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Topik 1

Dewi: Good afternoon depita, how are you today?

Depita: I'm fine, how about you?
Dewi: I'm good too. oh today I want to invite you to discuss about business culture. Are you
Depita: yes I am very interested. Why do you want to discuss business culture.
Dewi: Because I want to compare business culture from 2 country and I need your opinion.
Depita: oh I see
Dewi: Do you think it's important for us to understand business culture in another country?
Depita: I think it's very important because apart from knowing the business culture, we can also
make the business culture a motivation because I also want to work abroad. What do you know
about business culture in Japan?
Dewi: I know that Japanese people are known to be very friendly, and when greeting they do not
shake hands like Indonesia. In Japan, when they want to take a decision they like team decision
making. And These 2 countries have different ways of showing respect. How about you? What
do you know about business culture in Japan?
Depita: I see from the dress code in Japan they always dress formally. they like dark colors like
black and dark blue. and usually in winter they wear leather jackets different from Indonesia they
dress formally too but for many women who like dark colors and for various Muslims use hijab.
Dewi: What do you think about the culture in Japan after we give examples and differences in
Depita: I think the culture there is very unique and not much different from Indonesia. Maybe for
me, I will follow the habits of those who have a friendly attitude because I am not friendly
myself. How about you?
Dewi: I agree with your opinion, and also in Japan people are very disciplined. so I will also
follow them to be a disciplined person.. do you interested to work at Japan?
Depita: yes, I’m very interested.
Dewi : why? Do you like the culture or what?
Depita: I like there because I like the Japanese culture, I like Japanese food, I like the view and
everything about Japan
Dewi: wow, I think you know very well about Japan.
Depita: I think so. HAHAHAHA. How about you dewi, where do you want to work?
Dewi: I like Indonesia and I think I want to work in Indonesia, especially at batam. I like batam,
because so many big company in batam, we can choose where we want to work, and if I want to
visit to another country, batam very close with singapurr. So I can visit Singapore.
Depita: wow, you are very Indonesian person.
Dewi: yes of course
Depita: I hope we can work at where we want
Dewi: ok depita, I think it’s enough for today, thank you for our discussion
Depita: same with Dewi, bye

Topik 3
Discuss whether it's a global warning and its impact on our lives. Please share meaningful that
will help our environment to reduce global warming. What exactly can we do to help our
Depita: Good afternoon, Dewi, how are you?
Dewi: I'm good, how are you:
Depita: I'm fine too. Oh yes today I would like to invite you to discuss global warming
Dewi: wow, this is going to be an interesting discussion.
Depita: Do you think that's global warming?
Dewi: I think global warming is where the average temperature of the Earth's surface rises and
causes climate change
Depita: That's true, where if we look at the example in the jacket very thin so that blue clouds no
longer look because they're polluted by air pollution.
Dewi: If you are told to choose between using a bicycle or using a public vehicle, which one do
you choose?
Depita: I prefer to use a bicycle, because it will reduce air pollution as well
Dewi: Yes I agree, if we look at the very rising lockdown of covid-19, air pollution is going
down because not many people go using vehicles and also many factories that shut down
temporarily. And if we use bicycles, besides we can reduce air pollution, we can also exercise so
that it is healtier.
Depita: and now global warming has had a very bad impact on us, which in Jakarta generally
gets very hot.
Dewi: Yes, it's very hot and makes people always want to use wind and Air Conditioner.
Depita: How do you think we can help this environment so global warming doesn't get more
Dewi: I think we can start from reducing the use of electricity at home, as much as possible for
short distances using public transportation to reducing the use of vehicles on the road, providing
empty land for plants around the house.
Depita: Inthink we should plant a tree. Because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and other
dangerous gases cause global warming. I agree with you we can turn off the electronic stuff
when we don't use it, like lights, on the night we turn off the lights, and it has an impact on the
Dewi: It is true that the solution can save us from global warming.
Depita: yes from now on we can reduce global warming slowly.
Goddess: yes I agree.Okay. Thank you very much for today's discussion.Bye
Depita: you’re welcome dewi. Bye

Topik 5
dewi: hai depita
depita: hai dewi. how are u?
dewi: im good, and u?
depita: yeah im good
dewi: what are you doing?
depita: im looking something on instagram
dewi: okay, what did u see
depita: its about flood that happen in bekasi and jakarta
dewi: really? where is it?
Depita: especificly in pondok kelapa and galaxy
dewi: ah i know pondok kelapa, we stay at the same dormitory right when the first semester
before pandemic.
Depita: yes that’s right
Dewi: do you remember when the beginning of 2020, we have a flood.
Depita: yes, I remember that, I help you to move to second floor because you stay at the first
Dewi: yes, and we cant go to campus to study because the flood is very high.
Depita: yes, i feel sad if I remember about that. so what do you think about that? i mean what is
the cause that those area always get flooded?
dewi: i think because many people are not dicipline to throw their waste into the right place. like
you might have seen people throw the garbage into the small river near from here.. and
unbalanced rainfall with small drains and a lot of garbage
depita: okay i see, for me i think because the governor itself doesnt give a strict punishment for
those who throw the garbage at there
dewi: yup, thats the main thing. anyways do you have any suggestion about what should we do
to prevent the flood?
Depita: yes, we have to educate people who live near from there to throw their waste into the
right place
dewi: i agree with you depita, i hope they all learn to get discipline about their own waste.
Because I’m bored when I see news about flooding in the same location. anyways its nice to
have a disscussion with you, but sorry i have to go somewhere to finish my work.
Depita: okay, i have to leave also. nice to see you around dewi, thanks for having discussion with

Tentang culture di shoppe dan BUMN

dewi: hi depita
depita: hi dewi, do you have a time?
dewi: yes i have, what is it depita?
depita: i want to have a discussion with you about company
dewi: okay, what is it?
depita: well yesterday i got an offer to work in shopee or bumn but i dont know what kind of
office that i have to choose
dewi: well its based on what do you want, if you want to work more freely like doesnt need
much rules to be obey, like flexible, you can choose shopee cause its more flexible.
depita: okay, how about bumn? you have any information about that? i dont really know about
dewi: as far as i know, bumn have a work ethics that talks about serving the citizen it means that
you have to work in daily from 7 am to 6 am. also shopee and bumn have other differences
depita: what is it?
dewi: in shopee you can wear any kind of clothes as long as it is formal and suitable for work but
in bumn you have to wear a uniform and for friday you have to wear batik.
depita: oh okay, i ever heard about that.
Dewi: do you know, nowadays there are lots of people who want to work at shopee because of
the flecible working system
Depita: yes, I know it
Dewi: shopee has a work system like google office, its really flexible. And I interested to work at
Depita: wow, google is a big office right?
Dewi: yes, of course, google has a big office, google provides comfort for its employess, and I
heard from many influence who ever come to google office, google provides many food for its
Depita: hahaha, I think you will like if you work at google office
dewi: yup that’s right, anyway do you already know what kind of company that suits the most
with you?
Depita: yes, after hearing from you, i think im more interested in working with shopee cause i
like something that flexible not that strict
Dewi: okay, im glad that i can help you to figure it out. so the thing is we have to know about our
preference of work. flexible or the kinda strict ones.
Depita: yes thank you dewi.
Dewi: btw im waiting for the good news if you already pass your first day at there
depita: thank you dewi, of course i will talk about it later on. you know, the information that you
give really means a lot

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