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The process of writing a paragraph

Before talking about the process of writing a paragraph, we must know: what is it? and
what are its parts?

A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. 

There are several types of sentences within the paragraph:

Topic sentences: these are sentences that tell us what each paragraph of a paper is
about, that is, its main idea. This type of sentence summarizes the main idea of a
paragraph and makes it possible that it is not necessary to read the whole paragraph to
extract the central concept.


It supports a thesis statement.

It summarizes the content of a paragraph.

It gives the reader a glimpse of the subject to be tackled and how it would be discussed
in the given paragraph.

Supporting sentences: These are sentences that are related to the main idea and support
it in the sense of giving more details or describing.

The principal function of these type of sentences is allow to detail or explain the
meaning already said in some topical sentence.

Concluding sentences: these are sentences that synthesize the main idea of the
paragraph and are used as an indicator that the paragraph is coming to an end.

To write a good paragraph, you must first define a topic, or "something you intend to
talk about". You must think about the topic sentence and express it taking into account
that it has the necessary elements to expose a complete thought.

What is essential in the construction of a good paragraph is the brevity, clarity, precision
and efficiency with which the ideas are expressed. In addition, it is recommended to
change paragraphs when a logical process is completed and/or when the reader's visual
fatigue demands it.
Step to construct a paragraph

-Decide what the main topic of the paragraph will be.

-Write the information and ideas related to that topic.

-Determine how you want to structure your paragraph.

-Write a main sentence.

-Place supporting details, i.e. secondary sentences that support the main idea.

-Write a concluding sentence.

-Check the spelling and grammar of your paragraph.

-Check the coherence and style of your paragraph.


In conclusion, a paragraph functions in a piece of writing like the word in a sentence,

like the chapter in a novel or the stanza in a poem. It serves to structure the content of
the text and to formally show this organization. In other words, it is the unit of
information and textual meaning.

The main thing that a paragraph must have is related to Coherence and Concordance,
where all the sentences that are contained cover a common theme and that this is
developed as if it were a block within the text, regardless of its length, as long as it deals
with the same topic.

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