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Pola Kalimat

Active: S+V+O

Passive: S+be (is, am, are, was, were, has, have...) + V-3 (Past Participle)

1. Analgesics relieves pain. (simple present) A analgesic meringankan rasa sakit.

Pain is relieved by analgesics. P Rasa sakit diringankan oleh analgesic.
2. The drugs reduced tensions and stresses. (simple past tense)
Tensions and stresses were reduced by the drugs.
3. Antibiotics interfere with the metabolism of bacteria. (Simple present tense)
The metabolism of bacteria is interfered with by antibiotics.
4. A variety of factors cause hypertension. (simple present)
Hypertension is caused by a variety of factors.
5. The patients must avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, and spices.
Coffee, tea, alcohol, and spices must be avoided by the patients.
6. Expectorants stimulate the production of secretion.
The production of secretion is stimulated by expectorants.
7. The deficiency of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus is caused by a deficiency of insulin
8. The doctors discussed the rare case in the room.
The rare case was discussed by the doctors in the room.
9. The doctors performed local anesthetics to the mother.
Local anesthetics was performed by the doctors to the mother.
10. Estrogen and progesterone interupt the conception.
The conception is interupted by estrogen and progesterone.
11. The nurse has given a prescription to the woman. (Present Perfect Tense)
A prescription has been given by the nurse to the woman.
12. The woman is breastfeeding her baby.
Her baby is being breastfed by the woman.

Simple Present Tense: S+am/is/are + Past Participle.
Simple Past Tense: S + was/were + Past Participle.
Present Perfect Tense: S + has/have + been + past Participle
Future Tense: S + will + be + Past Participle
The woman has consumed the pills for 3
The pills have been consumed by the woman for 3 months.

More examples:

1. Does the nurse inject the child? Apakah perawat itu menyuntik anak itu?
Is the child injected by the nurse? Apakah anak itu disuntik oleh perawat itu?
2. Our body needs a lot of nutrition.
A lot of nutrition is needed by our body.
3. Linda has brought her child to the public center.
Linda’s child has been brought by her to the public center.
4. Did the old man drink a lot of water?
Was a lot of water drunk by the old man?
5. Can these pills reduce my fever?
Can my fever be reduced by these pills?
6. Has the doctor change your prescription?
Has your prescription been changed by the doctor?
7. The midwife injected antibiotics into the pregnant woman.
Antibiotics were injected by the midwife into the pregnant woman.
8. The doctor operated on the patients until midnight.
The patients were operated on by the doctor until midnight.
9. The doctor is doing palpation to the woman.
Palpation is being done by the doctor to the woman.
10. The nurses removed the critical patients to ICU.
The critical patients were removed by the nurses to ICU.
11. The woman consumed a lot of food and vegetables in her diet.
A lot of food and vegetables were consumed by the woman in her diet.
12. The hospital recruited a lot of midwiferies last month.
A lot of midwiferies were recruited by the hospital last month.
13. The blood donor donates blood regularly every month.
Blood is donated by the blood donor regularly every month.
14. The woman delivered two female babies successfully.
Two female babies were delivered by the woman successfully.
15. Linda experienced nausea and vomiting in her first pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting were experienced by Linda in her first pregnancy.
16. The hospital will recruit some paramedics next month.
Some paramedics will be recruited by the hospital next month.
17. The doctor has not diagnosed the patient’s disease yet.
The patient’s disease has not been diagnosed by the doctor yet.
18. Some nurses took intensive training on dengue fever handling.
Intensive training on dengue fever handling was taken by some nurses.
19. USG can detect abnormalities in the uterus.
Abnormalities in the uterus can be detected by USG.
20. Children usually get immunization under one year old.
Immunization is usually got by children under one-year-old.
21. The woman delivered twin female babies last week.
Twin female babies were delivered by the woman last week.
22. The midwife gave immunization to the newborn babies.
Immunization was given to the newborn babies by the midwife.
23. The woman suffered from breast cancer.
Breast cancer was suffered by the woman.
24. People took the accident victims to the nearest hospital.
The accident victims were taken to the nearest hospital by people.
25. The woman consumes a lot of vegetables and fruits during her diet.
Many vegetables and fruits are consumed by the woman during her diet.
26. Did the nurse take care of the patients well?
Were the patients taken care of by the nurse well?
28. does the baby consume a lot of milk?
Is a lot of milk consumed by the baby?
29. has the doctor detected your illness?
Has your illness been detected by the doctor?
30. Why did the doctor inject narcotics into the patient?
Why was narcotics injected by the doctor into the patient?
31. when will this hospital recruit some nurses?
When will some nurses be recruited by this hospital?

Pola Kalimat
Aktif: S+V+O
Pasif: S+be (is, am, are, was, were, has, have...) + V-3 (Past Participle)
1. Analgesik mengurangi rasa sakit. (simple present) Analgesik pereda rasa sakit.
Nyeri berkurang dengan analgesik. P Rasa sakit diringankan oleh analgesik.
2. Obat-obatan mengurangi ketegangan dan stres. (Kalimat sederhana bentuk lampau)
Ketegangan dan stres berkurang dengan obat-obatan.
3. Antibiotik mengganggu metabolisme bakteri. (Simple Present tense)
Metabolisme bakteri terganggu oleh antibiotik.
4. Berbagai faktor penyebab hipertensi. (hadiah sederhana)
Hipertensi disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor.
5. Pasien harus menghindari kopi, teh, alkohol, dan rempah-rempah.
Kopi, teh, alkohol, dan rempah-rempah harus dihindari oleh pasien.
6.Expectorants merangsang produksi sekresi.
Produksi sekresi dirangsang oleh ekspektoran.
7. Kekurangan insulin menyebabkan penyakit diabetes melitus.
Diabetes melitus disebabkan oleh defisiensi insulin
8. Para dokter membahas kasus langka di dalam ruangan.
Kasus langka itu didiskusikan oleh para dokter di ruangan itu.
9. Dokter melakukan anestesi lokal pada ibu.
Anestesi lokal pun dilakukan oleh para dokter kepada sang ibu.
10. Estrogen dan progesteron mengganggu konsepsi.
Konsepsi diinterupsi oleh estrogen dan progesteron.
11. Perawat telah memberikan resep kepada wanita tersebut. (Perfect Tense)
Sebuah resep telah diberikan oleh perawat kepada wanita tersebut.
12. Wanita itu sedang menyusui bayinya.
Bayinya sedang disusui oleh wanita itu.

13. Pendonor darah mendonorkan darahnya secara rutin setiap bulan.

Darah didonorkan oleh pendonor darah secara rutin setiap bulan.
14. Wanita itu berhasil melahirkan dua bayi perempuan.
Dua bayi perempuan berhasil dilahirkan oleh wanita tersebut.
15. Linda mengalami mual dan muntah pada kehamilan pertamanya.
Mual dan muntah dialami Linda pada kehamilan pertamanya.
16. Rumah sakit akan merekrut beberapa paramedis bulan depan.
Beberapa paramedis akan direkrut oleh rumah sakit bulan depan.
17. Dokter belum mendiagnosis penyakit pasien.
Penyakit pasien belum terdiagnosis oleh dokter.
18. Beberapa perawat mengikuti pelatihan intensif tentang penanganan demam berdarah.
Pelatihan intensif penanganan demam berdarah dilakukan oleh beberapa perawat.
19. USG dapat mendeteksi kelainan pada rahim.
Kelainan pada rahim dapat dideteksi dengan USG.
20. Anak-anak biasanya mendapatkan imunisasi di bawah satu tahun.
Imunisasi biasanya didapatkan oleh anak-anak di bawah satu tahun.

21. Wanita itu melahirkan bayi kembar perempuan minggu lalu.

Bayi kembar perempuan dilahirkan oleh wanita itu minggu lalu.
22. Bidan memberikan imunisasi pada bayi baru lahir.
Imunisasi diberikan pada bayi baru lahir oleh bidan.
23 . Wanita itu menderita kanker payudara.
Kanker payudara diderita oleh wanita tersebut.
24. Warga membawa korban kecelakaan ke rumah sakit terdekat.
Korban kecelakaan dibawa ke rumah sakit terdekat oleh warga.
25. Wanita tersebut banyak mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah selama dietnya.
Banyak sayuran dan buah-buahan yang dikonsumsi oleh wanita selama dietnya.
26. Apakah perawat merawat pasien dengan baik?
Apakah pasien dirawat oleh perawat dengan baik?

28.apakah bayi banyak mengkonsumsi susu?

Apakah banyak susu yang dikonsumsi bayi?
29. apakah dokter mendeteksi penyakit anda?
Apakah penyakit Anda sudah terdeteksi oleh dokter?
30. Mengapa dokter menyuntikkan narkotika ke pasien?
Mengapa narkotika disuntikkan oleh dokter ke pasien?
kapan rumah sakit ini akan merekrut beberapa perawat?
31. Kapan beberapa perawat akan direkrut oleh rumah sakit ini?

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