.

As the speaker continues, he discusses the benefits and potential risks of living in a
digital world. The benefit of this digital world is that it has made our lives easier because
we don't need to be as productive as we did before the pandemic, and we can now do
most of our tasks that used to be done face to face online, such as attending classes,
purchasing foods, communicating with other people, and many more. The speed of
availability is easing back, switching, among certain supporters. Since forever,
innovative upsets have changed the workforce: making new structures and examples of
work, making others outdated, and prompting more extensive cultural changes. Talking
about the possible risk we can face is that if we put too much trust to these online
platforms or application there’s a high possibility that our private information can be
hack easily if we don’t use these online platforms wisely and accordingly. Advances in
digital innovation lately have made an abundance of chances for policy makers. With
more and better information accessible with regards to our general surroundings and
emotional enhancements in network and correspondence, strategy ought to be better
educated, all the more thoroughly tried, more communitarian, and more receptive to
outside occasions and to the perspectives and encounters of those it influences than at
any other time.
Despite the benefits, we cannot deny that the online digital world has a negative impact
on us, particularly on the younger generation, which is easily convinced. Like those
children who are forced to stay at home because they are not allowed to go outside,
they spend a lot of time using their technologies, which exposes them to a lot of danger
through the internet. That is why it is very concerning for children to continue living in
this manner, it is also sad that they cannot experience living in a real world by spending
their time outside playing without worrying if they will catch a virus with that limited
routine; we cannot deny that wrongdoers exist in the digital world as well, as the number
of scammers or hackers is increasing, which can pose a serious threat to everyone.
With regards to International Negotiation, I believe it can occur if there is a problem
such as hacking and scamming, which is very alarming if it occurs when the hackers
come from a different nation and they hacked another country, which could be the start
of a dispute, so to settle that it requires a negotiation between two different countries
and to make an agreement that they should settle it with peace and avoid conflicts.
So, for the thing that I have learned is that better utilization of information and innovation
should bring about more exhaustive data being accessible at each phase of the strategy
making process, prompting better-educated proposition that can be all the more
thoroughly surveyed, and all the more convenient intercessions subject to extensive
assessment. Reinforce oversight of new ways to deal with address moral difficulties and
guarantee that the utilization of information and innovation doesn't demolish existing
issues and sabotage the case for future advancement simultaneously. Further develop
abilities, guaranteeing that groups and offices have the ability they need and that
proficient networks can speak with one another successfully.

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