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Abstract. In this note we describe the cohomology ring of the Grassmannian of k-planes in n-dimensional
complex vector space as an GLn -module. We give explicit formulas for the operators of its principal sl2 -triple.
It is proved that one of these operators corresponds to the shifted cohomology degree operator and the second
operator coincides with the Lefschetz map on cohomology (as in the hard Lefschetz theorem). We check that
arXiv:2111.08754v1 [math.AG] 16 Nov 2021

the cohomology ring of the complex Grassmannian as a GLn -representation is isomorphic to the k-th exterior
power of the standard n-dimensional representation.

1. Introduction
1.1. Cohomology ring. Fix positive integers n and k such that 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1. Consider the corresponding
complex Grassmannian Gr(k, n) of k-dimensional subspaces in a n-dimensional complex vector space which we
will denote as W . We will consider the cohomology ring H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) of Gr(k, n) with complex coefficients.
Since all odd cohomology groups of the Gr(k, n) are trivial its cohomology ring is commutative.
Recall that over Gr(k, n) there are three canonical vector bundles: the trivial bundle T = Gr(k, n) × Cn of
rank n, the universal subbundle S of rank k, whose fiber at each point Λ is the k-plane Λ itself and the universal
quotient bundle Q of rank n − k defined as quotient Q = S/T .
Then, for the total Chern classes c(S), c(Q) and c(T ) we have the following equalities:
c(S) = c0 (S) + c1 (S) + . . . + ck (S),
(1.1) c(Q) = c0 (Q) + c1 (Q) + . . . + cn−k (Q),
c(T ) = c(S)c(Q) = 1.
Note that here c0 (S) = c0 (Q) = 1 and c(T ) = c0 (T ) = 1. Moreover, it is known that in terms of Chern classes of
bundles S and Q the cohomology ring H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) can be described in the following way (see [1, Proposition
Proposition 1.1. As a ring, H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) is isomorphic to the quotient algebra
(1.2) C[c1 (S), . . . , ck (S), c1 (Q), . . . , cn−k (Q)]/(c(S)c(Q) − 1).
Denote for brevity pj = cj (S) for 1 ≤ j ≤ k and ql = cl (Q) for 1 ≤ l ≤ n − k. We also let p0 = q0 = 1,
pj = 0 if j > k or j < 0 and ql = 0 if l > n − k or l < 0. Then, the proposition above states that cohomology
ring of the complex Grassmannian is isomorphic to the quotient algebra A = C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I. Here
I is the ideal in the polynomial algebra C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] generated by elements Rm , which are defined
via the polynomial identity
(1.3) xn + R1 xn−1 + . . . + Rn−1 x + Rn = (xk + p1 xk−1 + . . . + pk )(xn−k + q1 xn−k−1 + . . . + qn−k ),
or explicitly as X
Rm = pr qs for 1 ≤ m ≤ n.

Remark 1.1. Cohomological degree on H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) produces a grading on algebra A. Since the Chern
Q α Q
classes pj = cj (S) and qj = cj (Q) have cohomological degree 2j the degree of a monomial a = j pj j l qlβl in
A equals
X n−k
(1.4) deg(a) = 2 jαj + 2 lβl .
j=1 l=1

Date: November 18, 2021.


1.2. GLn (C)-structure. According to the Geometric Satake isomorphism of [12] there is a canonical isomor-
phism between the monoidal categories of irreducible representations of a complex reductive group and of
perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmanian for the Langlands dual group. A refined version [12, 7.4 Corol-
lary] identifies the weight space decomposition of a maximal torus on the irreducible representation with the
decomposition of the intersection cohomology of the matching affine Schubert cell in the affine Grassmannian
into the classes of certain Mirkovic-Vilonen cycles. In the case of GLn and its k-th fundamental representation
Vk n
on C the corresponding affine Schubert cell is our classical Grassmanian Gr(k, n). The Mirkovic-Vilonen
cycles correspond to the classical Schubert cells in Gr(k, n). [12, 7.4 Corollary] in this case implies that the
canonical isomorphism H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) ∼
Vk n
= C matches the cohomology classes of the classical Schubert cells
Vk n
with pure k-forms in C as explained in Subsection 3.2. Namely, this isomorphism sends the Schubert class
Vk Vk n
σλ ∈ H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) to the basis element j=1 eλj +k−j of C , where λ is a partition of the length at most
k and whose parts are at most n − k and {ej }j=0 is a basis of Cn . We review this isomorphism in Section 3 of
this paper.
In particular, we can regard the cohomology ring of the complex Grassmannian as a GLn -representation.
Proposition 1.2. The cohomology ring of the complex Grassmannian can be endowed with the structure of
a GLn -module and as a GLn -representation it is isomorphic to the k-th exterior power of the standard n-
dimensional GLn -representation.
Remark 1.2. Of course, in order to prove the proposition in this formulation we only need to check that
H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) as a vector space has the dimension nk (the dimension of the k-th exterior power of an n-

dimensional vector space). However, we will show that there are some connections between the inner structure
of the cohomology ring and the GLn -structure defined in Subsection 3.2. Specifically, we will show that the
Dynkin’s grading (see Subsection 1.3 and Proposition 1.5) on the weight spaces corresponds to the cohomological
1.3. Dynkin’s grading and principal sl2 -triples. Dynkin in his paper [3] considered irreducible represen-
tations of semisimple Lie groups and proved several properties of their weight systems. In that paper he also
introduced what is now called ‘a principal sl2 -triple’. In this paragraph, we will give a short overview of Dynkin’s
results from [3] which will be used in the sequel.
Let g be a complex semisimple Lie algebra and let h be its Cartan subalgebra. Denote the set of simple
roots of the Lie algebra g by S and the Killing form by B(·, ·).
Definition 1.3. An sl2 -triple in the Lie algebra g is a triple (e, f, h) of elements of g which satisfy the following
commutation relations:
(1.5) [h, e] = 2e, [h, f ] = −2f, [e, f ] = h.
In other words, elements e, f and h span a representation of sl2 in g.
Elements e and f are often referred to as nilpotent while operator h is often referred to as semisimple.
These names are justified by the fact that in every sl2 -triple as linear operators e and f are nilpotent and
operator h is semisimple. The latter is one of consequences of the representation theory of sl2 .
Definition 1.4. An sl2 -triple is called principal if its elements are regular elements of the Lie algebra g, that
is, their centralizers has the least possible dimension (see [6, Appendix D, Def. D.2]). The corresponding three-
dimensional Lie subalgebra spanned by the elements of the principal sl2 -triple is called principal sublagebra.
Let Vλ be the irreducible representation of g with the highest weight λ and ρ : g → gl(Vλ ) be the cor-
responding homomorphism. Dynkin proved that every weight µ of the representation Vλ can be represented
(1.6) µ = λ − α1 − . . . − αk , where α1 , . . . , αk ∈ S.
Moreover, for any such decomposition the number k is the same. Following Dynkin, we will say that weight µ
is a weight of the level k if the equality (1.6) holds for some α1 , . . . , αk ∈ S.
Dynkin constructed in g three special elements e, f and h, where h ∈ h, which after multiplying by some
constants satisfy the following relations:
(1.7) [h, e] = 2e, [h, f ] = −2f, [e, f ] = h

and also
(1.8) α(h) = 2 for all α ∈ S.
The explicit construction of e, f and h is discussed in more detail in the Section 2 of this note. Note that triple
{e, f, h} is not defined uniquely by these conditions (see Section 2 and Remark 2.1).
In particular, triple {e, f, h} spans a three-dimensional subalgebra of g and form a principal sl2 -triple.
Denote this subalgebra by s and note that s is isomorphic to sl2 . It is clear that Vλ can be also considered as
a representation of the Lie algebra s.
The connection between weight levels and triple {e, f, h} is described by the following observation: the
level k of a weight µ in Vλ can be computed as
λ(h) − µ(h)
(1.9) k= .
In other words, the element h produces a certain grading on the set of weights of Vλ . Moreover, it turns out that
this grading corresponds exactly to the weight decomposition of Vλ as an s-representation. Namely, consider
decomposition of Vλ into eigenspaces of ρ(h):
(1.10) Vλ = Vλ,d−2k ,
where Vλ,r is the r-eigenspace of ρ(h), i.e.
Vλ,r = ker(ρ(h) − r · id).
Dynkin proved that d = λ(h) and that Vλ,d−2k is a direct sum of the g-weight spaces of Vλ corresponding to
the weights of level k.
Besides that, it follows from the representation theory of sl2 that eigenspaces Vλ,2j−d and Vλ,d−2j has
the same dimension and moreover, the map ρ(e)2(d−2j) : Vλ,2j−d → Vλ,d−2j produces a linear isomorphism
between these vector spaces. Similarly, the map ρ(f )2(d−2j) : Vλ,d−2j → Vλ,2j−d is also a linear isomorphism.
We will observe similar effects on H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) which are the consequences of the hard Lefschetz theorem
(see Remark 1.3).
1.4. Main results. Proposition 1.2 states that H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) is isomorphic as a representation of GLn to its
Vk n
k-th fundamental representation C . Recall that any representation of a Lie group produces a representa-
tion of the corresponding Lie algebra. Namely, if G is a Lie algebra, g is the corresponding Lie algebra and
ρ : G → GL(V ) is a representation of G, then differential dρ : g → gl(V ) is a representation of g. In particular,
Proposition 1.2 implies there is an action of the Lie algebra gln (C) on the cohomology ring H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) of
the Grassmannian. Thus, we can also regard H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) as an sln (C)-representation.
Let {e, f, h} be the Dynkin’s principal sl2 -triple for sln (C) defined as in Subsection 2.3. Denote the
operators which correspond to the actions of e, f and h on cohomology by E, F and H, respectively. It turns
out that the actions H and F on the cohomology ring have clear geometrical meaning.
Proposition 1.5. The actions of the elements h and f of the Dynkin’s principal sl2 -triple of sln (C) correspond
to the operators H and F on the cohomology ring H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) which act as follows:
H([ω]) = (k(n − k) − 2j) · [ω],
F ([ω]) = −c1 (S) · [ω]
for every cohomology class [ω] ∈ H 2j (Gr(k, n), C), where 0 ≤ j ≤ k(n − k). Moreover, Dynkin’s grading on
H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) considered as an sln (C)-representation corresponds to the cohomological degree.
In other words, H = k(n − k) · id −2 · Deg, where Deg is the operator of multiplication by the cohomology
degree and F is the operator of multiplication by the negative of the first Chern class (i.e. by −p1 in terms of
algebra A).
Remark 1.3. Note that H 2 (Gr(k, n), C) is one-dimensional, so it is generated by the first Chern class c1 (S) =
−c1 (Q) or by p1 = −q1 in terms of A. Thus, it follows from the hard Lefschetz theorem for the complex Grass-
mannian that for each j ≤ k(n−k)2 the operator F k(n−k)−2j produces an isomorphism between H j (Gr(k, n), C)
and H (Gr(k, n), C). This exactly the same effect that we have seen on weight spaces of the represen-
tations of the Lie algebra s (see Subsection 1.3).

One can ask a natural question: does the action of the operator E have a geometrical meaning? Unfortu-
nately, it seems that the answer for this question is unknown. However, it is possible to describe actions of E,
F and H on H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) completely in terms of the quotient algebra A = C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I and
its generators pi , qj (recall that A is isomorphic to the H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C)). The following proposition is the main
result of this note.
Proposition 1.6. The actions of the operators E, F and H in terms of algebra A can be described via the
following differential operators:
k n−k
X ∂ X ∂
H = −2 jpj −2 jqj + k(n − k),
∂pj j=1
∂q j

X ∂
E =− (k − j + 1)(n − k + j − 1)pj−1 +
X ∂
+ (k + j − 1)(n − k − j + 1)qj−1 +
(1.12) X X ∂2
+ (j + l − 2d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 −
∂pj ∂pl
j,l=1 d=0
X X ∂2
− (j + l − 2d − 1)qd qj+l−d−1 +
∂qj ∂ql
j,l=1 d=0
k n−k
X X X ∂2
+2 (j + l − 1) pd qj+l−d−1 ,
j=1 l=1
∂pj ∂ql
F = − p1 .
Here the elements of the algebra A are considered as the corresponding scalar multiplication operators, i.e. a ∈ A
correspond to the operator La : A → A, where La (b) = a · b.
We prove propositions 1.5 and 1.6 in Section 4 of this note.
Remark 1.4. In particular, differential operators given by these formulas are well defined on the quotient
C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I, i.e. as operators on the whole polynomial algebra C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] they
preserve the ideal I. Moreover, these operators form an sl2 -triple.
1.5. Overview of the proofs of propositions 1.5 and 1.6. On order to prove Proposition 1.5 we will use the
Vk n
explicit formulas for e, f and h given in Subsection 2.3 and the isomorphism between C and H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C).
After that, it is easy to check that actions of H and F on cohomology correspond to the differential operators
in Proposition 1.6. However, the similar check for E requires much more complicated computations involving
many tools from the theory of symmetric functions such as Pieri, Giambelli and Jacobi-Trudi identities. This
is because we do not have an analogue of formulas (1.11) for the operator E. Initially, only the action of E on
Schubert classes is known (see Proposition 3.2).
Instead of performing these computations, we first check that differential operators in Proposition 1.6 are
well defined on A and satisfy the sl2 relations. The proof is straight-forward and rather computational. Since
we have explicit formulas it remains to check some algebraic identities.
Next, in order to prove that the action of the differential operator corresponding to E coincides with
the action of e on A, we use the Jacobson-Morozov theorem. The latter claims that any nonzero nilpotent
endomorphism of the semisimple Lie algebra g can be extended to an sl2 -triple. Moreover, such triple is unique
up to transformation from the centralizer of that nilpotent element, see [13, Chapter 6, Proposition 2.1]. In
particular, for given f and h the third element e of sl2 -triple, if exists, is defined uniquely. Applying this fact to
the Lie algebra of linear operators on A, we obtain the desired. Indeed, since H and F are already the images
of elements h and f of the Dynkin’s principal sl2 -triple and {E, F, H} satisfy sl2 commutation relations, the
operator E must coincide with the image of the element e.
One drawback of this proof is that the differential expression for E is appearing from nowhere. It raises
the following interesting question: given a linear operator on the quotient of the polynomial algebra, how can

we get the differential expression for it? We discuss the general approach for solving such problems in Section
5 of this note.
1.6. Contents. Structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we review the general construction of Dynkin’s
principal sl2 -triples. In Section 3 we review the explicit isomorphism between the cohomology ring and the k-th
exterior power of Cn which is given by means of the Schubert classes. Besides that, we also give actions of
{e, f, h} on the Schubert classes. Section 4 is devoted to the proofs of propositions 1.6 and 1.5. In Section 5
we discuss general approach for finding differential expression for a given linear operator acting on polynomial
algebra (or its quotient). Finally, in Section 6 we give concluding remarks to this paper.
Acknowledgements. This work was done during the IST Austria Summer Program and with the support
of OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation). The author is grateful to his supervisor
Tamás Hausel for the constant guidance and useful advice and also to Anton Mellit for fruitful discussions.

2. Construction of Dynkin’ principal sl2 -triples

In this section we discuss the construction of Dynkin’ principal sl2 -triples. It will be useful to consider
more general context.
2.1. Notation and conventions. Let g be a semisimple Lie algebra. Denote by ad the adjoint map ad(·)(·) : g×
g → g which is defined as ad(X)(Y ) = [X, Y ].
Let h be a Cartan subalgebra of the Lie algebra g. Consider the corresponding root system and the
(2.1) g=h⊕ gα ,
where R is the set of roots of the Lie algebra g. Here gα is a root space corresponding to the root α ∈ h∗ , i.e.
for any H ∈ h and X ∈ gα we have
(2.2) ad(H)(X) = α(H) · X,
so the ad(H) acts diagonally on gα . In fact, each subspace gα is one-dimensional.
It is known that the set R of roots is symmetric with respect to the origin and one can choose an element
l ∈ (h∗ )∗ such that 0 ∈/ l(R) and then decompose R into two subsets: R+ and R− depending on the sign of l(α).
These roots are called positive and negative, respectively. We define then the set of simple roots as the set of
those α ∈ R+ which cannot be represented as sum of two elements in R+ . We will denote the set of simple
roots as S.
Let B(·, ·) : g × g → C be the Killing form which is defined via the formula B(X, Y ) = tr(ad(X) ◦ ad(Y )).
It can be shown that B(·, ·) is a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear from on the semisimple Lie algebra g (and
on h in particular) and, hence, the Killing form produces a natural isomorphism between h∗ and h given by the
α ∈ h∗ ↔ Tα ∈ h,
where Tα is defined by
(2.3) B(Tα , H) = α(H) for all H ∈ h.
Using this isomorphism we can define the Killing form on h∗ via formula
(2.4) B(Tα , Tβ ) = B(α, β).
2.2. Dynkin’s construction. Now we can construct a principal sl2 -triple which satisfies conditions (1.7) and
(1.8). For each α ∈ S choose an Xα ∈ gα and Yα ∈ g−α such that
B(Xα , Yα ) = 1.
Next, consider elements e, f , h defined by the equalities
(2.5) h= pα T α , e = u α Xα , f = vα Yα
α∈S α∈S α∈S
where complex numbers uα , vα and pα satisfy the following conditions
(2.6) B(h, Tα ) = 2 for all α ∈ S
(2.7) uα vα = pα for all α ∈ S.

In other words, uα , vα and pα satisfy the following system

 B(Tα , Tβ ) · pα = 2
(2.8) β∈S
u v = p
α α α

for all α ∈ S.
Remark 2.1. It is clear that this principal sl2 -triple is not unique since the only condition on uα and vα is that
their product equals pα . However, the element h is defined uniquely by the system (2.8) because the matrix
{B(Tα , Tβ )}α,β∈S is nondegenerate.
Dynkin stated in his paper [3] the following fact:
Proposition 2.1. Operators E, F, H defined via (2.8) satisfy conditions (1.7) and (1.8). In particular, for any
finite-dimensional representation ρ : g → gl(V ) the triple {ρ(E), ρ(F ), ρ(H)} is an sl2 -triple acting on V .
2.3. Explicit formulas for the case g = sln (C). We will use the standard matrix representation of sln .
It would be convenient for us to enumerate rows and columns by numbers from 0 to n − 1. For any i, j ∈
{0, 1, . . . , n − 1} let Eij be the (i, j)-th matrix unit. It can be computed that elements of Dynkin’s triple in the
case g = sln (C) are as follows
h= (n − 1 − 2j)Ejj ,
(2.9) e= uj · Ej−1j ,
f= u−1
j · j(n − j)Ejj−1 ,
where {uj }j=1are arbitrary nonzero scalars. From now on we set uj = j(n − j) for all j = 1, n − 1 in further
results. In this case we have
h= (n − 1 − 2j)Ejj ,
(2.10) e= j(n − j) · Ej−1j ,
f= Ejj−1 .

We will often refer to this particular triple as to the Dynkin’s principal sl2 -triple of sln (C).
Remark 2.2. One can also choose uj = 1 instead of uj = j(n − j). This option is used for example, in [2,
Chapter 3, 3.7].
Now, using this formulas one can find the action of {e, f, h} on the basis of the k-th exterior power
Cn . Let V = Cn be the standard n-dimensional representation of sln (C) with the basis {e0 , . . . , en−1 } and
ρ : g → gl( V ) be the corresponding representation of g. Then, it easy to check using (2.10) that for any basis
vector ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk in V we have
ρ(h)(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = k(n − 1) − 2 jl · ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ,
(2.11) ρ(e)(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = jl (n − jl ) · ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejl−1 ∧ ejl +1 ∧ ejl+1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ,
ρ(f )(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejl−1 ∧ ejl +1 ∧ ejl+1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk .

3. GLn -structure on the cohomology ring

In this section we discuss the GLn -structure on the cohomology ring of the complex Grassmannian.

3.1. Schubert classes. The cohomology ring of the Grassmannian can be also described via the Schubert
calculus. We refer the reader to [4, Chapter 14, Sections 14.6 and 14.7], [5, Chapter 9, Section 9.4] and [8,
Sections 3 and 4] for more details.
Let us first recall some notions from the theory of symmetric functions. A partition is a nonincreasing
sequence of nonnegative integers λ = (λ1 , . . . , λm ). The size of the partition λ, denoted |λ|, is j λj , the
entries of λ are called its parts and the number of nonzero parts, denoted ℓ(λ), is called the length of λ. The
Young diagram of a partition λ is the left-aligned partial grid of boxes in which the i-th row from the top has
λi boxes. Let Pk,n be the set of partitions λ of the length at most k and whose parts are at most n − k.

Remark 3.1. In terms of the Young diagrams the set Pk,n consists of all partitions λ, whose Young diagram
can be embedded into the rectangle k × (n − k).

Fix an arbitrary complete flag F = (Fj )nj=1 in the initial n-dimensional vector space W :

(3.1) 0 ⊂ F1 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Fn−1 ⊂ Fn = W.

For each partition λ ∈ Pk,n the Schubert subvariety Ωλ associated to F is defined as

(3.2) Ωλ = {U ∈ Gr(k, n) : dim(U ∩ Fr ) = j for n − k + j − λj ≤ n − k + j − λj+1 }.

The corresponding Schubert class σλ is defined as the cohomology class dual to Ωλ .

The following proposition describes multiplication in the cohomology ring in terms of Schubert classes.

Proposition 3.1. Schubert classes {σλ }λ∈Pk,n form C-basis in the cohomology ring H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C). The ring
structure is given by the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients cνλµ :
(3.3) σλ · σµ = cνλµ · σν .

Moreover, there is an isomorphism

(3.4) H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) ≃ Λ[x1 , x2 , . . .]/(sλ | λ ∈

/ Pk,n ),

where Λ[x1 , x2 , . . .] is the ring of the symmetric functions in infinitely many variables; under this isomorphism
the Schubert class σλ maps to the Schur function sλ which corresponds to the partition λ.

In this description of the cohomology ring of the Grassmannian the Chern classes correspond to the
elementary and complete symmetric functions. Namely, under the isomorphism mentioned in Proposition 3.1
we have the following correspondence:

pj ←→ (−1)j ej = (−1)j s(1,...,1) ,

qj ←→ hj = s(j) ,

where ej is the j-th elementary symmetric polynomial and hj is the j-th complete symmetric polynomial (see
[10] for more details).

3.2. Isomorphism with the k-th exterior power of Cn . Let V = Cn be an n-dimensional vector space
with basis {e0 , . . . , en−1 }. Now, following [7, Section 1.3], let us assign to each partition λ = (λ1 , . . . , λk ), where
eλj +k−j of the k-th exterior power k V . Note that while λ runs over the
λ ∈ Pk,n , the basis element
set Pk,n , the sequence (λj + k − j)kj=1 runs over all strictly decreasing sequences with elements from the set
{0, 1, . . . , n − 1}.
Thus, we defined a linear isomorphism between H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) and k Cn , so now we can endow the
cohomology ring of Gr(k, n) with a structure of a GLn -representation via this correspondence.

As was mentioned in Subsection 2.3, the elements of the Dynkin’s sl2 -triple of sln (C) act on basis vectors
of V in the following way:
ρ(h)(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = (k(n − 1) − 2(j1 + . . . + jk )) · ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ,
ρ(e)(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = jl (n − jl ) · ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejl−1 ∧ ejl −1 ∧ ejl+1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ,
(3.6) l=1
ρ(f )(ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk ) = ej1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejl−1 ∧ ejl +1 ∧ ejl+1 ∧ . . . ∧ ejk .
Here we define e−1 = en = 0.
Now using the isomorphism between V and H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) we can describe the action of the triple
{E, F, H} on Schubert classes. The following proposition is an immediate consequence of formulas (3.6) and
the aforementioned isomorphism.
Proposition 3.2. Operators E, F and H act on Schubert classes σλ in the following way: for every λ ∈ Pk,n
H(σλ ) = (−2|λ| + k(n − k)) · σλ ,
E(σλ ) = (k + λl − l)(n − k − λl + l) · σλ(l) ,
(3.7) l
F (σλ ) = σµ .

Here µ runs over all partitions from Pk,n which can be obtained from λ by adding one box and l runs over all
indices from {1, 2, . . . , k} for which the sequence
λ(l) = (λ1 , . . . , . . . , λl−1 , λl − 1, λl+1 , . . . , λk )
is a partition from Pk,n .
Remark 3.2. We can use this isomorphism in different way. Observe that we can endow the k-th exterior power
of the standard representation V of GLn (or SLn ) with a certain ring structure. It turns out that there is a class
of irreducible representations of semisimple algebraic groups called weight multiplicity free representations
that also possess a similar ring structure. Moreover, weight multiplicity free representations often arise as
cohomology rings of certain projective varieties. For instance, for a minuscule representation the corresponding
projective variety is a generalised flag variety. We refer the reader to the paper [14] for more details. It can be
verified that our ring strucure on k V coincides with the one defined in [14, Section 5 and Theorem 5.5].

4. Proofs of Propositions 1.5 and 1.6

In this section we prove the propositions 1.5 and 1.6. We will need the following simple computational
lemma for both propositions (here [·, ·] denotes the commutator and δkm is the Kronecker delta):
Lemma 4.1. a) For all possible indices j, l, r and s the following commutation relations hold
∂ ∂ ∂
, pr qs = δjr qs , , pr qs = δlr qs + δjr qs ,
∂pj ∂pj ∂pl ∂pj ∂pl
∂ ∂ ∂
, pr qs = δjs pr , , pr qs = δls pr + δjs pr ,
∂qj ∂qj ∂ql ∂qj ∂ql
∂ ∂
, pr qs = δls pr + δjr qs + δjr δls .
∂pj ∂ql ∂pj ∂ql
b) For any nonnegative integers α and β
∂β ∂β
∂ α−1
∂ ∂
x , xα β = (α − β) · xα β and α
,x = α· .
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂xα−1
Proof of Proposition 1.5. Proposition 3.2 gives the explicit formulas for the actions of the elements h and f on
the Schubert classes. Now we will simply check that the action of operators from Proposition 1.5 on Schubert
classes gives the same result as in Proposition 3.2. Denote temporarily the operators from Proposition 1.5 as

H ′ and F ′ . We need to prove that H = H ′ and F = F ′ . Since {σλ }λ∈Pk,n form a basis of H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) (see
Proposition 3.1) it is enough to check that the actions of H, H ′ and F, F ′ on σλ are the same.
For H it is sufficient to notice that according to Proposition 3.2 we have

(4.1) H(σλ ) = (−2|λ| + k(n − k)) · σλ .

Note that the Schubert class σλ has cohomological degree 2|λ| and hence we have H ′ (σλ ) = H(σλ ) (see 1.5).
Similarly, the action of F ′ is the multiplication by −p1 which is the Schubert class of the partition
(1, 0, . . . , 0). Hence,

(4.2) F ′ (σλ ) = σ(1,0,...,0) · σλ .

Now note that for the corresponding Schur functions we have the following identity which is a particular case
of the Pieri’s rule (see [10, Chapter I, 5.16]):
(4.3) s(1,0,...,0) · sλ = sµ ,

where µ runs over all partitions which can be obtained by adding one box to λ. In view of Proposition 3.1 it
means that
(4.4) σ(1,0,...,0) · σλ = σµ ,

where µ runs over all partitions from Pk,n which can be obtained by adding one box to λ. Thus,
(4.5) F ′ (σλ ) = σµ = F (σλ )

for all λ ∈ Pk,n and consequently F = F ′ .

Finally, to check that Dynkin’s grading on H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) corresponds to the cohomological degree it
suffices to observe that H 2j (Gr(k, n), C) is the (k(n − k) − 2j)-eigenspace for the operator H. Therefore, the
decomposition H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) = j=0 H 2j (Gr(k, n), C) is the weight decomposition of H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) as
an s-representation. 

∂2 ∂2
Remark 4.1. At first glance, it might seem that coefficients of ∂pj ∂pl and ∂qj ∂ql in the expression of E (see
(1.12)) are not symmetric with respect to j and l. However, these coefficients (j + l − 2d − 1)pdpj+l−d−1 and
(j + l − 2d − 1)qd qj+l−d−1 are indeed symmetric with respect to j and l since

X j−1
X j−1
(j + l − 2d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 = (j + l − d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 − dpd pj+l−d−1 =
d=0 d=0 d=0
X j−1
= dpd pj+l−d−1 − dpd pj+l−d−1 =
d=0 d=0
X l
= dpd pj+l−d−1 − dpd pj+l−d−1 =
d=0 d=0
= (j + l − 2d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 .

In addition, we can make the expression pd qj+l−d−1 , which is the coefficient of ∂pj ∂ql in E, symmetric with
respect to the variables pj and ql in A since we have

X j+l−1
X j+l−1
pd qj+l−d−1 = pd qj+l−d−1 − pd qj+l−d−1 =
d=0 d=0 d=j
X l−1
= Rj+l−1 − pd qj+l−d−1 ≡ − pd qj+l−d−1 (mod I).
d=0 d=0

Thus, the coefficient of ∂pj ∂ql in E can be rewritten as

j−1 j−1 l−1

X 1 X X
pd qj+l−d−1 ≡ pd qj+l−d−1 − pd qj+l−d−1 (mod I).
d=0 d=0 d=0

We use this observations in the proof of Proposition 1.6.

Proof of Proposition 1.6. Denote differential operators defined in Proposition 1.6 which correspond to E, F and
H as De , Df and Dh , respectively. Firstly, note that De , Df and Dh are linear operators on the polynomial
algebra C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]. We will say that a differential operator D on C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] is
zero modulo I if all its coefficients are zero modulo I. In other words, D is zero modulo I if it can be represented
as linear combination

k n−k
X Y ∂ αj Y ∂ βl
(4.8) aαβ · αj ,
α,β j=1
∂pj l=1 ∂qlβj

where aαβ ∈ I for all α = (α1 , . . . , αk ) and β = (β1 , . . . , βn−k ). In particular, if D is zero modulo I, then its
image is contained in I. The proof of Proposition 1.6 is divided into three steps.
Step 1. We prove that differential operators De , Df and Dh are well defined operators on the quotient
A = C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I.
In order to prove that De , Df , Dh are well defined on the quotient C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I we need to
check that they preserve the ideal I. Clearly, for this it is sufficient to check that for all m the commutators
[De , Rm ], [Df , Rm ] and [Dh , Rm ] are zero modulo I (here we consider Rm as a scalar multiplication operator).
Indeed, in this case for any elements fm ∈ C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] we have
(4.9) !
X X X  X
Dh fm Rm = Dh (Rm fm ) = [Dh , Rm ](fm ) + Rm · Dh (fm ) ≡ Rm · Dh (fm ) ≡ 0 (mod I)
m m m m

which implies that Dh (I) ⊂ I (similarly for De and Df ).

Now we proceed to the computation of these commutators. Since Df is a scalar operator, the equality
[Df , Rm ] = 0 is trivial. It remains to compute [Dh , Rm ] and [Df , Rm ] (here we use Lemma 4.1).

k   n−k
X  k  
X ∂ ∂ X ∂
[Dh , Rm ] = − 2 jpj , Rm − 2 jqj , Rm = −2 jpj , pj qm−j −
∂pj j=1
∂qj j=1
X  k n−k
∂ X X
(4.10) −2 jqj , pm−j qj = −2 jpj qm−j − 2 jpm−j qj =
∂qj j=1 j=1
X m
X m
= −2 jpj qm−j − 2 jpm−j qj = −2m pj qm−j = −2m · Rm ≡ 0 (mod I).
j=0 j=0 j=0

Similar computation for [De , Rm ] is more complicated. Since [Df , Rm ] = [Df , pr qs ] it is useful to compute
[Df , pr qs ] first. Lemma 4.1 implies that

X n−k
[De , pr qs ] = − (k − j + 1)(n − k + j − 1)δjr pj−1 qs + (k + j − 1)(n − k − j + 1)δjs pr qj−1 +
j=1 j=1
X X ∂ ∂
+ (j + l − 2d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 δlr qs − δjr qs −
∂pj ∂pl
j,l=1 d=0
(4.11) j−1
X X ∂ ∂
− (j + l − 2d − 1)qd qj+l−d−1 δls pr − δjs pr +
∂qj ∂ql
j,l=1 d=0
k n−k
X X X ∂ ∂
+2 (j + l − 1) pd qj+l−d−1 δls pr + δjr qs + δjr δls .
j=1 l=1
∂pj ∂ql

Thus, modulo I we have (here we use the symmetry mentioned in Remark 4.1)

[De , pr qs ] = − (k − r + 1)(n − k + r − 1)pr−1 qs + (k + s − 1)(n − k − s + 1)pr qs−1 +

k X n−k l−1
X ∂ XX ∂
+2 (j + r − 2d − 1)pd pj+r−d−1 qs
−2 (l + s − 2d − 1)qd ql+s−d−1 pr +
j=1 d=0
∂p j ∂q l
l=1 d=0
! n−k l−1
X X ∂ X X ∂
+2 (j + s − 1) pd qj+s−d−1 pr −2 (r + l − 1) pr+l−d−1 qd qs +
∂pj ∂ql
d=0 l=1 d=0
+ 2(r + s − 1) pd qr+s−d−1 .

P l−1
Here we used the fact that pd qr+l−d−1 = − pr+l−d−1 qd modulo I. Rearranging the previous sum, we see
d=0 d=0
k n−k
X (rs) ∂ X (rs) ∂
(4.12) [De , pr qs ] = 2 Aj −2 Bl + C (rs) ,
∂pj ∂ql

(rs) (rs) (rs)

where Aj , Bj and Cj are defined as

j−1 j−1
Aj = (j + r − 2d − 1)pd pj+r−d−1 qs + (j + s − 1) pd qj+s−d−1 pr ,
d=0 d=0
l−1 l−1
Bj = (l + s − 2d − 1)qd ql+s−d−1 pr + (r + l − 1) pr+l−d−1 qd qs ,
(4.13) d=0 d=0

C (rs) = −(k − r + 1)(n − k + r − 1)pr−1 qs + (k + s − 1)(n − k − s + 1)pr qs−1 +

+ 2(r + s − 1) pd qr+s−d−1 .

Now, in order to prove that [De , Rm ] ≡ 0 (mod I), it suffices to check that

(rs) (rs)
(4.14) Aj ≡ 0, Bj ≡ 0, C (rs) ≡ 0 (mod I).
r+s=m r+s=m r+s=m

We compute the sum of C (rs) first. Note that

C (rs) = − (k − r + 1)(n − k + r − 1)pr−1 qs +
r+s=m r+s=m
(4.15) X r−1
+ (k + s − 1)(n − k − s + 1)pr qs−1 + 2(m − 1) pd qm−d−1 .
r+s=m d=0


− (k − r + 1)(n − k + r − 1)pr−1 qs + (k + s − 1)(n − k − s + 1)pr qs−1 =
r+s=m r+s=m
=− (k − u)(n − k + u)pu qv + (k + v)(n − k − v)pu qv =
u+v=m−1 u+v=m−1
(4.16) X X
= (n − 2k + u − v)(u + v)pu qv = (m − 1) (n − 2k + u − v)pu qv =
u+v=m−1 u+v=m−1
= (m − 1)(n − 2k)Rm−1 + (m − 1) (u − v)pu qv ≡ (m − 1) (u − v)pu qv (mod I)
u+v=m−1 u+v=m−1


X X m−1
(4.17) pd qm−d−1 = (m − d)pd qm−d−1 = (v + 1)pu qv ,
r+s=m d=0 d=0 u+v=m−1

we have

C (rs) ≡ (m − 1) (u − v)pu qv + 2(m − 1) (v + 1)pu qv =
r+s=m u+v=m−1 u+v=m−1
(4.18) X
= (m − 1) (u + v + 2)pu qv = (m2 − 1)Rm−1 ≡ 0 (mod I)

for all m ≥ 1.
P (rs) (rs)
Next we check that Aj ≡ 0 (mod I) for all m ≥ 1 (the proof for Bj is similar). Indeed, we

j−1 j−1
(4.19) Aj = (j + r − 2d − 1)pd pj+r−d−1 qs + (j + s − 1) pd qj+s−d−1 pr .
r+s=m r+s=m d=0 r+s=m d=0

Now note that modulo I we have (here we make substitutions in summations: u = s − l − 1, v = m − s, w = l)

X j−1
X X s−1
(j + s − 1) pd qj+s−d−1 pr ≡ − (j + s − 1) pj+s−l−1 ql pr =
r+s=m d=0 r+s=m l=0
(4.20) = [u = s − l − 1, v = m − s, w = l, u + v + w = m − 1, u, v, w ≥ 0] =
=− (j + u + w)pj+u pv qw (mod I).

On the other hand,

j−1 j−1 j−1
(j + r − 2d − 1)pd pj+r−d−1 qs = qs (j + r − d − 1)pd pj+r−d−1 − dpd pj+r−d−1 =
r+s=m d=0 r+s=m d=0 d=0
j+r−1 j−1
= qs dpd pj+r−d−1 − dpd pj+r−d−1 =
r+s=m d=r d=0
 
X j+r−1
X r−1
= qs  dpd pj+r−d−1 − dpd pj+r−d−1  =
r+s=m d=j d=0
X X r−1
= (j + d)pj+d qr−d−1 qs − dpd pj+r−d−1 qs .
r+s=m d=0 r+s=m d=0

Now we can rearrange the last expression in a way similar to (4.20). Note that
(j + d)pj+d qr−d−1 qs = [u = d, v = s, w = r − d − 1, u, v, w ≥ 0] =
(4.22) r+s=m d=0
= [u + v + w = m − 1] = (j + u)pj+u qv pw

dpd pj+r−d−1 qs = [u = r − d − 1, v = d, w = s, u, v, w ≥ 0] =
(4.23) r+s=m d=0
= [u + v + w = m − 1] = vpj+u qv pw .

Finally, combining equalities (4.19) and (4.20) − (4.23) we obtain

Aj ≡ pj+u qv pw (j + u − v − j − u − w) =
r+s=m u+v+w=m−1
= pj+u qv pw (−v − w) =
(4.24) m−1
= pj+u (u − m + 1) pw qv =
u=0 v+w=m−1−u
= (u − m + 1)pj+u · Rm−1−u ≡ 0 (mod I),
P (rs)
as desired. The congruence Bj ≡ 0 (mod I) can be checked in the same way.
Thus, we proved that differential operators [Dh , Rm ], [De , Rm ] and [Df , Rm ] are zero modulo I. Hence,
De , Df and Dh are well defined on the quotient A = C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ]/I.
Step 2. We check that triple {De , Df , Dh } satisfy the sl2 -commutation relations (1.5). In other words,
we need to check the following eqialities:
(4.25) [De , Df ] = Dh , [Dh , De ] = 2De , [Dh , Df ] = −2Df .
Commutators [De , Df ] and [Dh , Df ] can be easily computed directly. This is because Df is the scalar multipli-
cation by −p1 , so we only need to take terms containing differentiation with respect to p1 into account. Indeed,
Lemma 4.1 implies that

[Dh , Df ] = −2p1 , −p1 = 2p1 = 2Df and

X ∂
[De , Df ] = − [De , p1 ] = (k − j + 1)(n − k + j − 1)pj−1 , p1 −
X X 
− (j + l − 2d − 1)pd pj+l−d−1 , p1 −
∂pj ∂pl
j,l=1 d=0
k n−k
X X X 
−2 (j + l − 1) pd qj+l−d−1 , p1 =
j=1 l=1
∂pj ∂ql
k n−k
X ∂ X ∂
= k(n − k) − 2 lpl −2 lql = Dh .
∂pl ∂ql
l=1 l=1

In order to prove that [Dh , De ] = 2De let us make the following observation first. Lemma 4.1 implies that for
any 2n nonnegative integers α1 , . . . , αk , β1 , . . . , βk and γ1 , . . . , γn−k , δ1 . . . , δn−k for the operator
 
k n−k k  βj n−k
Y  ∂ δl
Y αj
Y γ Y ∂
D=  pj ql l
j=1 j=1
∂pj ∂ql
l=1 l=1

we have
 
Xk n−k
(4.27) [Dh , D] =  2j(βj − αj ) + 2l(δl − γl ) · D.
j=1 l=1

Thus, in order to check the equality [Dh , De ] = 2De it suffices to check that for each term of De the value of
Pk n−k
2j(βj − αj ) + 2l(δl − γl ) equals 2 which is clear from the definition of De (see (1.12)).
j=1 l=1
Step 3. We prove that De , Df and Dh coincide with operators E, F and H defined in Subsection 3.2.
We will check this for Df and Dh first. According to Proposition 3.2 the action of F corresponds to the
multiplication by the negative of the first Chern class, i.e. by −c1 (S) = −p1 . Hence, the action of F coincides
with the action of Df = −p1 .
In order to prove that operators Dh and H coincide it suffices to check that the image of any element
a ∈ A of the degree deg(a) = d under the differential operator Dh equals H(a) = (−d + k(n − k)) · a. Indeed,
α Qn−k βl
for any monomial a = kj=1 pj j l=1
ql we have
     
k n−k k n−k k n−k
α α
(4.28) Dh (a) = Dh  pj j qlβl  = −2 jαj − 2 lβl + k(n − k) ·  pj j qlβl  ,
j=1 l=1 j=1 l=1 j=1 l=1

so due to (1.4) we have Dh (a) = (−d + k(n − k)) · a = H(a), as desired.

Finally, in order to prove that De and E coincide we use the corollary of the Jacobson-Morozov theorem.
Namely, we use the following fact: for given semisimple and nilpotent elements of the semisimple Lie algebra
the third element which complements the first two to sl2 -triple, if exists, is unique. Now note that {E, F, H}
and {De , Df , Dh } are sl2 -triples. Therefore, equalities Dh = H and Df = F imply De = E. 

Remark 4.2. It is evident that the essential part of the proof consisted of computations. Namely, the proof of
Proposition 1.6 reduces to the computation of commutators [De , Rm ], [Df , Rm ], [Dh , Rm ], [De , Df ], [Dh , De ]
and [Dh , Df ].

5. Construction of the operator De

In this section we outline the way in which we obtained the expression for the operator De . From the
formal point of view, there this is unnecessary for the proof of Proposition 1.6 since we have already shown
that De corresponds to the action of E on cohomology. However, it might be beneficial to describe the general
approach which might be useful for similar problems.

Suppose that we have a linear operator L on polynomial algebra C[x1 , . . . , xm ]. We will show an algorithm
which represents T as a differential operator, i.e. in form
∂ ∂
(5.1) L=P ,..., ,
∂x1 ∂xm
where P (y1 , . . . , ym ) is a polynomial in m variables with coefficients in C[x1 , . . . , xm ]:
(5.2) P (y1 , . . . , ym ) = pk1 ,...,km (x1 , . . . , xm ) yj j .
k1 ,...,km j=1

In other words, our goal is to express T in the form

X ∂ k1 +...+km
(5.3) L= pk1 ,...,km (x1 , . . . , xm ) k1
k1 ,...,km
∂x1 . . . ∂xkmm
for some polynomials pk1 ,...,km ∈ C[x1 , . . . , xm ].
Definition 5.1. Let S be a complex commutative algebra with unit. An operator L : S → S is called a
differential operator of order 0 if L = La (or simply L = a) for some a ∈ S where La is an operator of
multiplication by a: La (b) = a · b. An operator L : S → S is called a differential operator of order d ≥ 1 if for
any a ∈ S the commutator [L, La ] = [L, a] is a differential operator of order d − 1 (or less). (Here we consider
elements of S as corresponding scalar operators.)
This definition is motivated by the polynomial algebra: if S = C[x1 , . . . , xm ], then this definition is
equivalent to the standard definition of the differential operator of order d in variables x1 , . . . , xm .
Remark 5.1. If S is generated by elements {aj }j∈A , then to check that L is a differential operator of order k
it is sufficient to check that commutators [L, aj ] is a differential operator. In particular, for S = C[x1 , . . . , xm ]
we only need to compute commutators of the form [L, xj ].
For the sake of simplicity we will consider only the case when S = C[x1 , . . . , xm ]. However, everything
also works in case when S is a quotient of polynomial a algebra.
The ring of linear operators on C[x1 , . . . , xm ] possess a natural structure of the Lie algebra in which the
Lie bracket is the commutator [·, ·] of two linear operators. We will denote the operator [·, x] as Adjx . Next,
note that for any p(x1 , . . . , xm ) ∈ C[x1 , . . . , xm ] and nonnegative integers k1 , . . . , km
∂ k1 +...+km ∂ k1 +...+km −1
(5.4) Adjxj p(x1 , . . . , xm ) k1 = kj p(x1 , . . . , xm ) .
∂x1 . . . ∂xkmm kj−1
∂xk11 . . . ∂xj−1
k −1
∂xj j ∂xj+1
. . . ∂xkmm
Thus, for any polynomial P in variables y1 , . . . , ym with coefficients in C[x1 , . . . , xm ] we have
∂ ∂ ∂P ∂ ∂
(5.5) Adjxj P ,..., = ,..., ,
∂x1 ∂xm ∂yj ∂x1 ∂xm
which implies that for any nonnegative integers k1 , . . . , kn the following equality holds:
  ∂ k1 +...+km

k1 km ∂ ∂ P ∂ ∂
(5.6) Adjx1 ◦ . . . ◦ Adjxm P ,..., = ,..., .
∂x1 ∂xm ∂y1k1 . . . ∂ym
km ∂x1 ∂xm
The last formula provides a way to compute coefficients of a differential operator if its action on C[x1 , . . . , xm ]
is given. If L is a differential operator of order d, then for any nonnegative numbers {kj }m
j=1 whose sum grater
than d, we have
(5.7) Adjkx11 ◦ . . . ◦ Adjkxm
(L) = 0.
Similarly, for any nonnegative {kj }m j=1 whose sum equals d we have
(5.8) pk1 ,...,km (x1 , . . . , xm ) = Adjkx11 ◦ . . . ◦ Adjkxm (L),
k1 ! . . . km ! m

where pk1 ,...,km (x1 , . . . , xm ) is the coefficient of j=1 (∂/∂xj )kj in L. In this way we can find the terms of order
d in L if we know the action of L on C[x1 , . . . , xm ]. After that we can subtract these terms from L and then
repeat this process. Therefore, the algorithm for finding the differential expression for L is as follows:

• Find the minimal d ≥ 0 such that for all j1 , . . . , jj+1 all operators (Adjxj1 ◦ . . . ◦ Adjxj )(L) are zero.
If L is indeed a differential operator, then such d exists and equals to the order of L.
• Using formula (5.8) find all terms of the (highest) order d in L. After that subtract all these terms from
L and denote the resulting operator as L′ .
• Now L′ is a differential operator whose order is at most d − 1. Repeat the second part of the algorithm
for L′ .
• After d steps we will find the differential expression for L which is the sum of all terms found in the
second part of the algorithm.
Remark 5.2. It is possible to find a closed formula for L in terms of commutators (Adjxj1 ◦ . . . ◦ Adjxjn )(L)
but it seems that such formula would be quite complicated and not suitable for any direct computations.
In our particular problem we knew the action of the operator E on Schubert classes which form a basis of
H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C). With the help of computer it was found out that for all i and j the operator (Adjxi ◦ Adjxj )(E)
is zero. The latter means that E is an differential operator of the order at most 2. After that it remained to
compute coefficients via the formula (5.8). In order to do that we also needed to express Schubert classes in
terms of Chern classes. This was done via the correspondence from the Proposition 3.1, formula (3.5) and
classical formulas from the theory of symmetric functions.

6. Concluding remarks
In this section we give final remarks and discuss several questions related to our work which remain
unanswered in this paper but still seem to be important.
Our description of GLn -structure on the cohomology ring of the complex Grassmannian is quite complicated
and uses a nontrivial isomorphism. This raises the following question.
Question 6.1. Is it possible to describe the GLn -structure on H ∗ (Gr(k, n), C) directly, i.e without reference
to the Schubert classes?
However, we have already seen that even the expression for E is fairly complex, so it is unlikely that GLn -action
on cohomology has a simple description.
Next, since H and F can be described in terms of cohomology it is natural to expect that the same is true
for E. Nevertheless, it is not clear how the differential expression of E can be translated to the language of
Question 6.2. Does the operator E have a geometrical meaning similar to H and F (see (1.11))?
We also could consider the action of {E, F, H} on Schubert classes. Proposition 3.2 suggests that action of F
on σλ corresponds to the addition of one box to λ in all possible ways. Similarly, action of E corresponds to
the deletion of boxes from λ but the meaning of the coefficients (k + λl − l)(n − k − λl + l) is unclear. It would
be interesting to find a combinatorial interpretation of the action of E on Schubert classes.
Finally, our algebra A arose as the cohomology ring of the compact Kähler manifold (complex Grass-
mannian in our case). Such algebras possess special properties because of the Poincare duality and the hard
Lefschetz theorems. There are similar objects in commutative algebra called the Artinian Gorenstein algebras
(see [11, Section 2] for the details). One particular class of examples of Artinian Gorenstein algebras consists
of the quotients C[x1 , . . . , xn ]/I, where the ideal I is generated by some polynomial P ∈ C[y1 , . . . , yn ] in the
following way
∂ ∂
(6.1) I = Ann P, where Ann P = f ∈ C[x1 , . . . , xn ] : f ,..., P =0 .
∂x1 ∂xn
In this case the polynomial P is called the cogenerator of the initial algebra (see also [11, Theorem 2.1]). It can
be checked that for our algebra A the cogenerator equals
(6.2)  
k n−k
X 1 Y Y
αk β1 βn−k
P (x1 , . . . , xk , y1 , . . . , yn−k ) =  cj (S)αj cl (Q)βl  · xα
1 . . . xk y1 . . . yn−k ,

α1 ! . . . αk ! β1 ! . . . βn−k ! j=1
α,β l=1

where summation is over all nonnegative integers αj and βl that satisfy

(6.3) α1 + 2α2 + . . . + kαk + β1 + 2β2 + . . . + (n − k)βn−k = k(n − k).

Thus, the ideal I generated by elements Rm ∈ C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] can be also represented as
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(6.4) I = Ann P = f ∈ C[p1 , . . . , pk , q1 , . . . , qn−k ] : f ,..., , ,... P =0 .
∂p1 ∂pk ∂q1 ∂qn−k
The proof of this fact is similar to the proof of the Theorem 2.1 in [9].
Remark 6.1. Here we identify the one-dimensional top cohomology group H k(n−k) (Gr(k, n), C) with C. Hence,
P is defined up to nonzero scalar.
It appears that closed form for this polynomial P is unknown as well as its connection to the complex
Grassmannian, so we have the following question.
Question 6.3. How does the polynomial P relate to the complex Grassmannian?
The cogenerators are also related to the so called volume polynomials, see [9, Section 4]. We suspect
that P might be related to the hypersymplex ∆kn which is the moment polytope of the Grassmannian with
respect to the action of the maximal torus. Specifically, it seems that the cogenerator of the cohomology ring
of Gr(k, n) coincides with the volume polynomial of the hypersimplex.

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V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Square 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

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